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View Full Version : Pres Trump Threatens to Close Southern border

10-18-2018, 10:50 AM
Threatens to send the military there to close it:


I dunno. Good idea, but he might need to declare Martial Law to do it legally.

10-18-2018, 11:17 AM

Should have been done years ago.

10-18-2018, 06:26 PM
Threatens to send the military there to close it:


I dunno. Good idea, but he might need to declare Martial Law to do it legally.Why? The Dems/left would have you believe that, but the fact is, there is nothing wrong with using the US military to defend the sovereign border of the US. I could be mistaken (not really -- I'm a Marine :)), but isn't physically defending the US against invasion one of the US military's primary missions?

That whole "you can't deploy US troops within the US" is being taken out fo context for political purposes. Not like that's anything new for the left. The intent of the law is that the US military no be used against its own citizens. That went about as far as Lincoln :rolleyes: Not that it cannot be used to within the border to protect it.

Would make the military pretty pointless otherwise, wouldn't it?

10-18-2018, 07:03 PM
Why? The Dems/left would have you believe that, but the fact is, there is nothing wrong with using the US military to defend the sovereign border of the US. I could be mistaken (not really -- I'm a Marine :)), but isn't physically defending the US against invasion one of the US military's primary missions?

That whole "you can't deploy US troops within the US" is being taken out fo context for political purposes. Not like that's anything new for the left. The intent of the law is that the US military no be used against its own citizens. That went about as far as Lincoln :rolleyes: Not that it cannot be used to within the border to protect it.

Would make the military pretty pointless otherwise, wouldn't it?

Your points are valid. But it is not an invasion of troops.
If they are engaged on our soil, then the rule of law must apply is the way I am seeing it.

10-18-2018, 07:10 PM
Your points are valid. But it is not an invasion of troops.
If they are engaged on our soil, then the rule of law must apply is the way I am seeing it.The "rule of law" does not preclude the INTENT of the law. Dem's cherry-picking words is not law, IMO.

Using your interpretation, you are saying that if Mexico, Russia or Cana-duh invade, we cannot deploy troops to defend our sovereign border. So we have a military to defend the US but can do so only on foreign soil? Nonsensical.

In order to defend the sovereign border of the US, we HAVE to be able to deploy troops within our border OR we become the invaders OR we let them waltz right in. A long as those troops are facing OUTBOARD, I don't see a valid argument from anyone.

10-18-2018, 07:21 PM
The "rule of law" does not preclude the INTENT of the law. Dem's cherry-picking words is not law, IMO.

Using your interpretation, you are saying that if Mexico, Russia or Cana-duh invade, we cannot deploy troops to defend our sovereign border. So we have a military to defend the US but can do so only on foreign soil? Nonsensical.

In order to defend the sovereign border of the US, we HAVE to be able to deploy troops within our border OR we become the invaders OR we let them waltz right in. A long as those troops are facing OUTBOARD, I don't see a valid argument from anyone.

No, that is not my intent at all. Foreign Nation invades, all bets are off. This is not a nation,
so by rule of law, I think Martial Law should be declared along the border to make it legal under
OUR Laws.

I believe we see the same thing, just in a different manner. Remember, I DID have to attend
Maritime Law Enforcement School 3 times and annual training.

10-18-2018, 07:54 PM
No, that is not my intent at all. Foreign Nation invades, all bets are off. This is not a nation,
so by rule of law, I think Martial Law should be declared along the border to make it legal under
OUR Laws.

I believe we see the same thing, just in a different manner. Remember, I DID have to attend
Maritime Law Enforcement School 3 times and annual training.They don't just throw us to the wolves without school. Irrelevant. We disagree on the interpretation of the law. My interpretation is based on the law, and the intent of the law. The President does not need to declare martial law to deploy the US military to defend the sovereign US border.

IMO, it would be better for President Trump to deploy the military WITHOUT such a declaration as he can defend such a decision easier than he can a declaration of martial law which would give the Dems the ammo they are seeking to impeach him. Any such decision also needs to include a "go to" plan when the Dems try to or do tie it up in court as they have anything else he has done.

10-18-2018, 09:24 PM
They don't just throw us to the wolves without school. Irrelevant. We disagree on the interpretation of the law. My interpretation is based on the law, and the intent of the law. The President does not need to declare martial law to deploy the US military to defend the sovereign US border.

IMO, it would be better for President Trump to deploy the military WITHOUT such a declaration as he can defend such a decision easier than he can a declaration of martial law which would give the Dems the ammo they are seeking to impeach him. Any such decision also needs to include a "go to" plan when the Dems try to or do tie it up in court as they have anything else he has done.
Them dems are never going to impeach President Trump, for anything. I highly doubt they'll take the house, and certainly won't take the senate, and you can't remove him by impeachment without the senate... "Clinton." In fact, I'll go out on a limb right now and predict that the republicans retain both the house and the senate, and in fact pick up seats. I think people are being fed a pile of dog shit when it comes to this blue wave garbage, just like we were about Hitlery winning a LAND SLIDE... pfft... we know how that turned out. I don't think people are at ALL turned off by President Trump, more so now than when he won. I'd say he has even MORE support now than before, and after that Kavanaugh farce, and all the PROTESTS, and the chasing people around GETTING IN THEIR FACE and all that, I think that's REALLY turning off the majority of Americans, especially those who've been "on the fence." Then add to that all the good news, wages up, more jobs than people to fill them, taxes down, better trade deals, America now having the BEST competitive economy in the WORLD, and I can't see how dems even THINK they're going to have a blue wave... not going to happen.

And if President Trump puts troops on the border, if it comes to that, I think the VAST majority of Americans are going to be going... ABOUT FUCKING TIME... WE LOVE IT. He'll have unprecedented support. Sure the angry democrat MOB will be SCREAMING HELPLESSLY AT THE SKY, but then again, people are SICK OF IT.

10-19-2018, 07:26 PM
Offers an Opinion, based on experience:


10-19-2018, 07:43 PM
Caravan attempts to break through and clash with Mexican Police (Federales):


10-20-2018, 06:46 PM
Caravan attempts to break through and clash with Mexican Police (Federales):

They won't break through our military if President Trump is forced to do that. Our military doesn't crumble like a bunch of tin men when confronted.

Abbey Marie
10-22-2018, 12:51 PM
Heard the number is up to 7,000 now.

Abbey Marie
10-22-2018, 06:40 PM


10-22-2018, 07:22 PM
Heard the number is up to 7,000 now.


Martial Law declared in THAT region will make
the military involvement legal.

USCG and USAF, but especially USCG on not need that.
DOD Forces do.

10-22-2018, 07:59 PM
Them dems are never going to impeach President Trump, for anything. I highly doubt they'll take the house, and certainly won't take the senate, and you can't remove him by impeachment without the senate... "Clinton." In fact, I'll go out on a limb right now and predict that the republicans retain both the house and the senate, and in fact pick up seats. I think people are being fed a pile of dog shit when it comes to this blue wave garbage, just like we were about Hitlery winning a LAND SLIDE... pfft... we know how that turned out. I don't think people are at ALL turned off by President Trump, more so now than when he won. I'd say he has even MORE support now than before, and after that Kavanaugh farce, and all the PROTESTS, and the chasing people around GETTING IN THEIR FACE and all that, I think that's REALLY turning off the majority of Americans, especially those who've been "on the fence." Then add to that all the good news, wages up, more jobs than people to fill them, taxes down, better trade deals, America now having the BEST competitive economy in the WORLD, and I can't see how dems even THINK they're going to have a blue wave... not going to happen.

And if President Trump puts troops on the border, if it comes to that, I think the VAST majority of Americans are going to be going... ABOUT FUCKING TIME... WE LOVE IT. He'll have unprecedented support. Sure the angry democrat MOB will be SCREAMING HELPLESSLY AT THE SKY, but then again, people are SICK OF IT.You cannot discount the "blue wave" for the simple reason that it is usually comprised of the young/new voters. Not to mention every illegal vote they can muster. The people coming of voting age now grew up during Obama, and for some reason think life was grand while he disemboweled the Nation.

Their biggest enemy is laziness/apathy/self-absorption of youth. If any of these Dems get through that it can be trouble. They DO reproduce faster than the right gains people who wake up.

Thus my constant hammering for years and years, every election -- make sure you get your ass out and vote. All the talk on the board is fine, but matters little if you don't make that opinion count the one way you can.

10-22-2018, 08:23 PM
Threatens to send the military there to close it:

https://www.aol.com/article/news/2018/10/18/trump-threatens-to-order-military-to-close-our-southern-border-over-immigration/23564961/ (https://www.aol.com/article/news/2018/10/e bar18/trump-threatens-to-order-military-to-close-our-southern-border-over-immigration/23564961/)

I dunno. Good idea, but he might need to declare Martial Law to do it legally.

Great idea. The Ancient Romans did exactly that. It helped keep the barbarians out of the empire. They even built walls to keep them out. When they stopped doing that, the empire went into decline and, eventually, the barbarians sacked Rome and took over the Western Empire. Which ushered in the Dark Ages......

Funny how there are so many parallels between them and us

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Abbey Marie
10-22-2018, 08:25 PM
Hannity just said 14,000. We are being invaded.

10-23-2018, 11:08 AM
Hannity just said 14,000. We are being invaded.

Close it!

Send in the Military....Army, Marines, and Air Force with A 10's overhead.

10-23-2018, 11:35 AM
And the left is out there, not even shy about it, telling all their politicians to ignore this "caravan" and to concentrate on other things. I would also have ZERO doubt that someone is helping them to some extent. And will help further once they reach the border. The left couldn't care less about our country, or borders or immigration laws... They would rather help folks that try and sneak into our country - MUCH MORE so than they want to help our American homeless, our veterans in need of assistance & those in TRUE need around our country. But nope, the left will ignore them - and then welcome in votes.. I mean illegals, with open arms.

It literally sickens me to see such a huge percentage of our country that is willing to shit on our own Americans in need - and then brag about getting illegals here and helping them first.


If up to me? Put up 50,000 signs starting 2 miles away, and continue up til our border. Make it known, shots WILL be fired at anyone trying to enter our "home" illegally. Also if up to me, cover the border with any and all of our available soldiers, whether marines or the guard, don't care - just don't let people come here and make "demands" instantly. The Hondurans are on their way here - paint a swastika on the American flag and then burn it. They outright state they want jobs and freebies. I say fuck 'em, let them turn around and walk another 2,000 miles home.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-23-2018, 02:59 PM
And the left is out there, not even shy about it, telling all their politicians to ignore this "caravan" and to concentrate on other things. I would also have ZERO doubt that someone is helping them to some extent. And will help further once they reach the border. The left couldn't care less about our country, or borders or immigration laws... They would rather help folks that try and sneak into our country - MUCH MORE so than they want to help our American homeless, our veterans in need of assistance & those in TRUE need around our country. But nope, the left will ignore them - and then welcome in votes.. I mean illegals, with open arms.

It literally sickens me to see such a huge percentage of our country that is willing to shit on our own Americans in need - and then brag about getting illegals here and helping them first.


If up to me? Put up 50,000 signs starting 2 miles away, and continue up til our border. Make it known, shots WILL be fired at anyone trying to enter our "home" illegally. Also if up to me, cover the border with any and all of our available soldiers, whether marines or the guard, don't care - just don't let people come here and make "demands" instantly. The Hondurans are on their way here - paint a swastika on the American flag and then burn it. They outright state they want jobs and freebies. I say fuck 'em, let them turn around and walk another 2,000 miles home.

Globalists, no nations, no borders- one world government-- that is who is helping them , that is who installed the obama, that is who is engineering the weakening of this great nation by division, chaos, violence, propaganda, bought out politicians = dem party and all with the aid of this nation's enemies both foreign and domestic.
Immigration is the primary weapon as they seed in elements that will weaken us, strive to support their ally the dem party and soak up our resources and tax our hospitals, law enforcement entities, our maintaining our culture, etc.....-Anybody interested in the truth google research globalists.
They do not even try to hide it anymore as they did decades ago. -Tyr