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View Full Version : Staying Out of Trouble

10-21-2018, 07:55 AM
Busy, busy!

I haven't been posting much since school started, been super busy getting used to a very different student body.

It's a title I school and more than half are from families in poverty. Add AZ funding to the mix and Wham, it's a tough gig.

I'm getting acclimated, slowly. http://th428.photobucket.com/albums/qq8/aviastos/Emoticons/th_wink.gif First quarter is history, had conferences this past Thursday and Friday. Saturday began Fall break. http://sidekicksforum.com/images/smilies/1.gif

A week ago Thursday, I found that I have to move from one building to another. For the past month, I've had one of those super duper dehumidifiers/blowers running 24/7. The unit above had a water heater leak and water in the wall, apparently also in the flooring.

It's been determined that the entire building will be remodeled, so I have to move. I was not a happy camper. This will be 4th move since January!

They are upgrading me to a 2bd/2ba from my 1bd/1ba. I don't need all that space, but it'll be nice having 3 extra closets and kitchen pantry. Then there is the bedroom if family/friends visit, they won't have to stay in hotel. Still, I have to move. :cry:

Being me, I get more done between 2am-12pm, then crash.

I've got most of the stuff over there, just have to do dresser and bed-closets are empty here. Cleaning supplies and bathroom. Refrigerator/freezer and done.

No wifi until the 26th so tv and laptop will be the last things out.

I should be settled tonight or tomorrow in the main.

Hope everyone is doing great!

10-24-2018, 06:21 PM
I’m texting, so look for mucho typos. Everything is now in the “new” apartment. I’m so wiped. Taking a break, will eat and sleep 💤. When I wake up, will try to bring some order. Then it will be time to work at lessons. Happy fall break.

10-25-2018, 10:43 AM
I really feel for you with having to move again! I loathe moving.

The good news is that you've probably thrown / given away everything you don't absolutely need by now! I know I do when I move.

How is the mix of kids? The usual split between driven to learn and disrespectful slackers?

10-25-2018, 01:33 PM
I really feel for you with having to move again! I loathe moving.

The good news is that you've probably thrown / given away everything you don't absolutely need by now! I know I do when I move.

How is the mix of kids? The usual split between driven to learn and disrespectful slackers?

I have to say there's nothing 'usual' with the classes I've got, at least to what I've had before. All are under educated, most are not interested in knowing more, at least yet. There are a few, but out of huge classes, it's hard to see them through the behavior and academically challenged. LOL! PC speak.

Then there is the disaster that is AZ tax and education system. I have 0 computers in my room, with exception of one desktop on my desk. No laptops, for teacher or students. No smartboards. Very little tech in general.

Oh, the incentives to identify learning disabled/special ed. Get fed bucks for that. Most aren't actually special ed, but with the label...

Oh yeah, ans the special accommodations required on the part of classroom teachers. I have 0 aids. In one class over 1/3 are labeled special ed, 3/5ths of those are a behavior issues. No aid, but during testing the kid is supposed to be read the test and answers individually-all 13 of them.

Every single one of them is supposed to have preferential seating by me. Yeah.

For those that actually have special needs? Not much left to help them. Not to mention the average kids.

Yet these kids need teachers that can keep trying. It's not easy to keep it up.

10-25-2018, 01:44 PM
Sounds like I'm getting similar but yet the reverse from my kiddo up at RPI! Similar updates and getting acclimated! I have to pull teeth and then some to get any type of reply from the kid!

10-25-2018, 02:00 PM
Sounds like I'm getting similar but yet the reverse from my kiddo up at RPI! Similar updates and getting acclimated! I have to pull teeth and then some to get any type of reply from the kid!

That is the norm, if there were problems you'd hear. I think it's good news. ;)

10-25-2018, 02:15 PM
That is the norm, if there were problems you'd hear. I think it's good news. ;)

That's what the woman says too, but I'm still worried as hell. I guess we'll find out at the end of the semester and grade time. I don't think he would be talking about classes and other things for the upcoming semester if he planned on bailing. All I know is that he still has bad sleeping habits. But on Monday for example, he has class from 8:00am - 8:50am and that's it for the day! And the same goes for Friday.