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View Full Version : "I am Cait" Halloween backlash

10-23-2018, 12:14 PM
Bruce Jenner, the man - and that's STILL who HE is.

At any rate, some shops are selling a "I am Cait" outfit - which is a USA tank top with a assigned number, a pair of blue shorts as he wore, a fake gold medal - and then a wig to top it all off! LOL

You know what, he went PUBLIC with the whole thing, purposely making it a spectacle. And STILL is out there at places getting paid for appearances and what not, based on this "change". You make it public, then deal with it. Same as "keeping up with the kardashians" garbage. YOU put your entire life public like that, then don't get pissy if some folks get tired of the attention whoring and end up not being a fan. You WILL get public feedback when you bring things to the public.

So of course the lefty kooks are out in numbers whining and bitching about the costume. It's "insensitive" to transgenders they say. Fruity ebayers were out in force with condemnation apparently, so they folded and removed it. It's still available on Amazon though.


And the creator of the costume? Said BUZZ OFF and it's staying out there, as it's "funny" and their #6 best seller!! :laugh: