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10-23-2018, 12:59 PM
Just the list of things that they defend, things they will support, will simply leave your head shaking, literally. I can never figure out why. I think of every reasoning possible for all of these, but come up empty.


Hate Speech - well let's face it, all bets are off since the anointed, appointed one lost fair and square, even though they all cheated to put her in there. And since? A lot of hate speech, and not just about Trump, or how much winning he has accomplished, which has been a SHIT TON. But also directed at anyone that remotely dares to support Trump. I'm not going to dig up endless articles, but maybe a few for my upcoming examples. And yep, it does lead to violence. And EVEN MORE so when the left LEADERS call for their constituents to basically fuck with the right - so they do of course, and have been steadily. Also, they now DETEST "free speech".

How liberals turned against free speech

Why is it considered “liberal” to compel others to say or fund things they don’t believe? That’s a question raised by three Supreme Court decisions this year. And it’s a puzzling development for those of us old enough to remember when liberals championed free speech (even advocacy of sedition), and conservatives wanted government to restrain or limit it.

The three cases dealt with quite different issues.

In National Institute of Family Life Advocates v. Becerra, a 5-4 majority of the court overturned a California statute that required anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers to inform clients where they could obtain free or inexpensive abortions — something the centers regard as homicide.

The same 5-4 majority in a second case, Janus v. AFSCME, reversed a 41-year-old precedent and ruled that public employees don’t have to pay unions fees that cover the cost of collective bargaining. Echoing a position taken by President Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s, the court reasoned that collective bargaining with a public employer is inevitably a political matter, and that forcing employees to finance it is compelling them to subsidize political speech with which they disagree.

Rest - https://nypost.com/2018/08/03/how-liberals-turned-against-free-speech/

And of course some will instantly look at the link.... but the content, and it's links to proof are there. The liberals LOVE "hate" speech now more than ever. WAY TOO much space would be taken up if I posted it all, just from this one link.

This will give you an idea.



Liberals now defend violence, after being the ones to call out the right... It's really all they have left. This stuff comes from frustration of losing.

Liberals (and the media) are finally getting the violence they wanted

Liberal commentator Noam Chomsky once wrote, “people with power understand exactly one thing: violence.” His alt-left supporters must have been paying attention. As a result, the liberal cold war against the right has escalated from demonization to intimidation, harassment and violence -- with Trump administration officials and members of Congress as prime targets.

You can thank media outlets for escalating the tensions and urging left-wing shock troops to declare war on the right. HuffPost went so far as to encourage harassment of Trump officials and pundits, calling for them to, “be hounded by protestors [sic] everywhere, especially in public.” HuffPost is led by a supposedly respected former New York Times editor Lydia Polgreen.

The left’s insanity has gained momentum from incidents during the campaign and turned into an avalanche of crazy -- less than four months into President Donald Trump’s first term. In that time, we’ve had three riots in Berkeley, Calif., and an inaugural riot so bad that 200 people have been charged with felonies. One of those has already been convicted. So-called “antifa” attacks on Trump events are now common and conservative speakers like Ann Coulter have to cancel events out of a fear of violence. A Portland, Ore., parade was shut down for similar threats against the right. The ironically-named Students for Justice in Palestine just shut down a pro-Israel event at The University of California, Irvine, shouting “f*** you” at attendees.

Now it’s Trump officials and Republican members of Congress at risk.

Rest - https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/liberals-and-the-media-are-finally-getting-the-violence-they-wanted

When radicals descend into violence

The civil war among America’s left has begun. This isn’t a split based on ideology, but tactics.

For a half-century, Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” has been the manual for left-wing activism. As a community organizer, Barack Obama implemented Alinsky’s call for purposeful agitation with perfection. Hillary Clinton, who Media Matters’ David Brock dubbed “Alinsky’s daughter,” wrote her thesis on his legacy. And to the militant left, her defeat signaled the need for a new set of tactics.

“The rule book has been thrown out,” one “antifa” terrorist engaged in violence at the University of California, Berkeley told the Guardian.

Antifa (short for anti-fascism), the broad term for the new militant left, includes socialists, anarchists and anti-capitalists united by their street-fighting tactics and zeal for violence. BBC News compares them to white nationalists, but says antifa’s “tactics are arguably more extreme.” On online community Reddit, a headline on the Antifa section reads, “Every dead Republican is a step toward progress.”

Rest - https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/mar/1/liberal-left-employs-violence-to-accomplish-goals/

Hell, the liberals support shariah law, and many other of the negative aspects of islam. Hell, far too many of them, just like their masters in the media, are afraid to use the term "radical islam" - even though that describes 25% of them.

Why liberals keep giving radical Islam a pass — and what it will take to change their minds

One might conclude that given example after example of radical Islam’s heinous acts around the globe even after 9/11, liberals would cease giving them a pass or the benefit of the doubt.

But even after Fort Hood, Boston, Paris, Garland, Chattanooga, San Bernardino and Orlando — to name a few attacks — some liberals clearly don’t feel that way. Indeed, a new CBS poll indicates that 66 percent of Democrats believe Islam is no different from other religions when it comes to encouraging violence.

Rest - https://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/02/07/why-liberals-keep-giving-radical-islam-a-pass-and-what-it-will-take-to-change-their-minds

Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For

"I also now realize, with brutal clarity, that in the progressive hierarchy of identity groups, Muslims are above gays. Every pundit and politician -- and that includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton and half the talking heads on TV -- who today have said ‘We don't know what the shooter's motivation could possibly be!’ have revealed to me their true priorities: appeasing Muslims is more important than defending the lives of gay people. Every progressive who runs interference for Islamic murderers is complicit in those murders, and I can no longer be a part of that team." -- Anonymous at PJ Media

At first glance, the liberal approach to Islam makes no sense whatsoever.

Liberalism is generally hostile to Christianity and it particularly seems to dislike anyone who has strong religious convictions that conflict with liberalism. This describes every devout Muslim on the planet.

Liberals go on and on endlessly about a war on women and Islam treats women like garbage. In many parts of the Islamic world, women are forced to wear burkas or veils, are given clitoridectomies to take the pleasure out of sex for them, can’t leave the house or drive without a male relative and may be raped or beaten with impunity.

Libs obsess endlessly about gun violence and constantly trash our troops when they accidentally kill civilians. In a large minority of the Islamic world (and a majority in many more fundamentalist countries), innocent women and children are considered fair game and terrorists who murder them in large numbers in places like the Palestinian territories are considered to be heroes.

The Left has gone so insane over imaginary violations of “gay rights” that liberals are in favor of driving Christians out of any profession that caters to weddings and they insist that women have to use the bathroom with men because the less than .2% of men who “feel like” women would be uncomfortable using the men’s bathroom. Meanwhile, Islam goes with homophobia the way peanut butter goes with jelly. There are a number of Islamic countries where being gay is a crime with jail or even DEATH as the penalty.

Rest - https://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2016/06/18/why-liberals-support-muslims-who-hate-everything-they-stand-for-n2180270

The defense of illegal immigration is astonishing. Hell, they can't even use the word "illegal". To this day, they STILL claim that Trump solely said immigrants, which was wrong that day, and they're still wrong. The problem is with ILLEGAL immigrants. But the left doesn't care no matter which angle you try to tackle the problem. Hell, they stood almost EXACTLY like Trump and the right just a few years ago. But then let the right be in charge? And now they are nazis for following the Democrat plan. Think about it, they want to literally close down our border protections. :rolleyes:

Liberals Should Study the Facts on Illegal Immigrants

While a growing number of liberal lawmakers including Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Kristen Gillibrand, New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio, U.S. Rep. Mike Capuano and others are radically calling for the abolishment of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, consider the facts.

The majority of illegal immigrants arrested by ICE have prior criminal convictions, according to data collected by the nonpartisan organization Pew Research. That’s right, 74 percent of apprehended illegal immigrants in 2017 had criminal records. That’s who Democratic officials want to welcome into your neighborhood should they get their way in annihilating ICE.

Never mind that many crashing the U.S. border are narcotics dealers, while America is already struggling to curtail a nationwide opioid epidemic. How exactly does the anarchistic Democratic vision of open borders stem the tide of deadly drugs pouring into our country?

Then there are the ultra*violent MS-13 gangs, sex traffickers, rapists and other dangerous thugs who — thanks to alt-left Democratic lawmakers — America will be importing if the Democrats succeed in abolishing ICE. An agency whose employees risk their lives to keep us safe.

These are the dedicated, even heroic, folks whose jobs and careers Democrats want to destroy.

Never mind that Congress is responsible for enacting the laws that ICE follows. How is it fair or even ethical to demonize a government worker — or an entire agency no less — for simply doing their job?

But none of this you’ll hear on CNN, MSNBC or other left-wing media outlets.

Their talking heads will falsely portray illegal immigrants as simply innocent souls fleeing poverty and oppression who need our help.

They don’t tell gullible voters that the majority of ICE arrests have rap sheets.

“Among ICE arrestees in 2017 with prior convictions, the most common criminal conviction category was driving under the influence of alcohol (59,985 convictions, or 16% of the total), followed by possessing or selling ‘dangerous drugs’ such as opioids (57,438, or 15%)” Pew Research reported this year.

Rest - http://www.bostonherald.com/news/columnists/adriana_cohen/2018/07/ice_melters_should_study_facts_on_illegal_immigran ts

Yes, Democrats Are Now The Party Of Open Borders

Illegal Immigration: We've been seeing a lot of articles these days defending Democrats against charges that they are for open borders. But recent events show that the party has, in fact, morphed into one that reflexively opposes virtually any attempt to secure the southern border.

For years, Democrats tried to portray themselves as tough on border security, even as they argued for amnesty for all illegal immigrants currently in the country. Sometimes they slipped, as Hillary Clinton did when, in a paid speech in 2013, she talked about her dream of open borders. (She quickly tried to explain away her comment, once it surfaced, as having to do with energy.)

But several events over the past few days have blown the party's cover on illegal immigration.

On Wednesday, the House voted on a bill that simply expressed Congress' "continued support for all United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers and personnel who carry out the important mission of ICE" and "the efforts of all Federal agencies, State law enforcement, and military personnel who bring law and order to our Nation's borders."

Such nonbinding resolutions don't have the force of law. They're just a statement.

Just 18 Democrats voted for this resolution. Thirty-five voted no. And the other 133 dodged the issue altogether by voting "present." Democrats complained that the vote was just a political stunt.


When the radical agenda meets immigration

Liberal Democrats don’t like the broad term illegal immigrants, so the joke goes, as they much prefer to think of them as undocumented future registered Democrats.

Two recently elected Democrats, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy and Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner, are so enamored with illegals that they appear to favor these non-citizens over the legal citizens who obey the law, pay taxes and just happened to have elected them to their respective offices.

One of Mr. Murphy’s first acts in office was the creation of the Office of Immigrant Protection. Although the governor has been vague on the details of the new office, his spokesman told reporters that the Office of Immigrant Protection will serve as a single point of contact for any New Jersey resident facing detention or deportation, with a focus on expanding access to legal services to these residents.

During his gubernatorial campaign, Mr. Murphy vowed to ban state and local police departments from assisting the federal government in “mass deportations.” And according to his campaign website, he also vowed to make life easier for our “undocumented neighbors.” He promised to provide driver’s licenses and statewide ID to illegal immigrants, extend in-state financial aid to the “Dreamers,” those brought illegally to the U.S. as children, increase access to professional licenses for immigrants, raise the minimum wage, guarantee earned sick leave, and strengthen workplace protections.

Under the new governor, New Jersey will also join other states in a lawsuit that challenges President Trump’s authority to end a program that allows Dreamers to avoid deportation.

Across the Delaware River from New Jersey in Philadelphia, Larry Krasner, the recently elected Philadelphia district attorney, also has announced the creation of a new top position in his office that is solely dedicated to protecting the “rights” of illegal immigrants.


MS-13, one of the worlds most notorious and deadly gangs. And for whatever reason, the left tries to support them at times - likely just because Trump is against.

Liberals Unite to Defend MS-13 Drug Gang from Hurt Feelings

Someone really needs to explain to the liberal left that there is a limit to the argument that an enemy of my enemy is my friend, because they are certainly testing its outer boundaries this week.

As the left continues to farcically focus their unbridled hate at President Donald J. Trump, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, First of His Name, and Protector of the Realm of America, they are doing so in such a brute method that it makes “scorched earth” look like an overcooked Pop Tart.

Not only have they attacked the President repeatedly for lewd behavior, (both documented and fictional), all of which occurred long before his political ambitions were even water cooler talk at Trump Tower, but the left is now openly waging war against anyone who aligns themselves with The Donald. Even rap superstar and American fashion icon, (for some reason), Kanye West wasn’t immune to the hatred and nonsense of the democratically-controlled media and the millennial miscreants who parrot their every syllable.

This horrifically divisive and irrevocable tactic of deceitful hate has now crossed over into the realm of imbecilic and bellicose banter, bordering on unintelligible. Just get a glimpse of the left’s latest attempt at disagreeing with The Donald.


Liberals Defend MS-13 Gangs

Schumer Takes Issue On Senate Floor With President Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members “Animals”

The simple fact of the matter is that Schumer doesn’t care if he’s defending a gang of machete-wielding rapists, as long as he scores a quick anti-Trump zinger.

Nancy Pelosi flat-out defended the rapists and murderers that make up MS-13 from the President’s harsh rhetoric saying “Calling people animals is not a good thing.”

She said, “There is a spark of divinity among every person on earth, and we all have to recognize that as we respect the dignity and worth of every person,”

Pelosi said, “So when the president of the United States says about illegal immigrants, ‘These aren’t people, these are animals,’ you have to wonder, does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity, and worth of every person?”

Wow, what Planet is this nut case from?

Trump tweeted “if Democrats couldn’t bring themselves to stand for the families of MS-13 victims during Trump’s first State of the Union Address, no one should be surprised at their disgusting reaction today. This is who they are.”

Rest - https://trueconservativetalk.com/liberals-defend-ms-13/

Why the liberal media humiliates itself defending MS-13

I regret to inform readers the establishment media is at it again.

This time, prominent media figures are going out of their way to defend the humanity of MS-13 thugs. Excuse me, “members.” “Thug” is a racist word, according to the establishment media.

President Trump referred to MS-13 members as “animals” during a Wednesday roundtable. Journalists and Democratic lawmakers promptly melted down because they believed he was calling all illegal immigrants animals.

When it was finally made abundantly clear Trump was only referencing MS-13 members, the media decided it should still be outraged and quickly shifted to defending the humanity of these unrepentant murderers.

CNBC’s John Harwood claimed, “however repugnant their actions, MS-13 gang members are human beings.”

Vox’s Dylan Matthews argued, “What if MS-13 members are still human and it’s bad to call them animals.”

BBC reporter Anthony Zurcher insisted, “Referring to any humans as ‘animals’ edges toward the language of genocide.”

And, of course, CNN personality Ana Navarro weighed in against Trump. Navarro said the president was dehumanizing these poor MS-13 members, which put him in the same category as Nazis and slave owners.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2018/05/18/does-the-left-really-think-trump-is-worse-than-ms-13/