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10-23-2018, 05:19 PM
No sillies, I'm not stopping liberals from posting... this is a story of a city banning clowns because they are "too scary"???


No clowns allowed. Michigan city bans clowns on Halloween

OAK PARK, Mich. - If you plan to attend the Boo Bash in the Detroit suburb of Oak Park on Halloween, you can be a ghost, goblin, zombie, vampire or any other character that you wish, but you can't be a clown.

City officials have banned clown costumes because they are too scary.

The annual Boo Bash is held at the city's community center. The city's public invitation invites people to "enjoy cider and donuts" at the trick-or-treating event. Kids are invited to wear their favorite costume, but the invitation says "clown costumes are not allowed."

The Oakland County Times got the following explanation from the city's recreation director:

“This event is centered around young children,” Laurie Stasiak said in an email to the newspaper. "In the past few years many clown costumes have been given a very scary and evil look. Many scary and horror movies are centered around these types of characters. About 3 years [ago] there were national incidents in the news were people were dressing up as clowns and scaring people and in some cases assaulting them. Many people have phobias and anxiety about clowns. It’s because of this that we asked people not to dress up as clowns for this community event.”

Rest - https://www.ksat.com/news/no-clowns-allowed-michigan-city-bans-clowns-on-halloween


10-23-2018, 06:15 PM
Hmmmm... now we know what scares muslims.

10-23-2018, 08:26 PM
I know some of the older folk here can remember, but remember when clowns were cool and funny? Always associated the the circus, carnivals, little kids ?

Saw this on one of my "usual", "Who cares?" trivia/history shows :) John Wayne Gacey is THE person responsible for our entire national/cultural view of clowns. Once he was exposed, tried and convicted, clowns were suddenly evil.

I think a city actually banning the costume is beyond ridiculous and DEFINITELY a violation of one's Right to freedom of expression.

10-23-2018, 11:06 PM
I simply think it is a stupid, broad brush approach to the 'Clown' thing.

Leave it alone.