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View Full Version : Andrew Gillum responds to latest scandal by accusing GOP of racism

10-24-2018, 11:20 AM
Get busted with some wrongdoing? Just pull the race card! effing idiot.


Andrew Gillum responds to latest scandal by accusing GOP of racism

Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum attempted to turn the tables on Republicans Wednesday in response to damning new reports that he lied about obtaining Broadway tickets from an undercover FBI agent.

Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee, claimed in a short video address to his supporters that he is being targeted by Republicans because he is black.

“The Republicans obviously want to distract, want to suggest. All along throughout this … they’ve wanted the people of this state to believe somehow I haven’t deserved what I’ve gotten, I’m unethical, participated in illegal and illicit activity. I mean, you name it,” Gillum said.


Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2018/10/24/andrew-gillum-racism-broadway-tickets/
“The goal is obviously to use my candidacy as a way to reinforce, frankly, stereotypes about black men.”

10-24-2018, 12:31 PM
When all else fails, pull out the race card and play it.

Disgusting! And he wants to be a leader? Didn't
people see enough of this tripe with Obama, Lynch, and Holder?

10-24-2018, 01:53 PM
This asshat is the darling of the socialist party.

His plan calls for increasing the state corporate tax level to what he calls "a modest 7.75 percent,” paying teachers a minimum starting salary of $50,000, raising the minimum wage from $8.25 to $15 an hour and an adoption of Bernie Sanders’ free college education policy to “make college debt-free” for students. He's another tax and spend democrat.

Ans there's this


10-24-2018, 02:22 PM
Nothing but a Lying, Racist, Socialist who has broken laws, but, like Ellison...nothing is being said by Democrats who insist....Only Republican Men are GUILTY before proven innocent. Florida will become the Southern, Eastern, California if this idiot lies to enough people.