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10-25-2018, 01:54 PM
That's great! And someone who was onto this BS before most.


Woman holds 'Fake News Fake Bombs' sign outside Florida governors debate

A woman was photographed holding a sign that read "Democrats Fake News Fake Bombs" outside the Broward College building hosting Florida's gubernatorial debate on Wednesday.

The photo, first shared on Twitter by Florida Democratic Party spokesman Kevin Donohoe, shows a woman in what appears to be a DeSantis campaign shirt, holding the sign.


Earlier on Wednesday, a series of pipe bombs were discovered after having been addressed to CNN and a number of prominent Democrats, including former President Obama and former President Clinton and Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president in 2016.

President Trump and lawmakers from both parties have condemned the attempted attacks, and federal and state authorities are investigating the matter. Another, similar device was found on Thursday morning at a building housing a production company owned by the actor Robert De Niro.

The sign appeared to reference conspiracy theories that have quickly circulated on social media among some on the right. Those theories suggest the bombs were "false flags" and meant to change the political conversation in a way that would hurt Trump and Republicans ahead of the midterm elections, which are less than two weeks away.

Rest - https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/413078-Woman-holds-Fake-News-Fake-Bombs-sign-outside-Florida-governors-debate