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View Full Version : Dud Bomb Mailer Caught

10-26-2018, 10:39 AM
56 year old man from.... ahhhhhh Florida.

Why is it almost all of the really bizarre shit that goes down comes from FL? Too much heat?

Place your bets here!


My money is on a False Flag.

10-26-2018, 10:45 AM
Caught within 48 tells ya that this guy left some glaring evidence for the feds!

My guess: Ultimately a left loon simply trying to blame the right prior to the election

Guess 2: Very well also could be a solo nutjob from the right. Why with all the fake bombs and what not, I can't understand...

10-26-2018, 10:46 AM
Former New Yorker... lol.

What is it with those fucking New York City guys, man?

They're saying he's had trouble before with making terrorist threats... hmmm.

10-26-2018, 11:01 AM
White van covered in bumper stickers... all they have to do is zoom in on those stickers and we'll know what this guy is all about.

10-26-2018, 11:03 AM
Former New Yorker... lol.

What is it with those fucking New York City guys, man?

They're saying he's had trouble before with making terrorist threats... hmmm.

No doubt, NY'ers are a tad touched in the brain! I'm just living here, I'm from NJ!!! :)

10-26-2018, 11:07 AM
Cesar Altieri Sayoc

10-26-2018, 11:07 AM
Cesar Altieri Sayoc

His bumper stickers do show him as a rightie nutfuck!


10-26-2018, 11:11 AM

He needs to see the inside of a cell for a pretty long time. I don't care which side you're sending them too, these types of attacks have to be stopped and messages sent that the penalties are something you don't ever want to see.

10-26-2018, 11:17 AM
just waiting for the snowflakes to come out and declare that all conservatives/Republicans are evil as evidenced by this guy's actions. Should happen anytime now...

By the way, it would be a real hoot if this guy was an "undocumented" alien....

10-26-2018, 11:17 AM
Yeah, if those pics are legit, then he's definitely Pro-Trump.

He clearly didn't want to kill anyone since not one of his bombs worked... I can see some of them failing, but every one of them? That had to be deliberate. I suppose he was only interested in terrorizing the moonbats.

Still, anyone that drives around with their rig covered in stickers is always nutty. I've yet to see one that wasn't spun.

10-26-2018, 11:23 AM
Yeah, if those pics are legit, then he's definitely Pro-Trump.

He clearly didn't want to kill anyone since not one of his bombs worked... I can see some of them failing, but every one of them? That had to be deliberate. I suppose he was only interested in terrorizing the moonbats.

Still, anyone that drives around with their rig covered in stickers is always nutty. I've yet to see one that wasn't spun.

Yup, I call those that cover their entire vehicles like that - attention whores! Also: nutcases!

He better hope they don't lock him up with the illegals!!

10-26-2018, 11:26 AM
Well, it was good work by the Secret Service, FBI, Postal Inspectors and the rest.

It was a very swift find and tells us how well these agencies can function if not handcuffed
by bureaucracy and politics.

I do not care if the man is left or right. He is a menace to society and needs to be locked
away for the rest of his natural life.

10-26-2018, 12:22 PM
This guy has a criminal history a mile long.... drugs, threats, theft, terrorist charges, etc.

Should have been put away years ago.

Interestingly, he's Seminole Indian with a Filipino name?

10-26-2018, 12:24 PM
This guy has a criminal history a mile long.... drugs, threats, theft, terrorist charges, etc.

Should have been put away years ago.

Interestingly, he's Seminole Indian with a Filipino name?


Cesar Sayoc is a business owner and has a rap sheet a mile long.

His long rap sheet includes convictions for retail theft and possession of illegal steroids with intent to distribute.
Here is his extensive rap sheet.

Read here - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/arrested-package-bomber-cesar-sayoc-jr-has-a-extensive-rap-sheet-includes-conviction-for-dealing-steroids-terroristic-threats/

10-26-2018, 02:03 PM
We all must know, and expect. The DEMS, like this guy, as an extremist, loose cannon, will use photo's of the Van in their Election commercials. But they won't say how much THEY have in common with him...As in Extremist, near-Antifa powered Kool-aid drinker, and DNC champion of stupidity.

10-26-2018, 03:32 PM
just waiting for the snowflakes to come out and declare that all conservatives/Republicans are evil as evidenced by this guy's actions. Should happen anytime now...

By the way, it would be a real hoot if this guy was an "undocumented" alien....
Oh you KNOW that shit is coming. Just because of this ONE nut job the democrat propaganda wing will paint ALL republicans/conservatives as the SAME THING AS THIS GUY, and it won't make ANY DIFFERENCE AT ALL that virtually EVERY republican AND conservative will CONDEMN HIM and say HANG THIS NUT JOB FROM THE NEAREST TREE, and they'll IGNORE the fact that this sick fuck is a TOTAL WHACK JOB. It's so predictable it's pathetic.

Problem for the left is, this won't change even a SINGLE vote. Those voting republican will STILL vote republican.

With that said, I still have a problem with this. The TIMING of this is just so wrong. I even wonder now if he was framed. Remember Richard Jewell? https://www.foxnews.com/story/richard-jewell-wrongly-accused-in-atlanta-olympics-bombing-dead-at-44

10-27-2018, 10:00 AM
A couple of updates this morning.


Report: Bodybuilder Cesar Sayoc Admits the “Pipe Bombs” Wouldn’t Hurt Anyone – And He Didn’t Want to Hurt Anyone

Former bodybuilder and Chippendale’s manager Cesar Sayoc was arrested today in connection with the 12-13 bomb packages sent to Democrats and two former presidents this week.

Cesar Sayoc is reportedly a 56-year-old man of Native American descent living in Florida who has a long rap sheet.

The Seminole Tribe in Florida said in a statement that there are no records that Cesar Sayoc was a member, reported Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller.

His long rap sheet includes convictions for retail theft and possession of illegal steroids with intent to distribute.

Sayoc told investigators today he never wanted to hurt anyone and that his alleged “pipe bombs” would never hurt anyone.

CNN reported:

Bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc had been kicked out by his parents, so he has living in the van that we have seen in pictures today, according to a law enforcement official.

The sticker-covered white van was taken to an FBI facility in Miramar, Florida.

The FBI agents used flash bangs in making the arrest and took him into custody near the AutoZone in Plantation, the official said.

Sayoc was initially somewhat cooperative, the official said. He told investigators that the pipe bombs wouldn’t have hurt anyone and that he didn’t want to hurt anyone.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/confirmed-bodybuilder-cesar-sayoc-admits-the-pipe-bombs-wouldnt-hurt-anyone-and-he-didnt-want-to-hurt-anyone/

Mail ‘Bomber’ Aftermath: Arrest of Cesar Sayoc Brings Up Several Unanswered Questions

Because of many unanswered questions to date, the mail bomber story is quickly being challenged on the Internet.

Two days ago packages were mysteriously found in the mail sent to top Democrats that apparently included packaged pipe bombs. The bombs never went off but over the past two days, over ten bombs were reported by the mainstream media. On Friday the accused was arrested. He is an individual from Florida who apparently had a white van with Trump stickers on it.

This is where the questions begin:


Already there’s many questions on how the bomber’s packages slipped through the mail with zero postmarks or cancelled stamps and not enough postage.


Packages were sent through even after the first pipe bomb packages were mailed?


Were the packages received by the Secret Service?


How could the bombs not be detected by he postal service?


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/mail-bomber-conspiracy-or-another-left-wing-hoax-like-benghazi-coverup-russia-collusion-or-kavanaugh-gang-rapes/

10-27-2018, 10:16 AM
How they got him

FBI Nabbed Bomb Suspect With Help From DNA, Fingerprint Matches

A Florida man with a criminal history and a fervor for President Donald Trump sent at least 13 mail bombs to prominent Democrats, Justice Department officials said, crediting DNA, a fingerprint match and misspellings for the key break in a case that spread fear of election-season violence with little precedent in the U.S.

Cesar Sayoc, 56, of Aventura, Florida, faces five federal charges in connection with a mail bomb plot that spurred a weeklong, coast-to-coast investigation that continued even after he was taken into custody Friday as investigators scrutinized additional suspicious packages intended for Democrats.

Sayoc will make his first court appearance next week, where additional details may be revealed about a motive. In the meantime, Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested that politics may have played a role and noted that Sayoc appeared to be a "partisan." Those who saw him in the Florida neighborhood, unmistakable in a white van plastered with Trump's image and political stickers, described him as unsettling and troubled.

Sayoc's social media profiles portray a deeply disaffected conservative who trafficked in online conspiracy theories, parody accounts and name-calling. He called a Florida school shooting survivor a "fake phony," peddled theories about George Soros, the billionaire political donor targeted this week by a package bomb, and denigrated other Democrats who were later the intended recipients of explosive packages.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/dna-fingerprints-cesar-sayoc-fbi/2018/10/27/id/888239/

Florida Bombing Suspect May Be Tried in NYC

A law enforcement official says that the man detained in Florida in connection with the pipe bomb scare will be prosecuted in New York City.

The official said Friday that Cesar Sayoc will face charges in federal court in Manhattan after an initial court appearance in Florida. Five of the 12 improvised devices involved in the case were recovered in the Southern District of New York.

The official wasn't authorized to discuss the prosecution because a complaint was still being drafted and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The mail bombs were sent in recent days to political opponents of President Donald Trump.
