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View Full Version : Let's all be like California

10-27-2018, 09:25 AM
NOT! Cali sucks!


California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality

In recent years, we’ve been hearing more and more about the problem of wealth inequality in America. To hear liberals explain the problem, Republicans want to steal from the poor and middle class, give that money to the rich, and with enough time the middle class will be gone, leaving just a small ruling class of the super-rich, and a large poor class.

If liberal policies actually made any sort of progress correcting the various inequities that they’re alleged to do, big government utopias like California would be progressive beacons of hope for the American left. California, many believed, was so progressive and forward thinking that it would experiment with various social policies and the rest of the states would follow suit. Hence, the so-called “Golden Rule” of the nation was once “as California goes, so does the country.” So, how is California doing with the problem of wealth inequality?

Not so good.

Despite having the fifth-largest economy in the world, California is one of the worst states in the nation in terms of wealth inequality.

It has both billions of dollars in Silicon Valley and rampant homelessness. Its efforts to eliminate poverty instead accentuates it, and its tax system inadvertently aids those who are already wealthy. With the middle class leaving in droves, California society represents a modern feudal system of robber barons and the poor.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/california-ranks-as-poorest-state-one-of-the-worst-for-income-inequality/

10-27-2018, 11:55 AM
The state may have a large economy, but they're flat ass broke, as in... IN MASSIVE DEBT... followed closely in second place by NY, and TX third...

