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10-27-2018, 02:18 PM
You knew it would be used politically against him, and likely will go further, especially if the Dems take the House. The left have a lot of sick bastards.

Impeach Trump because of someone else sending bombs. Ban guns and not the wackjobs pulling the triggers. Make immigration laws and then do everything within ones power to help illegals come into the country. Bass Ackwards democrats.


Steyer wants Trump impeached to end 'lawlessness' after being sent suspicious package

(CNN)Billionaire Democratic donor Tom Steyer called Friday for the impeachment for President Donald Trump, an issue he's pressed for months, in his response to the discovery of a suspicious package addressed to the philanthropist.

In the tweet, Steyer wrote, "We're thankful that everyone we work with is safe. We are seeing a systematic attack on our democracy that extends much further than just one isolated terrorist in Florida. That's why we are running an impeachment petition to end the culture of lawlessness in our country."


Police in Burlingame, California, responded to a postal facility where a suspicious package addressed to Steyer was found Friday. He's one of the prominent political figures who were the intended recipients of suspicious packages, some carrying pipe bombs, including former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, George Soros and others. Two of the packages, addressed to former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, were addressed to them at CNN's offices.

A 56-year-old Florida man named Cesar Sayoc was arrested Friday in connection with 13 explosive devices mailed around the country, federal authorities said.

Authorities believe the package addressed to Steyer is from Sayoc, according to multiple law enforcement officials.

Rest - https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/26/politics/tom-steyer-robert-de-niro-statements-suspicious-packages/index.html

10-28-2018, 09:21 AM
I found that tweet on twitter, and reminded that stupid fucker that America is a REPUBLIC, not a democracy, and since that TWIT is a member of the IMPEACH TRUMP group of bubble heads, I told him NO ONE, EVER, is going to impeach our great president.

I honestly look at these people and have to think, WHERE in the FUCK do they come from? WHERE did they get their BRAIN WASHING?

10-29-2018, 12:33 PM
In Epic Tweet, President Trump Trolls Leftist Clean Energy Hedge Fund Billionaire Tom “Need To Impeach” Steyer – Exposing His True Motives

In a Legendary Tweet, President Trump Trolls Leftist Clean Energy Hedge Fund Billionaire Tom “Need To Impeach” Steyer Exposing His True Financial Motives

It would seem that clean-energy hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer never misses an opportunity to repeat his mantra, “need to impeach,” particularly as it relates to the Democratic Party’s beset climate change agenda.

Mr. Steyer’s “Need to Impeach” petition drive website states in it’s first sentence, “Donald Trump has admitted that his campaign has colluded with the Russians to get elected.” In actual fact, this statement is categorically false and fraudulent. President Trump has never admitted to any campaign collusion with the Russian Government. In fact he continually states the opposite claiming repeatedly that there was “no collusion” with the Russian Government and refers to the Mueller Investigation as a total “witch hunt”. As for the highly discredited, corrupt and conflicted Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation, it has yet to deliver one iota of evidence of collusion between the Russian Government and the the the Trump 2016 Presidential Campaign. On the contrary, thus far the investigation has only uncovered evidence that points to the Hillary Clinton Campaign in partnership with the Obama White House, DOJ, FBI, the heads of certain US intelligence Agencies, and certain US Five Eyes Allies all colluded with Russian operatives to illegally influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election.

In an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper yesterday, Steyer accused House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of “a straight-up anti-semitic move” when asked to comment on a tweet sent by McCarthy on Tues, Oct. 22nd which stated, ” We cannot allow Soros, Steyer and Bloomberg to BUY this election. Get out and vote Republican on Nov. 6th #MAGA”. Then, in response, to the bomb package incident of which Steyer was one of the intended targets, he stated that President Trump uses “violent political rhetoric” and accused him of “routine systematic lawlessness”, which according to Steyer, should be a constitutional basis for President Trump’s removal from office. Mr. Steyer continued, “For instance, when the President looks at a UN report that promises unimaginable suffering to the American People and scoffs at it, that seems to me to be the most abject dereliction of duty in the history of the country, ” in what was a clear reference to the UN Climate Report released earlier this month. After all, Mr. Steyer has a vested interest in the resurrection of the Democratic Party’s climate change agenda, as he is a significant investor in a number of clean-tech energy companies that are dependent upon federal and state subsidies.

In rapid response, President Trump called out Steyer on twitter, referring to him as “Wacky Tom Steyer” and as “a crazed & stumbling lunatic, who should be running out of money pretty soon.”


It would seem that President Trump is implying that Steyer’s ensuing economic future is highly dependent upon the Democratic Party regaining power. President Trump’s tweet posits some intriguing questions. What does President Trump know about the economic realities behind Steyer and his clean energy holdings? What political outcome are his economic interests solely dependent upon?

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/in-epic-tweet-president-trump-trolls-leftist-clean-energy-hedge-fund-billionaire-tom-need-to-impeach-steyer-exposing-his-true-motives/