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View Full Version : Roberts Will Have Hand on Throttle as Supreme Court Veers Right

10-29-2018, 11:46 AM
Winning! And this is what much of the election was all about, getting federal and of course the SC justices in, and now it's time to rock n roll for a few decades without liberal impedance.


Roberts Will Have Hand on Throttle as Supreme Court Veers Right

(Bloomberg) -- A shift to to the right is a near certainty for the U.S. Supreme Court. How quickly it will happen is up to Chief Justice John Roberts.

With Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Roberts is now in firm control of the court’s throttle, positioned to decide whether and when to overturn liberal precedents.

The stakes could hardly be higher. The court is being called on -- or will be soon -- to rule on abortion, guns, gay rights, religious freedom, campaign finance, voting rights, government regulation and presidential power.

In each area, conservative legal advocates have blazed a clear path they want the court to take. And in each, Roberts seems at least pointed in that direction.

But Roberts, 63, has also made himself the chief guardian of the court’s institutional standing, one who worries about any perception of it as a partisan body. That’s an image that would be hard to dispel if the court started issuing sweeping decisions with the five Republican appointees in the majority and the four Democratic appointees in dissent.

"His record shows a consistently conservative view of the law," said Allison Orr Larsen, a constitutional law professor teaching at Harvard Law School this semester. At the same time, he "seems to care very much about the court as an institution, and he is particularly aware of the fragility of the court when all eyes are watching and people view the justices as just politicians in robes."

Roberts and the court return to the bench Monday when they hear arguments in a pair of cases involving the enforcement of arbitration agreements.

Rest - https://www.bloombergquint.com/politics/roberts-will-have-hand-on-throttle-as-supreme-court-veers-right#gs.OCjDZhc