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View Full Version : MSNBC’s Rick Wilson: Trump ‘Is a Quivering Blob of Man Baby Goo’

10-29-2018, 12:08 PM
Morning Joe and whoever this other one is - funny watching them get hysterical, and knowing they are obsessed, on a daily basis, over hatred of the president. And nothing they say or do makes a difference. They just must learn to deal with it. :coffee: And the worse they get out there, the more you know they are losing it inside.


MSNBC’s Rick Wilson: Trump ‘Is a Quivering Blob of Man Baby Goo’

Monday, MSNBC’s Rick Wilson blasted President Donald Trump for his behavior.

“Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough mocked Trump for being “a little snowflake” in his complaints against Hollywood and the media not liking him.

Wilson tacked on that the president is “weak” and a “quivering blob of man baby goo.”

“Joe, that’s the classic trope of all these authoritarians,” Wilson stated. “There’s always a conspiracy. There’s always the ‘they,’ in brackets, going after them. I mean, this is a sign of how fundamentally weak Donald Trump is. The guy is a quivering blob of man baby goo. He’s just — he’s just a child. And he acts like this stompy-footed, tantrum-throwing infant all the time because he knows his base loves that sense of alienation.”


10-29-2018, 12:41 PM
And they follow that with calling President Trump "uncivil."

These filthy little piles of hypocritical rat shit turn my stomach.