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View Full Version : Be Glad Trump, Not Hillary, Is Protecting the Border

10-29-2018, 12:47 PM
I hate to think of the consequences. Would she go back to her old thoughts, new, lay wishy washy in between? You could rest assured that anyone that felt like coming here, to do us harm or not, would make their way into our country easily. :rolleyes:


Be Glad Trump, Not Hillary, Is Protecting the Border

There it is, in plain language, in Article IV of the United States Constitution:

“The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion…”

Our federal government has not just a moral but also a legal obligation to protect the states — and, by extension, the American people — from foreign incursions. Yet today, among our progressive brethren, we are told instead that the government has an obligation to protect the impoverished of the world from the “heartlessness” of Republicans.

Enter the caravan. From out of nowhere (or more precisely, Honduras) a so-called caravan of impoverished Central Americans has been slowly working its way toward the southern border of the United States with the announced intention of seeking mass asylum in order to replace the hazards and hardships of their own countries with the blessings of liberty that we enjoy in the United States.

President Trump says that won’t happen. I say thank God for President Trump. For me, this caravan is an existential threat to the sovereignty of the United States. It is different in kind from the terror attacks of 9/11, but like them, it is an attack on our country and our principles. And as with all such attacks, it is crucial how we respond.

Although I was still a liberal Democrat at the time of 9/11 and had voted for Al Gore, I was so glad he wasn’t president when Islamic terrorists killed nearly 3,000 people on American soil that day. Would he have responded appropriately to the threat represented by Islamic fundamentalism? I didn’t think so. George W. Bush was the man of destiny who vowed to protect our country — and to do whatever was necessary to do so. He made mistakes, but any Democrat would have made a more critical mistake — to seek the approval of the world instead of the death of the terrorists.

Now, 17 years later, can you imagine if Hillary “Merkel” Clinton were president while 10,000 or more people (mostly young, able-bodied men) marched toward our southern border with the intention of breaking our laws and invading our peace? There is no way Clinton could or would stop the caravan, what with all the reporters saying how desperate and helpless and worthy the 10,000-person army is. And once she let the first 10,000 across the border, what would happen then? How long would it take for the next caravan to start up?

Rest - https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2018/10/29/be_glad_trump_not_hillary_is_protecting_the_border _138476.html