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View Full Version : Armed Migrants in Caravan Opened Fire on Mexican Cops, Say Authorities

10-30-2018, 01:28 PM
So now some are armed? And not only for protection, but opened fire on the police no less? This is getting worse, and again shows you the type pf people on their way here.


Armed Migrants in Caravan Opened Fire on Mexican Cops, Say Authorities

Mexican authorities arrested two Hondurans who allegedly shot at federal police officers escorting the migrant caravan across the southern state of Chiapas. The attack follows shortly after government warnings about Molotov cocktail attacks around a second caravan near the border with Guatemala.

The attack took place near Ignacio Zaragoza, Chiapas, when members of Mexico’s Federal Police were escorting the migrant caravan as part of “Operativo Caminante” or “Operation Walker” across the southern border state. According to Mexico’s Interior Secretariat, two men identified only as 22-year-old “Jerson” and 17-year-old “Carlos” spotted the group of police officers guarding the caravan and began firing at them.

The attackers’ pistol jammed, allowing police officers to arrest them without any injuries. Federal authorities seized a .380 caliber Glock with nine rounds still in the magazine.

The attack came soon after Mexican authorities issued a warning about migrants in Guatemala who were preparing Molotov cocktails and acquiring firearms to use against police officers in their attempts to break through the border to Mexico. Over the weekend, several clashes occurred where migrants threw rocks and used various makeshift weapons against border security forces.


10-30-2018, 01:31 PM
WTF? And some making explosives? :rolleyes:


Mexico Warns of Molotov Cocktail Threat amid Second Migrant Caravan

Mexico’s immigration authorities issued a warning about individuals in Guatemala who are building Molotov cocktails and other makeshift incendiary devices to be used against federal police officers guarding their southern border. The alert follows an incident where a group of migrants in what’s being dubbed the second caravan threw rocks at officials at the Guatemala-Mexico Border and tried to break through international barriers. Mexican law enforcement confirmed that some of the protesters in the clash carried firearms.

The warning was issued by Mexico’s National Migration Institute (INM). The agency claimed it learned of various individuals in Tecun Uman, Guatemala, were building Molotov cocktails with the intent of using them against Mexican border authorities. In a public statement, INM asked the Guatemalan government to intervene, adding the violent actions were those of “criminals and not of a vulnerable migrant population.”

The group in Guatemala appears to be part of another caravan of migrants trying to make their way into Mexico and then the United States. As Breitbart News reported, that group clashed violently with authorities at one of the border fences in Guatemala as they tried to make their way into Mexico. Ten police officers sustained various injuries and one Honduran national died, Mexico’s Secretariat of the interior confirmed in a statement.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/border/2018/10/30/mexico-warns-of-molotov-cocktail-threat-at-border-amid-second-migrant-caravan/