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View Full Version : Democrats Admit Kavanaugh Mistreatment Backfiring in Midterms

10-30-2018, 01:46 PM

Democrats Admit Kavanaugh Mistreatment Backfiring in Midterms

Democrat strategists are now publicly admitting that the Senate Democrats’ mistreatment of now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh harmed their chances in the midterm elections. The damage hit both their once-long-shot-but-now-virtually-non-existent odds at retaking the Senate and their very real shot at retaking the House.

“The Kavanaugh hearings did set us back, but it depended on geography,” Democrat pollster Ben Tulchin said in an on-record quote to Politico for a piece published Tuesday. Tulchin argued that Democrats were hurt in rural and suburban areas by the way they treated Kavanaugh, while bolstered in inner cities they were already set to win, saying “the more upscale districts, where we’ve done well all cycle, it was to our benefit there, and in more downscale districts with rural pockets, it was a challenge.”

Politico, in its piece, summarizes just how bad the polling shifted against Democrats in the wake of the Kavanaugh hearings:

After the Kavanaugh hearings, public and private polling in Iowa, North Carolina and West Virginia did show Republicans regaining ground in a slate of districts deep in Trump country. Rep. Rod Blum (R-Iowa) got $1 million in TV air cover from Congressional Leadership Fund, the House GOP-aligned super PAC, after initially being written off by national Republicans. Polls conducted by the New York Times and Siena College showed Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.) jumping out to a 10-point October lead after being tied with his Democratic opponent in September.

Interestingly, the Politico piece is headlined: “Dems regain momentum in final days of battle for House.” But, if anything, the evidence contained throughout the story–which was filed from North Carolina’s ninth congressional district, where Republican Dr. Mark Harris faces Democrat Dan McCready–shows the exact opposite.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/10/30/democrats-admit-kavanaugh-mistreatment-backfiring-in-midterms/