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10-30-2018, 05:04 PM
So trying to stop folks, anywhere from 8,000-15,000 - equates to racism? There is apparently nothing you can do anymore. :rolleyes:

And then you have dumb and dumber, news reports about the folks in this crowd aside, make it sound as if this caravan is nothing, racist - anything at all to go after Trump with.


Morning Joe: Trump/Republicans Using 'Racism' As Closing Argument Before Election

(CNSNews.com) - Every campaign has its closing arguments, MSNBC's "Morning Joe" told viewers on Tuesday.

"But what Donald Trump and what the Republican Party, that has been now been completely taken over by Donald Trump, is using is racism," host Joe Scarborough said.

According to the now-liberal Scarborough, concern about the caravan -- and ongoing attempts to prevent illegal entry at the Southwest border -- amount to racism.

"And you see it in Donald Trump saying he is going to circumvent the Constitution with an executive order. He can't do that." (Trump told Axios that he plans to sign an executive order ending birthright citizenship.)

Scarborough continued:

He knows he can't do that. He's hoping there are enough stupid voters out there that don't understand he can’t do that. You have people on right-wing talk radio and right-wing TV talking about the smallpox that we eradicated that was, oh, migrants are going to bring in smallpox and other diseases. You have the most outrageous claims of presidents talking about tent cities.

And get this, James Mattis couldn't even talk Donald Trump, at first, into keeping enough troops – two-, three-, four-thousand troops in Syria to defeat and finish ISIS and to push back Iran, yet he's sending 5,000 troops down to the border when that's not what our troops need to do.

Our troops need to be home with their families in between all of these tours -- because -- my God, these people are over a thousand miles away. They probably aren't going to even get to the border if it's anything like last time, maybe 12, 13 will be arrested.

But, again, it's not about anything other than scaring Americans, and actually appealing to the most basic race instincts. And if it works, God help us all.

Joe's co-host and fiancé Mika Brzezinski reported that Trump is deploying 5,200 U.S. troops to the southern border by the end of this week in response to a caravan of migrants from Central America.

"Yeah, in response to nothing," Scarborough said.

"It's incredible," Brzezinski agreed. She called it a "cynical, nativist move," and she noted that 5,200 exceeds the number of U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria. "Just take a second to think about that," she said.

"That is absolutely insane," Scarborough said. "They're going to be staring across the border at nothing."

"At dirt," Brzezinski agreed.

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/morning-joe-trumprepublicans-using-racism-closing-argument-election

10-30-2018, 07:08 PM
I love the "completely taken over by Donald rump" part. Too bad the left won't actually choke on what THEY created. They have forced/pushed more people to support Trump and the Republicans than Trump or the Republicans have.

Hope that shit sandwich tastes like, well ... shit :)

10-30-2018, 07:16 PM
Desperate and deluded, trying to be important and influential.

They could not figure their way out of a broom closet.