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View Full Version : Central American Migrants Set Fire to Mexican Immigration Facility

10-30-2018, 07:30 PM
Busting through fences and gates. Molotov cocktails. Tossing rocks at Mexican police for hours. Burning the USA flag. And now add this one on top.


Central American Migrants Set Fire to Mexican Immigration Facility

A group of Central American migrants facing deportation set fire to a Mexican immigration facility in an apparent attempt to escape. The alleged arson comes at a time when Mexican authorities reported the use of firearms and Molotov cocktails within the migrant caravans as they make their way through Mexico to the United States.

The fire was reportedly started at a facility dual-purposed as a checkpoint and makeshift detention center for Mexico’s National Migration Institute (INM) in Pijijiapan, Chiapas, when a group of migrants housed there set fire to their mattresses, Televisa Noticias reported. According to local public safety director Jaime Marroquin, authorities were housing 21 men, five women, and three children which were in the process of being deported. The migrants reportedly set fires to give cover to their escape.

Firefighters responded to the scene while Mexican Federal Police officers detained the alleged runaways and moved them to a large immigration facility in Tapachula, Chiapas.

The fire comes only hours after Mexican Federal Police arrested two Honduran men who allegedly shot at cops guarding the migrant caravan currently in Chiapas, Breitbart News reported. The caravan began its journey earlier this month in Honduras and publicly announced its intent to reach the U.S. border. The Mexican government offered the caravan temporary jobs, health care, and education if they agreed to stay in southern Mexico and follow the country’s legal procedures for requesting asylum. The group largely turned down the offer, however, according to the INM, 111 migrants agreed and requested Mexican identification documents.


10-30-2018, 09:19 PM
I think anyone with a brain realizes who these criminals are. Just Hispanic version of the Soros rent-a-mob. Let's talk consequences.

When these "people" get to the US border, how exactly is Trump planning to stop them? He's going to have to use force or back down. Does anyone realize the consequences of his using military force against unarmed civilians? And trust me, that is exactly how the poor, downtrodden miscreants will be portrayed by the media. As innocent and looking for a better life as the day is long.

10-31-2018, 10:45 AM
I think anyone with a brain realizes who these criminals are. Just Hispanic version of the Soros rent-a-mob. Let's talk consequences.

When these "people" get to the US border, how exactly is Trump planning to stop them? He's going to have to use force or back down. Does anyone realize the consequences of his using military force against unarmed civilians? And trust me, that is exactly how the poor, downtrodden miscreants will be portrayed by the media. As innocent and looking for a better life as the day is long.
Have a troop for every illegal alien on the border. Put 50,000 troops down there if need be. They cross, they're immediately detained for deportation. They're violent, they get shot with rubber bullets, tear gas, etc. If they actually have a firearm and shoot at border patrol, they get a bullet in return. I couldn't give a fuck less what the democrat propaganda wing says about them, I already know it's going to be just like you said, and I already know that's largely just a bunch of bull shit, and regardless, I see an invasion, and I don't give a damn why they want to be here, we have ZERO obligation to just throw open the doors to every sons a bitch on the planet just because they want a JOB, or they had it a little rough where they came from. If they want to FIGHT, then go back home and FIGHT to make things better there.