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View Full Version : Trump sends bill to Stormy and Avenatti

10-31-2018, 11:28 AM
That's great! You lose in court, and then open an envelope to a hefty bill! Avenatti, between bills and fines, owes an awful lot as of late!


Trick or Treat: President Trump Sends Bill of $300,000 to Stormy and the Creepy Porn Lawyer in Attorney Fees

A federal judge dismissed Stormy Daniels’ defamation suit against President Trump earlier this month.


Stormy filed a defamation suit against President Trump after he mocked her over a sketch of the man who allegedly threatened her–the man in the sketch looked eerily like her ex-husband.

The U.S. District Judge dismissed the case on grounds Trump’s tweet was “rhetorical hyperbole,” not defamatory as Stormy Daniels alleged.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/trick-or-treat-president-trump-sends-bill-of-300000-to-stormy-and-the-creepy-porn-lawyer-in-attorney-fees/