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View Full Version : Report: There are 4 migrant caravans heading to the US border

11-01-2018, 10:01 AM
They will continue to form and come so long as the others are successful. :rolleyes:


Report: There are 4 migrant caravans heading to the US border

There are reportedly four migrant caravans heading toward the U.S. border with Mexico — and it might not stop there. Reports of caravans prompt thousands to travel north from Central America, through Mexico to the U.S., according to a New York Times report published Wednesday.

“Everybody wants to form another caravan,” Honduran agricultural worker Tony David Gálvez told the Times. He is part of the second group that left for the U.S. last week and that is currently in Mexico.

The NYT speculates that the caravan phenomenon is due to the fact that migrants see a large group as almost immune from the exploitation of organized crime and human smuggling. The organization Pueblo Sin Fronteras (translated as People Without Borders) would agree. It has been assisting migrant caravans for 15 years and believes there is strength in numbers. Migrant caravans usually begin their journey around Easter and the phenomenon isn’t entirely new.

According to some of people interviewed by The NYT, most of the migrants are aware of the American government’s antipathy towards their illegal immigration tactics but believe President Donald Trump will feel differently when the masses arrive at the border.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/01/four-migrant-caravans-us-border-honduras-el-salvador/

11-01-2018, 10:29 AM

Report: There are 4 migrant caravans heading to the US border

According to some of people interviewed by The NYT, most of the migrants are aware of the American government’s antipathy towards their illegal immigration tactics but believe President Donald Trump will feel differently when the masses arrive at the border.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/01/four-migrant-caravans-us-border-honduras-el-salvador/

<snipped for brevity>

That is huge assumption on their part, and likely VERY wrong!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2018, 10:41 AM
My guess is, that most of this is funded, spearheaded by persons or groups that oppose Trump as President and seek to cause him to lose favor with minority groups. Why did we not see any of this during the magnificent 8 years of the scum obama?
Wasnt he lauded as savior, bringing in a great utopia? So why not the great rush back then?
So why now are these tens of thousands of foreign invaders suddenly rushing in to --crash through our Southern border?
It is now because it serves the dems and their efforts to cause Trump problems and hopefully, get an impeachment due to how he has to control this damn invasion,,
They already are dividing many on our side over the issue of military being sent down there( I favor military use in this specific case myself).
I bet much of the organizing and financial aid involved in getting these caravans formed and sent this way comes from SOROS and other entities that hate this nation..
And Soros is a huge ally to the dem party- practically controls it, IMHO.-Tyr

11-01-2018, 11:18 AM
"Migrant caravan" my achin' ass... these are MASS INVASIONS, and it's high time we damn well FIGHT BACK. We need to send a CLEAR message that this will NOT be ALLOWED. You try and CRASH our border and INVADE by FORCE, you will be MET with FORCE... PERIOD... END OF STORY.

Or by God we need to start INVADING where they're COMING FROM, see how they like that.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-01-2018, 02:04 PM
The mighty Roman empire was doomed and destroyed once it lost the courage/fortitude needed to defend its borders. A fact...
And it was the mightiest empire ever to have been in existence!
This is a test for this nation, its current leader--Trump- one that simply must be passed with flying colors.
The world that ever so deeply envies and hates us will demand that we "just let them in" -- which is a perfect way for up to spend up our destruction in my opinion.
Folks, Soros and his globalist handlers are behind his linked in with the dem party, as Trump poses a major threat to them and does not do their bidding.
Trump sends our military down there and does with unload rifles, with orders not to fire -he needs to be impeached-in my opinion.
And you can bet your last penny that he is being advised to do that..
He sends our military-they had better have orders to shoot if necessary, if not, this will be an all out call for a thousand more caravans and this nation set to fall.-Tyr