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View Full Version : Opus cartoon mocking radical islam

08-27-2007, 03:17 PM
I saw this in my Sunday paper and thought it was funny. Apparently some did not. Sexual inuendo is a no no.


here is the strip in question:

The Washington Post and several other newspapers around the country did not run Sunday's installment of Berkeley Breathed's "Opus," in which the spiritual fad-seeking character Lola Granola appears in a headscarf and explains to her boyfriend, Steve, why she wants to become a radical Islamist.

The installment did not appear in the Post's print version, but it ran on WashingtonPost.com and Salon.com. The same will hold true for the upcoming Sept. 2 strip, which is a continuation of the plotline.

08-27-2007, 03:20 PM
I saw this strip. "Opus" is almost always funny, this strip included.

I'm not sure what the big deal is/was. Too much PC, it's going to kill this country.

08-27-2007, 03:31 PM
The same Fox article commented that the Post had no problem when Opus made fu of Jerry Falwell. Dead Christians: fair game. Radical Muslims: off limits.

Hagbard Celine
08-27-2007, 03:56 PM
The same Fox article commented that the Post had no problem when Opus made fu of Jerry Falwell. Dead Christians: fair game. Radical Muslims: off limits.

"Dead Christians." Could you be any more mellow dramatic about all this? White Christians aren't in any danger of being usurped any time soon--especially in this country, so the whole premise of the "War on Christianity" is a total false-dilemma. One created by the so-called "liberal media" no less (catch the irony there?), to create fear and increase viewership for corporate advertisers. Nobody's arguing that these Muslims' complaints are grounded in any kind of reality any of the rest of us are familiar with. The "double-standard" you've percieved to be against White Christians in favor of Muslims is nothing more than sensible business-owners recognizing the fact that fanatical Muslims are going to go apesh*t over cartoons about Islam and sensible Christians aren't. If Christians acted like wild apes every time a cartoon making-fun of Christians was published, they'd censor it just as much as they do the Islam cartoons. But they don't because, if you haven't noticed, Christians tend to be a bit more tolerant and civilized than Muslims are for the most part.

08-27-2007, 04:06 PM
...Christians tend to be a bit more tolerant and civilized than Muslims are for the most part.
Hag this is uncalled for you and I can't possibly agree on anything political. :laugh2:
And BTW its: "melodramatic". "Mellow Dramatic" is something Barry Man A Low would sing.

08-27-2007, 04:08 PM
Hag this is uncalled for you and I can't possibly agree on anything political. :laugh2:
And BTW its: "melodramatic". "Mellow Dramatic" is something Barry Man A Low would sing.

Technically you're not. You seem to be agreeing in something religious.

08-27-2007, 04:11 PM
Technically you're not. You seem to be agreeing in something religious.
Yeah. But the politics comes in on who gets the pass and who doesn't.

Hagbard Celine
08-27-2007, 04:26 PM
Yeah. But the politics comes in on who gets the pass and who doesn't.

It doesn't have anything to do with politics though. Not everything is politics. Do you remember the Muhammad cartoons that sparked worldwide riots and caused casualties in multiple cities around the planet? That never happens when Christians get made fun of. Christians understand free speech. The Muslim world does not. It has no historic or cultural basis for even the idea of free speech and, like most primitive cultures, it reacts to offense with violence. That is why publishers censor Islam cartoons and why they let Christian cartoons get published. It's common sense man. Some publishers may want to "fight for free speech" and have all these ideas and principles they stand for and all this, but the majority are just family men and women who happen to work at a paper or a broadcast company or..you get the idea. Why stir up a bee's nest over another stupid cartoon if you don't have to? It needlessly causes trouble and it's a good move from an editorial standpoint. Of course either move (publishing it or not publishing it) is a good move and can be defended successfully, but when guys like you call "foul" over something like this it needlessly slings crap in the faces of decent, hardworking people who are just trying to eek out a living.

08-27-2007, 04:47 PM
It doesn't have anything to do with politics though. Not everything is politics. Do you remember the Muhammad cartoons that sparked worldwide riots and caused casualties in multiple cities around the planet? That never happens when Christians get made fun of. Christians understand free speech. The Muslim world does not. It has no historic or cultural basis for even the idea of free speech and, like most primitive cultures, it reacts to offense with violence. That is why publishers censor Islam cartoons and why they let Christian cartoons get published. It's common sense man. Some publishers may want to "fight for free speech" and have all these ideas and principles they stand for and all this, but the majority are just family men and women who happen to work at a paper or a broadcast company or..you get the idea. Why stir up a bee's nest over another stupid cartoon if you don't have to? It needlessly causes trouble and it's a good move from an editorial standpoint. Of course either move (publishing it or not publishing it) is a good move and can be defended successfully, but when guys like you call "foul" over something like this it needlessly slings crap in the faces of decent, hardworking people who are just trying to eek out a living. I'm just glad everyone doesn't think that way, and take the easy way out, otherwise we would have no patriots.

08-27-2007, 05:09 PM
It doesn't have anything to do with politics though. Not everything is politics. Do you remember the Muhammad cartoons that sparked worldwide riots and caused casualties in multiple cities around the planet? That never happens when Christians get made fun of. Christians understand free speech. The Muslim world does not. It has no historic or cultural basis for even the idea of free speech and, like most primitive cultures, it reacts to offense with violence. That is why publishers censor Islam cartoons and why they let Christian cartoons get published. It's common sense man. Some publishers may want to "fight for free speech" and have all these ideas and principles they stand for and all this, but the majority are just family men and women who happen to work at a paper or a broadcast company or..you get the idea. Why stir up a bee's nest over another stupid cartoon if you don't have to? It needlessly causes trouble and it's a good move from an editorial standpoint. Of course either move (publishing it or not publishing it) is a good move and can be defended successfully, but when guys like you call "foul" over something like this it needlessly slings crap in the faces of decent, hardworking people who are just trying to eek out a living.

muslims will riot and murder because of cartoons about their religion, but christians won't so islam cartoons are banned or censored. So what happens when the muslims start demanding all mention of christians be eliminated and start rioting and murdering until its done. Where do you draw the line HC? The threat of violence is islams way of censoring our media.

If they don't like what our media prints they can leave and go back where they came from. Our media has the right to print whatever they want too. If it offends muslims, too bad.

08-27-2007, 05:19 PM
muslims will riot and murder because of cartoons about their religion, but christians won't so islam cartoons are banned or censored. So what happens when the muslims start demanding all mention of christians be eliminated and start rioting and murdering until its done. Where do you draw the line HC? The threat of violence is islams way of censoring our media.

If they don't like what our media prints they can leave and go back where they came from. Our media has the right to print whatever they want too. If it offends muslims, too bad.


Hag apparently wants us to pull out the white flag.

Why should we give them a free pass to insult christianity and every other religion out there that isn't islam???

08-27-2007, 07:25 PM
". If Christians acted like wild apes every time a cartoon making-fun of Christians was published, they'd censor it just as much as they do the Islam cartoons. But they don't because, if you haven't noticed, Christians tend to be a bit more tolerant and civilized than Muslims are for the most part.


Are you saying then that it is ok to censor based on this reaction by the MSM vis a vis the muslim outbursts? As you have misunderstood some of my posts in the past, I want you to know this is a question. I don't believe you support such a view, but had to ask.

I find this censoring to be appalling. And I agree with you in your take of why it is happening. I think this also happens in other issues as well, such as race issues. The news seems so insistent that they will get to the "truth" no matter what, yet it appears this is not so. Maybe they liken the cartoons to "inciting violence." I don't know. One must be careful of what one prints, however, the slope on this very slippery. Soon the truth will be trampled underfoot simply because we are afraid some muslims will riot in "their" corner of the world and kill each other "there." They know this and relish in it. A victory is not always won by arms.

08-27-2007, 08:07 PM
That was a very clever strip. It worked on many levels. If it offended anyone then they should grow some skin because they obviously don't have any at all, let alone the thick type.

08-27-2007, 10:22 PM
That was a very clever strip. It worked on many levels. If it offended anyone then they should grow some skin because they obviously don't have any at all, let alone the thick type. Stop pissing on muslims man.

08-27-2007, 10:25 PM
I sold Berkeley Breathed an airbrush when he came into the art store I worked at. Great guy, very funny. Good looking wife too.

08-27-2007, 10:27 PM
I sold Berkeley Breathed an airbrush when he came into the art store I worked at. Great guy, very funny. Good looking wife too. I love art chics. Too bad they're all looney libs.

08-28-2007, 01:47 PM
That was a very clever strip. It worked on many levels. If it offended anyone then they should grow some skin because they obviously don't have any at all, let alone the thick type.

My thoughts exactly.

Muslims can't have it both ways. They can't denouce every other religion and then expect their own to be treated with kid gloves.