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View Full Version : Veritas - O'Rourke helping illegals

11-03-2018, 03:33 PM
What scumbags. America is here fighting for the political future, which is our future, and this scumbag and his team are stealing American funds to help ILLEGALS!!


O’Rourke Campaign Caught Discussing Illegally Using Campaign Funds to Help Caravan Migrants

Project Veritas Action Fund Thursday night released its eighth undercover video revealing Democratic lies and deceit in the 2018 midterm elections. The newest episode features members of U.S. Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke’s campaign plotting to use campaign funds to help Honduran caravan migrants.

The video actually shows his campaign staff talking about using campaign resources to buy supplies and help transport Honduran aliens. Whether or not this is a good idea is beside the point. It's totally illegal.

Said James O’Keefe, founder and president of Project Veritas Action, “Charity and helping your fellow man are things we applaud at Project Veritas Action. The problem is, you can’t break the law when you do it.”

O’Rourke’s campaign staffers, Dominic Chacon and AnaPaula Themann, didn't appear too concerned about getting caught, however.

“The Hondurans, yeah,... I’m going to go get some food right now, like, just some stuff to drop off,” Chacon, O'Rourke's field manager, can be heard saying in the video.

Themann asked how the migrants got through.

“Well, I think they accepted them as, like, asylum seekers…. So, I’m going to get some groceries and some blankets,” Chacon replied.

“Don’t ever repeat this and stuff but, like, if we just say we’re buying food for some event, like the Halloween events...” Themann cautioned.

“That’s not a horrible idea, but I didn’t hear anything. Umm, we can wait til tomorrow for that,” Chacon said

“Well, that’s exactly the food we need. And I will just mark it as... I do have dozens of block walkers," Themann added.

As "block walkers" are campaign workers who go door to door to talk to voters and campaign for candidates, Themann likely meant that they would mark the expenditure down as meals for them.

Chacon and Themann discussed how they would "mask" their use of campaign funds to buy food for the migrants.

“There’s actually stores that mark it as just ‘food,’ they don’t mark any types… at Albertsons, on the receipts, it marks it just based off of brand,” Themann explained.

Chacon added, “I think we can use that with those [campaign pre-paid] cards to buy some food... All that s**t can be totally masked like, oh, we just wanted a healthy breakfast!”

A Project Veritas Action attorney who reviewed the footage said that it looks like the O’Rourke campaign violated FEC rules.

The material Project Veritas Action Fund captured shows campaign workers covering up the true nature of spending of campaign funds and intentionally misreporting them. This violates the FEC’s rules against personal use and misreporting. It also violates Section 1001, making a false statement to the federal government. The FEC violations impose civil penalties, including fines of up to $10,000 or 200 percent of the funds involved. Violations of Section 1001 are criminal and include imprisonment of up to five years.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/project-veritas-orourke-campaign-discusses-illegally-helping-caravan-migrants-with-campaign-funds/

11-03-2018, 03:38 PM
That won't stop the voters around here. Half of them are Hispanic and half of them are Dems. The Dems here used to not act like the loopy Dems in other states but that line gets blurrier every election.

I despise that horse-faced, buck-toothed f*ck. You can just look at him and know he's a shyster and a liar.

11-03-2018, 03:40 PM
Oh yeah ... my question when this came up a day or so ago .... is he using campaign funds to fund this caravan? Can they bust his ass? And, WILL they ?

11-03-2018, 04:01 PM
Shoot first answer questions later?

And they SHOULD and NEED to find out much more about his potentially law breaking in helping fund any of these illegals.


After endorsing O'Rourke, Texas newspaper joins Ted Cruz in calling for Beto to answer questions

--ep. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke avoided providing a policy stance regarding how the migrant caravan should be handled upon its arrival in Texas.
--Immigration and border security are the top issues for voters in Texas prior to the midterm elections.
--The Dallas Morning News’s editorial board urged O’Rourke to provide details on his policy stances and do more than just call for unity.

The Dallas Morning News’s editorial board called on Democratic Rep. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke on Friday to provide clarification regarding where he stands on the migrant caravan that is heading towards the U.S border.

O’Rourke, who is trying to unseat Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, has been dodging the issue, despite immigration and border security overwhelmingly being the top issues for voters in Texas. Cruz urged reporters on Friday to probe O’Rourke into what he intends to do if elected to the Senate on Nov. 6.

“Two basic [questions] every reporter should ask Beto today,” Cruz tweeted. “(1) should the “caravan” be allowed to cross illegally into Texas? (Beto refuses to answer.) And (2) did your campaign dollars illegally fund their doing so?”


Cruz’s second question was in reference to undercover footage that was released on Thursday by Project Veritas. In the video, O’Rourke’s campaign staff alluded to campaign resources that were being used to assist the migrants on their way to the Texas border, a move that would violate federal law. O’Rourke later claimed that the spending will be appropriately reported to the Federal Election Commission as a charitable expense.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/03/orourke-dallas-morning-news-cruz/

11-03-2018, 04:12 PM
Shoot first answer questions later?

And they SHOULD and NEED to find out much more about his potentially law breaking in helping fund any of these illegals.


After endorsing O'Rourke, Texas newspaper joins Ted Cruz in calling for Beto to answer questions

--ep. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke avoided providing a policy stance regarding how the migrant caravan should be handled upon its arrival in Texas.
--Immigration and border security are the top issues for voters in Texas prior to the midterm elections.
--The Dallas Morning News’s editorial board urged O’Rourke to provide details on his policy stances and do more than just call for unity.

The Dallas Morning News’s editorial board called on Democratic Rep. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke on Friday to provide clarification regarding where he stands on the migrant caravan that is heading towards the U.S border.

O’Rourke, who is trying to unseat Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, has been dodging the issue, despite immigration and border security overwhelmingly being the top issues for voters in Texas. Cruz urged reporters on Friday to probe O’Rourke into what he intends to do if elected to the Senate on Nov. 6.

“Two basic [questions] every reporter should ask Beto today,” Cruz tweeted. “(1) should the “caravan” be allowed to cross illegally into Texas? (Beto refuses to answer.) And (2) did your campaign dollars illegally fund their doing so?”


Cruz’s second question was in reference to undercover footage that was released on Thursday by Project Veritas. In the video, O’Rourke’s campaign staff alluded to campaign resources that were being used to assist the migrants on their way to the Texas border, a move that would violate federal law. O’Rourke later claimed that the spending will be appropriately reported to the Federal Election Commission as a charitable expense.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/03/orourke-dallas-morning-news-cruz/If he gets the Dallas Morning News up his ass, he's going to have a REAL bad time. That's the liberal Bible for news in that part of the state.

As a voter in this state, I find his response to ANY and ALL contributions/assistance to the caravan unacceptable. "Will be reported as a charitable contribution" is NOT enough of an answer. WHOSE money is it?

If they staked his ass out in the sun I wouldn't be happy enough.

11-03-2018, 09:33 PM
Charitable donation my ass!

That is other people's money he is throwing at this attempted illegal assault on Texas
and OUR Nation.

11-03-2018, 10:09 PM
I want him disqualified or charged by Tuesday. That'll solve two problems. The Senate seat AND O'Rourke's future.

11-03-2018, 11:00 PM
I want him disqualified or charged by Tuesday. That'll solve two problems. The Senate seat AND O'Rourke's future.

That would be a wondrous thing, if time would let it happen.

Yet, I do not see Texans as being stupid ( Excepts for Cowboys love:laugh:)
and hope they will see this for what it is worth...aiding and abetting an assault on the State and Nation!