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11-05-2018, 03:45 PM
Speaker Pelosi or Speaker Maxine Waters and/or 'Majority Leader Schumer' --- no can do, just as bad as spiders!!


Closing Argument: Three Reasons to Vote Republican Tomorrow

After many months of obsessive poll watching, race-by-race analysis, and examining national trends, election day is finally upon us. Tomorrow, voters across the country will decide whether or not to reward Democrats with the 'blue wave' they've been seeking since President Trump's upset victory two years ago. As a 2016 'Never Trumper' and a conservative who remains rather suspicious of Trump, I am supporting the Republican Party in the midterms -- primarily for the following three reasons:

(1) The Economy. Thanks to GOP policies and leadership, the US economy is humming along. By now, many of you know the highlights: Unemployment has ebbed to a near-50-year low, boosting the fortunes of Americans across all demographics. Consumer confidence has spiked to an 18-year peak. GDP growth is on place to hit or exceed three percent for the year. Wages and salaries are surging at the strongest clip in a decade, outpacing inflation. The list goes on. After President Obama and the Democrats presided over the most tepid American economic recovery since World War II -- following the harrowing 2008 collapse, in which big government policies and experimentation played a large role -- the Trump administration and Republicans in Congress have undertaken a robust project of deregulation and tax reform. Using the Congressional Review Act and executive power, the GOP has partially cleared away a tangle of Washington red tape and over-regulation, unleashing job creators in the private sector.

They also passed landmark legislation that cut taxes for businesses and families while reforming the byzantine federal tax code. They achieved this critical accomplishment over the lockstep opposition of every last Democrat in Congress, and in the face of a torrent of misinformation and fear-mongering. Tax reform has not been the political silver bullet some Republicans may have hoped for, but its popularity is viable, and it's no accident that voters trust the party in power over the opposition on economic issues and taxes. The Washington Post/ABC News poll we highlighted earlier helps demonstrate widespread economic optimism and satisfaction among the electorate:

On Friday, the Labor Department’s monthly employment report produced a string of positive numbers: another month with the unemployment rate at 3.7 percent, the lowest in half a century; 250,000 jobs added to the workforce; and wages posting the biggest increase in almost a decade and faster than inflation. The Post-ABC News poll was conducted Monday through Thursday, the day before the employment statistics were announced, and records the most optimistic attitudes about the economy in nearly two decades, with 65 percent of all Americans rating the state of the economy as good or excellent and 34 percent offering a negative assessment. The last time optimism ranked so high was in January 2001...Among registered voters, 71 percent say the economy is good or excellent, up from 60 percent in August. Those who give the economy positive ratings favor Republican candidates for the House by 54 to 40 percent, wider than the 49 to 42 percent margin in August.

Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2018/11/05/closing-argument-three-reasons-to-vote-republican-tomorrow-n2535044

11-05-2018, 05:41 PM
Like Rush says, people might SAY they're going to vote for a demtard, but when they get in that booth and close the curtain, they know they're better off now than they were under the kenyan, and they're going to vote republican.

You have to be BRAIN DEAD, and have absolute HATE for America to vote democrap.