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View Full Version : Chelsea Handler blames white women for O'Rourke loss

11-08-2018, 09:38 AM
What a failed comedian twit. I am truly starting to think that she is purposely trying to one-up her previous antics in order to get more attention. Either that, or she's just a twit.

Not that white women didn't vote - just that they didn't agree with her.

And she thought Hillary was the most qualified candidate in modern day history. :cuckoo:


Chelsea Handler Rails Against White Women Who Didn’t Vote for Beto O’Rourke

Former Netflix host Chelsea Handler went on a racially charged rant on Wednesday against the white women who chose to vote for Texas Senator Ted Cruz over Beto O’Rourke.

“59% of white women voted for Ted Cruz. I don’t know what it is going to take for us to be sisters to other women, but we have to do better than this,” Chelsea Handler said.

“We need to vote for the best interests of others, and stop thinking only about ourselves.”

Of course, Handler has a history of attacking white women for their voting decisions.

Following the 2016 election, the 43-year-old wrote an essay asking what “kind of a woman” would vote for Donald Trump.

America is a free country, and we are free to differ on public policy, but what kind of a woman votes for a white, entitled rich guy who has spent his entire life working the system for excess personal profit while insatiably groping strange women for personal pleasure while Hillary Clinton — arguably the most qualified presidential candidate in modern American history — was standing right there in her pleated pantsuit waiting to lift America up out of its 240-year “winning streak” of male dominance and patriarchy?

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2018/11/08/chelsea-handler-rails-against-white-women-who-didnt-vote-for-beto-orourke/

11-08-2018, 08:17 PM
Remember all that bitching to no end I was doing about O'Rourke? His biggest fan is a slut. Add THAT to the list. He is a caricature of everything wrong with dems in one body right down to the horse face. And look, his biggest "fan" probably doesn't even remember when she slept with him :rolleyes:

11-08-2018, 11:38 PM
So what does a retarded, dumbass, leftist skank like Handler do to encourage people to vote, well, the same thing ANYONE would do right? Of course... post a picture of yourself TOPLESS on social media. EVERYONE does that, right? It's completely normal and makes perfect sense. Topless pictures of yourself INSTANTLY make people want to... VOTE... well... I'm sure it does on SOME planet... planet DUMBASS probably...



11-09-2018, 12:03 AM