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View Full Version : Senator Coburn Tells Congress What We're All Thinking...

11-10-2018, 10:15 PM
I posted about this before, and some of you didn't like the idea. However, it's growing, as he mentions, and as I get update emails all the time indicating, it's growing, so it definitely is coming... and I honestly think this is the ONLY way America will solve MANY of it's biggest problems, like imposing term limits, (we put term limits on the president because we didn't want a president to ever stay in power that long, but with all branches of government supposed to be coequal, why then don't we have the same term limits on congressmen and senators, or supreme court justices?), and size of government, and spending caps, on and on... our "government" will never fix itself. We have the fox guarding the hen house, and it doesn't matter what SIDE your talking about. They're both guilty as sin, because getting elected to a high office in America is no longer to serve the people, it's for these sons a bitches to serve themselves. It's no longer for them to serve US, it's for us to serve THEM. Just keep sending in all those tax dollars and STFU, we'll do as we please. Lie to you to get elected and then forget your promises. When was the last time you ever see a Washington ass wipe go to PRISON? Ya... NEVER. They're above the law. Are you and I? These shysters up there are in it for the POWER, and the MONEY, and the rest of us BE DAMNED. It's all a game to them, to stay in power, to keep lining their own damn pockets with CASH. Make a $175K a year but somehow you're a MILLIONAIRE in TWO YEARS. How does that happen? Washington is BROKEN, and VOTING will NEVER fix it either, EVER. It's going to take an Article V Convention of States, which is CONSTITUTIONAL, or another CIVIL WAR. Which would you rather have?


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-11-2018, 08:03 AM
That would be almost impossible to do without the dem/lib/media corruption of today to get in by hook and crook , perhaps even worse .
Our problem are those people not the piece of paper. The piece of paper is what has been ignored , stepped on, spit on, torn AND sh!T on...
Why would these bastards that ignore and step on it now suddenly obey and honor it if it held safeguards against them and their power/corruption and what they do now?
A constitutional convention designed and enforced to address certain key issues only would be the only way I'd say do it.
As the idea of rewriting the whole thing --no never , not in my willing participation.
We simply do not have the kind of men in politics/power today to even come close tho the men that framed the CONSTITUTION.

By the way, I just spent 28 hours in emergency room, due to an irregular heartbeat and now am on meds for that.
I logged on to simply read but you thread got my attention my friend. (Soon we, they call dinosaurs will be gone and Heaven help this nation when that happens, IMHO)
I would be for your idea to revamp/modernize the Constitution if we could keep every damn dem out of the process.-Tyr

11-11-2018, 01:30 PM
An Article V convention can open the door to rewrite the whole Constitution. The John Birch Society is organizing a 6 not 5 movement to ENFORCE the current Constitution, not rewrite our Constitution.


Advocates of an Article V constitutional convention (Con-Con) complain about problems that can all be solved by constitutional enforcement (the Article VI solution). Yet they ignore enforcement and insist on a Con-Con that could rewrite our Constitution and destroy its protection of our rights, ending the American experiment in liberty that has resulted in a greater amount of freedom and prosperity for a greater number of people than any system ever devised by man.

America's Founders said constitutional violations should be met with constitutional enforcement – local, state, and federal officials who swear an oath to the Constitution have a duty to protect our rights by opposing violations. Enforcement would stop the socialist agenda and limit government to 20% its size and cost. This would dramatically reduce taxes, corruption, and abuses of power and enable a new American renaissance, setting an example for the world.


11-11-2018, 08:27 PM