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11-12-2018, 08:40 AM

Here We Go… Georgia Democrat Party Says Thousands of New “Absentee, Early, and Election Day Votes” Were Just Discovered in Several Counties

They’re going to steal Georgia too.

The Georgia Democrat Party announced on SATURDAY that a handful of Georgia counties have suddenly discovered THOUSANDS of new votes that need to be counted. The Georgia Democrats say the new stash included absentee, early and election day votes.

The midterm election was four days ago.


Democrats in Georgia have now mysteriously discovered another 5,569 votes of which 4,804 were for Stacey Adams.
They are going to steal the Georgia election too.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/here-we-go-georgia-democrat-party-says-thousands-of-new-absentee-early-and-election-day-votes-in-several-counties/

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: FL Democrat Party Attorney Tells Laura Loomer – DESTROYING BALLOTS ISN’T FRAUD

Florida Democrat party lawyer Leonard Samuels just got Loomered!
Leonard Samuels, a partner at Berger Singerman and Florida Democratic Party attorney, attended the Broward County Elections Supervisor press conference on Saturday.

Investigative journalist Laura Loomer also attended the protests and press conferences.

Laura was able to ask Samuels about Brenda Snipes who has a LONG record of incompetence and criminal activity.

From the interview:

Laura Loomer: Do you think that it’s appropriate for Brenda Snipes to overseeing this given the fact that a judge ruled that she already destroyed ballots in a race between Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Tim Canova? I mean, that seems a little unethical for her to be overseeing this?

Leonard Samuels: Of course she should oversee this. She was appointed by a Republican governor Jeb Bush. She’s been reelected several times by the voters of Broward County… There’s been not one iota of fraud. There’s been not one iota of corruption.

Laura Loomer: There has though. A judge ruled she destroyed ballots in the race between Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Tim Canova. So how can you say that there’s not any shred of evidence of corruption when she destroyed ballots? If you’re an elections supervisor shouldn’t destroying ballots be an automatic disqualification for overseeing elections.

Leonard Samuels: I don’t qualify that as fraud or corruption.

Laura Loomer: You don’t qualify the destruction of legitimate ballots as fraud or corruption?

Leanard Samuels: It was way, way after the election. Debbie Wasserman Schultz won that election.

Laura Loomer: You don’t not think that is fraud? And you’re a lawyer for the Democrat Party?

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/caught-on-video-fl-democrat-party-attorney-tells-laura-loomer-destrying-ballots-isnt-fraud-video/

Palm Beach Elections Observer Witnesses Infractions – Then Was Threatened With Expulsion For Speaking Out

Author and conservative commentator, Dr. Gina Loudon said her husband, John Loudon, a former State Senator for Missouri, spent the entire night from midnight to 8 AM in Palm Beach County watching the Democrats steal the Florida election.

John Loudon witnessed thousands of ballots not counted then moved, unsecured out of view of observers to be filled out later by unknown people.

Even more shocking, John Loudon witnessed clerks coming in and out of a back door where there were trucks at an unsecured rear dock. When Mr. Loudon called out the infraction to the SOE, she threatened to throw him and other Republicans out of the facility.

Mr. Loudon recorded everything and signed affidavits.

Dr. Gina: Reposting former tweet to be VERY specific since @johnloudon was (finally) sleeping after being up all night watching the #FloridaRecount when I posted. The details are important so I want to use his words, exactly…

Dr. Gina: My husband @johnloudon spent the entire night (midnight-8 am) watching Dems steal our #FloridaRecount. He saw 1000s of ballots not counted then moved, unsecured out of view of observers to be filled in later by unknown people as they see fit…

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/palm-beach-elections-observer-witnesses-infractions-was-threatened-with-expulsion-for-speaking-out/

Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes Publicly Recommends Counting ILLEGAL VOTES

You can’t make this stuff up.

Broward County elections supervisor Brenda Snipes is now publicly recommending to count ballots that have already been independently verified as illegal votes.

Why hasn’t Brenda Snipes been removed from her position by the feds??

Martin Vassolo of the Miami Herald reported that Brenda Snipes is publicly recommending to the canvassing board to accept a mixed batch of provisional ballots which includes at least 20 illegal votes.

Via Martin Vassolo of the Miami Herald:

Brenda Snipes says she recommends the canvassing board ACCEPT the mixed batch of 205 provisional ballots, including at least 20 illegal votes. Attorney for Bill Nelson says he has invited one voter whose ballot was deemed illegal because signature mismatch. Canvassing board discussing

“It seems unfair to be to disenfranchise 205 voters at the expense of a small number,” Snipes says. “And if that’s being unfair to anyone, I don’t think it’s a large enormous gg number to effect the difference between who comes out of the recount as victor.”

Broward canvassing board instructs staff to transmit current results (99.997%) to the State. It is our understanding that the batch of 205 provisionals will be included in those results. Republican attorneys assumed to challenge that.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/broward-county-elections-supervisor-brenda-snipes-publicly-recommending-to-count-illegal-votes/

11-12-2018, 11:02 AM
How can this even be an issue?Hello—non US Citizens don’t have the right to vote period!Lost integrity of voting!Lawyers for Gillum...Nelson Fight to Include Non-U.S. Citizens' Votes


11-12-2018, 11:05 AM
`Donald Trump: Honest Vote Count in Florida 'No Longer Possible'


President Donald Trump expressed skepticism about a recount in the Florida election on Monday, claiming it was impossible to conduct a fair tally.

“An honest vote count is no longer possible-ballots massively infected,” he wrote on Twitter. “Must go with Election Night!”
