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View Full Version : Nikoh's 1st snow

11-16-2018, 12:32 PM
And she couldn't enjoy it. Gotta keep her as calm as possible, no running and what not, since her surgery 3 days ago. She's still wearing the cone of course, albeit a nicer than the plain plastic ones. And I take her on a leash to prevent her from running wild.

You can see that this (like the 700 hundredth leash) leash has been eaten too. And she was semi calm at first, but then saw some squirrels! She then got excited and tried to bail on me, and ended up just doing her little dance on her hind legs trying to get to the little creatures!!


11-16-2018, 12:35 PM
Poor pup! Lots of snowy days ahead.

11-16-2018, 12:40 PM
Poor pup! Lots of snowy days ahead.

I feel so bad for her with this dang cone on her head and medications. And then to see her miss the snow sucks. But you're right, there will be more!!

11-16-2018, 10:05 PM
We've got just a tad more snow here than you do there.

Man, that puppy was just hand-sized last time I saw her!

11-21-2018, 12:00 PM
She just needs a play day or 10 with Riley lol.