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11-17-2018, 01:39 PM
I am hoping she does run! That would be the best thing possible for Trump!! :laugh:


Is Bill and Hillary's tour a sideshow the Democrats don't need?

Amid rumours of a possible 2020 run, the Clintons face the possibility of unfavourable comparisons with Michelle Obama’s book tour and of an uncertain reception in the MeToo era.

It is a plan that has critics asking: when will the Clintons take a hint?

Bill Clinton, the former US president, and his wife Hillary, the ex-secretary of state and presidential candidate, embark on a speaking tour of 13 cities later this month but a warm reception is far from guaranteed.

Bill, 72, has seen his stock plummet since the rise of the #MeToo movement. He was persona non grata among Democratic candidates during the midterms and, with uncomfortable timing, the tour coincides with the 20th anniversary of his impeachment over the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Hillary, 71, is seeking redemption of her own after losing the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump, a reality TV star with zero political experience and a record high disapproval rating. The tour is seen by some as testing the water for yet another presidential bid in 2020.

As another former first lady, Michelle Obama, embarks on a book tour at venues usually reserved for rock stars, the Clinton version risks comparisons, in the eyes of detractors, with fading singers who once filled stadiums and now find themselves performing in a dingy club on a rainy Tuesday.

“Let’s see if the audience goes beyond the usual suspects such as ambassadors and people who worked in the Clinton administration,” said Bill Whalen, a Republican consultant. “Other than the story of their relationship, I’m not sure we really want to hear from these two. And with the Clintons there’s always the question of profiteering. Do they have something to say or are they grubbing for money?”

The Bill-and-Hill show starts in Toronto, Canada, on 27 November but its main run is concentrated in April with dates in New York, Detroit, Philadelphia, Wallingford in Connecticut, Washington and Boston. Tickets for the show at the Beacon Theatre in New York currently range from $175 to a “platinum” seat for $571; a night later, at the Fox Theatre in Detroit, they range from $69.50 to $119.50.

Rest - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/nov/17/hillary-bill-clinton-speaking-tour-democrats-2020