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View Full Version : Scarborough: ‘Donald Trump Is Not Going to Win Re-Election’

11-19-2018, 01:38 PM
A little bait tossed.... :laugh:


Scarborough: ‘Donald Trump Is Not Going to Win Re-Election’

During Monday’s broadcast of “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, host Joe Scarborough discussed President Donald Trump’s chances for re-election in 2020.

According to Scarborough, Trump’s “pathway to victory” is “narrowed” now from 2018 because he will not do as well in the suburbs unless “he radically changes.”

The only way Republicans win presidential elections is by winning the suburbs,” Scarborough declared. “Donald Trump actually proved that by doing better in the suburbs of Philadelphia two years ago, but I don’t think I’m killing Hamlet in the first act to say he’s not going to do that well in the suburbs of Philly in 2020, he’s not going to do as well in Wisconsin as he did in 2016, he’s not going to do as well in some of these swing areas as he did in 2016 unless he radically changes. And we have absolutely no reason in front of us, no evidence in front of us to believe that he can radically change enough to win those votes back.”

He continued, “That pathway to victory has to be narrowed after 2018. And I would say this has been a clarifying election — clarifying election in the sense that Donald Trump is not going to win re-election. I said it, write it down.”


11-19-2018, 01:46 PM
Not if this economy keeps stalling. DOW keeps getting hammered.

11-19-2018, 01:47 PM
Not if this economy keeps stalling. DOW keeps getting hammered.

Gobble Gobble!! And on same subjects no less!