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View Full Version : If the Radical Left Takes Over, You Can Kiss Your Freedoms Goodbye

11-19-2018, 02:06 PM
But they haven't, yet. Some of them made it through, somehow. But not enough to have majorities of damage. But if these knuckleheads continue in this route, then yeah, we may have a far left liberal kook gang in charge. And I don't mean just the regular left kooks like Feinstein, Waters & Pelosi, but worse, believe it or not!!


If the Radical Left Takes Over, You Can Kiss Your Freedoms Goodbye

The pattern is as predictable as it is obvious. When the left (especially the far left) talks about freedom, it means freedom for those who conform. When it talks about diversity, it means my way or the highway. Political correctness is to be enforced. Dissent will not be tolerated. So much for the left bringing “liberation.”

Of course, the left will say to us, “No, you are the ones who require conformity. You are the ones who refuse to recognize marriage when it’s different than what you’re used to. You are the ones who want to forbid a woman from having control over her own body. It is our side, the left, which loves freedom.”

But that objection misses the point.

Our argument is that marriage in our society has a certain meaning and history and function. To tamper with that is to tamper with our foundations.

But if two men or two women want to live together, that’s their choice. We simply don’t want to be required to validate or celebrate that choice.

When it comes to abortion, notice that, despite our abhorrence of that sinful practice, we’re not forcibly stopping women from having abortions. We’re arguing that no one has the right to terminate the life of an innocent baby and we’re advocating for a change in the laws and the culture through political and persuasive means.

In sharp contrast, it is the left that wants to shut down dissenting views. That is protesting at college campuses before a thoughtful conservative delivers a speech. That is forcing conservative professors into hiding. That is forbidding professional counseling for minors with unwanted same-sex attractions. That is requiring people to use certain terms in their speech and punishing them if they don’t.

Rest - https://townhall.com/columnists/michaelbrown/2018/11/19/if-the-radical-left-takes-over-you-can-kiss-your-freedoms-goodbye-n2536193