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View Full Version : Sixteen House Dems Vow to Stop Pelosi for Speaker

11-19-2018, 02:19 PM
They better get their shit together if they plan on beating Trump in 2020, when they can't even get together to pick their speaker.


Sixteen House Dems Vow to Stop Pelosi for Speaker

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is facing major push back from within her own party as Democrats revolt against her bid for Speakership.

Nancy Pelosi wants the gavel back in January when the Democrats take back control of the House, but sixteen Dem lawmakers opposed her in a scathing letter released Monday.

Politico reported: (https://www.politico.com/story/2018/11/19/pelosis-bid-for-speaker-imperiled-as-public-opposition-grows-1005368)

Sixteen House Democrats vowed in a letter released Monday to oppose Nancy Pelosi for speaker on the House floor, placing the California Democrat’s bid to reclaim the gavel in serious jeopardy.

In a highly-anticipated letter that went public Monday, the Democrats called Pelosi “a historic figure.“

But, they added, “Our majority came on the backs of candidates who said that they would support new leadership because voters in hard-won districts, and across the country, want to see real change in Washington. We promised to change the status quo, and we intend to deliver on that promise.“

The show-of-force underscores the depth of the challenge facing Pelosi, who has led the caucus for 16 years.

The letter includes 12 incumbents, three incoming freshman and one candidate, Ben McAdams of Utah, whose race has not been called.

Pelosi has defiantly said she will win a speaker vote and has no intention of withdrawing. She faces an internal Democratic vote on Nov. 28 and a floor vote for speaker on Jan. 3 where she needs 218 votes.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/breaking-sixteen-house-dems-vow-to-stop-pelosi-for-speaker/