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View Full Version : President Trump really gets in their heads

11-21-2018, 03:17 PM
And I think that states it best. The hatred for him is so deep, and in their heads, that they continue to go a little nutso with the TDS over 2 years of him winning the election. And I'm sure he enjoys every moment of it. I know I do. :)


Rob Reiner Melts Down in Latest Unhinged Anti-Trump Diatribe

President Trump really gets in their heads.

Despite a record economy and a stellar foreign policy Democrats are still not able to stomach America’s president elect.

If they are not lying about the president they’re screaming at him.

Enter actor-director Rob Reiner.
On Tuesday Reiner snapped.


This follows Reiner’s 2017 Hollywood production where he joined several leftist elites to announce we were at war with Russia.

These people are insane and dangerous.
