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View Full Version : Florida Officials Are Investigating Democrat Party for Fraud

11-22-2018, 09:52 AM
And hell, it was more than just Florida after election day. :rolleyes:


Florida Officials Are Investigating Democrat Party for Fraud and Looking at How They Cheated and Tried to Steal Election

These past few weeks Americans stood back and watched the Florida elections anxiously waiting for the ever-changing final tallies.

Something was amok, we all knew it but we couldn’t exactly put a finger on it. Now, as the smoke clears, we know the Democrats attempted to steal the elections through fraudulent and sleazy tactics.

A former Communist Russian leader famously stated decades ago what has become a mantra on the left.

“The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

This year’s midterm elections were no exception. Throughout the country there were reports of massive voter fraud. In California, Democrats reportedly bribed people on skid row for their signatures to obtain votes.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/florida-officials-are-investigating-democrat-party-for-fraud-and-looking-at-how-they-cheated-and-tried-to-steal-election/

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-22-2018, 10:19 AM
And hell, it was more than just Florida after election day. :rolleyes:


Florida Officials Are Investigating Democrat Party for Fraud and Looking at How They Cheated and Tried to Steal Election

These past few weeks Americans stood back and watched the Florida elections anxiously waiting for the ever-changing final tallies.

Something was amok, we all knew it but we couldn’t exactly put a finger on it. Now, as the smoke clears, we know the Democrats attempted to steal the elections through fraudulent and sleazy tactics.

A former Communist Russian leader famously stated decades ago what has become a mantra on the left.

“The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

This year’s midterm elections were no exception. Throughout the country there were reports of massive voter fraud. In California, Democrats reportedly bribed people on skid row for their signatures to obtain votes.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/florida-officials-are-investigating-democrat-party-for-fraud-and-looking-at-how-they-cheated-and-tried-to-steal-election/

Jim, with - 1. mainstream media for these many decades being a third arm of the socialist dem party, 2. public education system redesigned to be their brainwashing apparatus and 3. institutionalized, rampant voting fraud they engage in now as easily as most of us breathe, we as a nation are on the brink. If numbers two and three are not soon addressed, corrected we will fall as a nation the founders created. Reality and a bitch but tis the truth of it, IMHO.
Yes they just stole seats, yet how many stolen can be overturned-- my guess is none.
Worse yet , there seems to be no punishment given for this..-Tyr