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View Full Version : Caravan Riders May Rush The Border En Masse to Provoke the Trump Administration

11-22-2018, 02:33 PM
Stop them, it's that simple. And if any of them get violent, then refer to the other thread where it's stated that the military has been granted authority to use force. :)


Caravan Riders May Rush The Border En Masse to Provoke the Trump Administration

Members of the caravan traveling from Central America are talking about rushing the border en masse to provoke the Trump administration and make it across the border, Fox News reported.

"They have that intention,” Sergio Tamai, a founder of Angels without Borders, a group helping the migrants, told Telemundo 20 in San Diego. “I believe that thousands could make that jump."

Over the last two weeks, at least 3,000 illegal aliens have arrived in Tijuana, Mexico, just south of San Diego, California. The Mexican federal government, however, anticipates that number to rise to 10,000 in the next few months.

The caravan riders have camped out in Tijuana in hopes that President Trump will grant them asylum, although some are growing impatient.

“Most of us, yes, we want to be on the other side,” Honduran caravan rider Jorge Molina said. “Some want to jump over the wall, others to go another way, and others want to wait and see what kind of response they get.”

A judge on Monday ruled that the Trump administration cannot ban caravan riders from seeking asylum.

There are currently 5,800 active duty troops stationed at the border to keep the caravan riders from illegally crossing into the United States.

President Trump has vowed to keep caravan riders out of America. He reiterated his position again on Wednesday.

Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2018/11/22/caravan-riders-may-rush-the-border-en-masse-to-provoke-the-trump-administration-n2536384

11-22-2018, 02:36 PM
Maybe can't ban from seeking, however, don't grant asylum or make it harder to obtain asylum.

This crap needs to stop.

Abbey Marie
11-22-2018, 05:35 PM
I wonder if any are using the drug tunnels.

11-22-2018, 08:04 PM
This not going to end well for anyone except those who stand to gain by stirring up the crap to begin with. Idiots like Soros and this 'Worlds without Borders" BS group and probably a bunch of leftwingnuts are probably giddy as all get out.

I see it as a lose/lose for the right and Trump. While I am aware of all those who are "all for enforcing the border", how many will change tunes once blood is shed and it's live and in color in our yards?

I'd occupy the border with Federal troops, arrest any CA ditzballs that get in my way, inform whatever judge that rushing the border is NOT the proper way to place an application for asylum, and repel boarders by whatever means necessary. But nobody ever votes for ME for Prez :(

11-22-2018, 08:36 PM
This not going to end well for anyone except those who stand to gain by stirring up the crap to begin with. Idiots like Soros and this 'Worlds without Borders" BS group and probably a bunch of leftwingnuts are probably giddy as all get out.

I see it as a lose/lose for the right and Trump. While I am aware of all those who are "all for enforcing the border", how many will change tunes once blood is shed and it's live and in color in our yards?

I'd occupy the border with Federal troops, arrest any CA ditzballs that get in my way, inform whatever judge that rushing the border is NOT the proper way to place an application for asylum, and repel boarders by whatever means necessary. But nobody ever votes for ME for Prez :(

Got my Vote!

11-22-2018, 08:55 PM
Got my Vote!Let's be real. The President has authorized the use of force by Federal troops nd some Einstein chose Tijuana/baja California to funnel these illegals into.

Just that I know of ... Naval Base San Diego is about 8 miles north of the border. NAS/MCAS Miramar is 4 minutes flight time from the border. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton is 65 miles north of the border.

If I was to choose one single place to try and invade the US, Tijuana would NOT be it. Facing north from TJ, you have the Pacific on the left, desert and mountains on the right, and you're on a peninsula called baja California so if you retreat south you're surrounded by water. The only line of retrat is back the way you came where you left all those smiling faces in your wake. Just f-ing dumb.

Abbey Marie
11-22-2018, 09:01 PM
What choice do we have? If we let them in, hordes from every crappy place on the planet will shortly follow. Might as well take the tough measures now.

11-22-2018, 10:32 PM


11-22-2018, 10:53 PM
This not going to end well for anyone except those who stand to gain by stirring up the crap to begin with. Idiots like Soros and this 'Worlds without Borders" BS group and probably a bunch of leftwingnuts are probably giddy as all get out.

I see it as a lose/lose for the right and Trump. While I am aware of all those who are "all for enforcing the border", how many will change tunes once blood is shed and it's live and in color in our yards?

I'd occupy the border with Federal troops, arrest any CA ditzballs that get in my way, inform whatever judge that rushing the border is NOT the proper way to place an application for asylum, and repel boarders by whatever means necessary. But nobody ever votes for ME for Prez :(

~ "I'd occupy the border with Federal troops, arrest any CA ditzballs that get in my way, inform whatever judge that rushing the border is NOT the proper way to place an application for asylum" ~

Got my vote too Brotha! ....Its time!!

11-22-2018, 10:56 PM
Let's be real. The President has authorized the use of force by Federal troops nd some Einstein chose Tijuana/baja California to funnel these illegals into.

Just that I know of ... Naval Base San Diego is about 8 miles north of the border. NAS/MCAS Miramar is 4 minutes flight time from the border. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton is 65 miles north of the border.

If I was to choose one single place to try and invade the US, Tijuana would NOT be it. Facing north from TJ, you have the Pacific on the left, desert and mountains on the right, and you're on a peninsula called baja California so if you retreat south you're surrounded by water. The only line of retrat is back the way you came where you left all those smiling faces in your wake. Just f-ing dumb.

Very Dumb. Got the Coast Guard, Border Patrol, and Customs from the Joint Command Center
in San Diego for the offshore border. They are NOT restricted from suppresive tactics to include warning shots,
disabling fire, and Force Protection. ...and they are always locked and loaded, on target and tracking.

Got Navy air assets up there that will report anything they see, too.

11-23-2018, 06:26 PM
What choice do we have? If we let them in, hordes from every crappy place on the planet will shortly follow. Might as well take the tough measures now.For the rational mind that desires to have a Nation intact and uninfested? None. You stop them now, in their tracks, and it stops them AND everyone watching to see if they want to pile on.

Another thing not mentioned. I would go after the funding HARD. There sure as Hell isn't anyone respecting our borders, and we are famous/infamous for not respecting anyone else's when what we want is on the other side. In this case, I see it as completely justifiable to seize any and all assets supporting this crap and putting warrants out on the heads of the leaders. They are in effect bankrolling the invasion of the United States.

I would actually be surprised if there is a law against it. It's one of those givens that back when common sense ruled wouldn't be a question.