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View Full Version : Obama: American too 'confused, blind, and shrouded with hate'

11-23-2018, 01:58 PM
I guess he's adding onto the "deplorables" now that he doesn't need to be held accountable. But at the same time, it sure shows his true colors. HE is the racist, IMO, easily. He's been talking about Trump and "Americans" an awful lot as of late. And like Hillary, thinks that 60 million + Americans are deplorable types. :rolleyes:


Obama: Americans are too ‘confused, blind, shrouded with hate’ to save ourselves from climate change

During a summit Monday for the Obama Foundation in Chicago, former President Barack Obama trashed the Trump administration and Americans as a whole for not investing in efforts to solve climate change.

“Climate change, we’re going to have to come up with some new technologies to solve the problem as much as we need to,” Obama said. “Although even on something like that, right now I could take off the shelf existing technologies, we could reduce carbon emissions by, let’s say 30 percent, without any, you know, it’s not like we would have to go back to caves and, you know, live off, you know, fire. We could have electricity and smartphones and all that stuff, which would buy us probably another 20, 30 years for that technological breakthrough that’s necessary.”

“The reason we don’t do it is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues,” he added. “I mean … we are fraught with stuff.”

Rest - https://www.theblaze.com/video/obama-americans-are-too-confused-blind-shrouded-with-hate-to-save-ourselves-from-climate-change

11-23-2018, 06:37 PM
Of course, the worm has to throw a race card out.

Does he even know how many black coal miners there are
in the Appalachian Belt Mines?

Of course he does not.

One of my best friends was a black wrestler in college, and All-American.
He died in a mine accident. Rodney Baird.

Obama is a fool.

11-23-2018, 06:42 PM
I guess he's adding onto the "deplorables" now that he doesn't need to be held accountable. But at the same time, it sure shows his true colors. HE is the racist, IMO, easily. He's been talking about Trump and "Americans" an awful lot as of late. And like Hillary, thinks that 60 million + Americans are deplorable types. :rolleyes:


Obama: Americans are too ‘confused, blind, shrouded with hate’ to save ourselves from climate change

During a summit Monday for the Obama Foundation in Chicago, former President Barack Obama trashed the Trump administration and Americans as a whole for not investing in efforts to solve climate change.

“Climate change, we’re going to have to come up with some new technologies to solve the problem as much as we need to,” Obama said. “Although even on something like that, right now I could take off the shelf existing technologies, we could reduce carbon emissions by, let’s say 30 percent, without any, you know, it’s not like we would have to go back to caves and, you know, live off, you know, fire. We could have electricity and smartphones and all that stuff, which would buy us probably another 20, 30 years for that technological breakthrough that’s necessary.”

“The reason we don’t do it is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues,” he added. “I mean … we are fraught with stuff.”

Rest - https://www.theblaze.com/video/obama-americans-are-too-confused-blind-shrouded-with-hate-to-save-ourselves-from-climate-changeTypical leftwingnut arrogance. "Man" is going to stop a cyclical change in the Earth's climate. Never mind the whole Universe is behind it :rolleyes: Throw enough money at the bottomless pit of leftwingnut chicken little drama's and they promise they will fix them.

11-24-2018, 08:42 AM
AND... the the America hating, kenyan, muslim dog turd is breaking with CENTURIES old tradition that the past president will NOT go around TRASHING the NEW president.

I'll tell ya, this little kenyan SHIT STAIN needs his ears pinned back. I would just LOVE to see President Trump send the US Marshalls to Hawaii and PROVE, once and for all, there is NO HARD COPY BIRTH CERTIFICATE there. Boy could Trump have a FIELD DAY with THAT. ANYTHING the kenyan dog turd touched pen to would be ILLEGAL and VOID, AND, Trump could have him ARRESTED for HIGH TREASON and FRAUD against the United States of America.

I think that might SHUT THE SONS A BITCH UP. If I were president, that's the FIRST THING I'D DO... the FIRST... and I'd UNSEAL all these documents the kenyan had SEALED by his FIRST E.O. I'd create so much trouble for that little muslim prick he'd have to run back to Kenya and hide out in a MUD HUT. I'm sick of looking at the fucker, I'm sick of listening to him. He needs to go the fuck AWAY.