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View Full Version : Two Seahawks 'draft' President Bush

08-28-2007, 11:07 AM
Hooah - course, no media is publishing photos of the event. :-/

No, those two balding, dark-suited dudes with President Bush Monday at the Bellevue fund raiser were not Secret Service.

They were Seattle Seahawks.

Quarterback Matt Hasselbeck and fullback Mack Strong showed up to meet and greet the President and present him with a Seahawks' No. 43 jersey – for Bush, the 43rd president.

Bush gushed: "These men are champs on the field."

Hasselbeck, a longtime Bush supporter, made the presentation at the expensive private fundraiser for Rep. Dave Reichert.

08-28-2007, 11:14 AM
Link Pease.

08-28-2007, 11:29 AM
No. The author of the piece threw in an insult about the president. I'm not going to give his work the satisfaction of another page view. Use Google if you want.

Abbey Marie
08-28-2007, 12:40 PM
No. The author of the piece threw in an insult about the president. I'm not going to give his work the satisfaction of another page view. Use Google if you want.

I like the article just the way you posted it, D. :clap:

Is that the Hasselbeck brother that is married to cutie-pie Elizabeth?

08-28-2007, 12:42 PM
I like the article just the way you posted it, D. :clap:

Is that the Hasselbeck brother that is married to cutie-pie Elizabeth?

Yes it is.. and HE IS A LUCKY BASTARD!!

Abbey Marie
08-28-2007, 12:49 PM
Yes it is.. and HE IS A LUCKY BASTARD!!

I don't know which one is lucky, but she sure is a quality young woman.

08-28-2007, 01:00 PM
I like the article just the way you posted it, D. :clap:

Is that the Hasselbeck brother that is married to cutie-pie Elizabeth?

No - this is not the brother married to Beth; Elizabeth is Matt's Sister-in-Law. Matt's brother, Tim is married to Betty...who is one of the most-attractive people alive, imo. :)

(Bet - not Tim)

08-28-2007, 01:28 PM
I don't know which one is lucky, but she sure is a quality young woman.

Once you see Tim you'll know that HE IS the lucky SOB.. .:)

Abbey Marie
08-28-2007, 02:26 PM

On looks, I guess you are right, but of course, many women consider pro sports guys a real catch, so it probably evens it out.

Beyond her great looks, Elizabeth is an intelligent, well-spoken and passionate woman. What's not to like? :>)

08-28-2007, 10:37 PM
Why would this be news? Bush glad hands famous celebrity people every day.

08-28-2007, 11:15 PM
in related news, 2 "seahawks" as navy seals on planes prefer to be called, "drafted" bush to come fight the war with them instead of playing footsies with celebs

i read this on a liberal hate site and have never been so sickened by the navy. these naval soldiers are traitors and if they are defending our nation we are all at risk.

08-28-2007, 11:27 PM
Why would this be news? Bush glad hands famous celebrity people every day.

Why in the hell is every comment you make an attack on President Bush, even when the conversation is about football. You need some serious help.

08-29-2007, 03:23 AM
<iframe src="http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/thebigblog/archives/120765.asp" height="500" width="100%" ></iframe>

09-05-2007, 11:54 PM
BIG SURPRISE eh? Those two men are now getting hate-mail, etc. F'in Hateful, non-tolerant libs. :(

KIRKLAND -- Are you still fans of Matt Hasselbeck and Mack Strong after they visited President Bush last week in Bellevue? Or have their political leanings turned you against them?

The Seahawks quarterback and fullback gave the 43rd president a No. 43 jersey with his name on it at a $1,000-a-plate fundraiser for Rep. Dave Reichert at the Hyatt.

At the time, Hasselbeck called it a thrill and said it was a win-win, this opportunity to meet the president and get out of a team meeting.

But as soon as he saw the picture of the two players with Bush, Gary Wright, the team's vice president of administration, said he was concerned about negative reaction.

Maybe in really red Republican states, it would not have been a big deal. But Washington is a blue state, and deep, deep Democratic blue in King County. So objections were raised, and Hasselbeck heard them and read them. He got nasty voice mails, e-mails and text messages.

"I had no idea," Hasselbeck said.

One guy told him: "I hate you, I'll never wear your jersey, I'll never like the Seahawks again."

"Huh?" Hasselbeck thought. "Seriously?"

"Politics can be very mean and dirty," he said. "The things politicians say about each other, and what activists say, I had a brief glimpse of that for a couple of days.

"If I ever had any questions about whether I wanted to run for office, I now know the answer -- I don't."

As a quarterback, he's used to getting booed. "But this was a whole new level," he said. "I was very surprised how mean (they were)."

As evidence were these responses to Angelo Bruscas' blog posting on seattlepi.com:

"How dare Hasselbeck declare Bush an honorary Seahawk," wrote one. "Who is Matt speaking for? Bush is no Seahawk. He is the worst president of my lifetime, and I'm almost 60. Shame on you, Matt."

"To learn that two of the most popular Seahawks are strong (Bush) supporters ruins the season for me and my family," wrote another.

And Timothy P. wrote: "Just goes to show you that being a great athlete doesn't make you smart."


09-06-2007, 12:10 AM

On looks, I guess you are right, but of course, many women consider pro sports guys a real catch, so it probably evens it out.

Beyond her great looks, Elizabeth is an intelligent, well-spoken and passionate woman. What's not to like? :>)

For me, he's young. But I think very attractive.