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11-25-2018, 03:40 PM
They don't want to just trickle in the legal way - they admit to wanting the fast & illegal way. :rolleyes: Apparently the plans are in the making and some have already tried "storming" the border, to be met with teargas.


INVASION: Honduran Migrant Says 20,000 Will March Through Vehicle Lanes at Border, Claims That Applying for Asylum is ‘Waste of Time’

Migrants in the Central American caravan heading towards the US border are planning to wait until an expected 20,000 migrants arrive in Tijuana and then enter the United States illegally en masse, according to a report.

The group plans to attempt to illegally enter the US through vehicle lanes at San Ysidro, because “it’s more spacious.”

Marco Gómez, 26, is a construction worker from Honduras who is currently marching with the caravan. According to the Epoch Times, he was with a larger group of migrants who were discussing how they want to “send a message” to President Donald Trump to “open the gates.”

“We’ll stay together and be strong, and then move on to the U.S.,” he said. “Peacefully, like people going from one country to another. Marching.”

Gómez and several others told the Epoch Times that they plan to enter illegally and are unlikely to apply for asylum.

“It’s a waste of time. It’s a process that takes months and years—it’s a long time,” Gómez said.

Another migrant, Frank Martinez, had a similar plan.

“I personally, and I know many people will attempt to do the same thing—it’s to cross illegally. I will enter illegally,” Martinez said. “Because we want a better life, and I’m in a hurry.”

Though the migrants were offered asylum in Mexico, they have no plans to take them up on their offer. Instead, they hope to storm the border to the US.

“It’s not my intention, to stay here, in this country. My intention is the United States,” Martinez said.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/invasion-honduran-migrant-says-20000-will-march-through-vehicle-lanes-at-border-says-applying-for-asylum-is-waste-of-time/

San Ysidro Port of Entry in San Diego Closes in Border Showdown with Honduran Migrants

The US Customs and Border Protection in San Diego, California announced Sunday morning that the San Ysidro port of entry going both northbound and southbound have been closed due to multiple planned demonstrations on both sides of the border.

Additional personnel and resources were also deployed to the port of entry.
According to a report from Epoch Times, Honduran migrants were planning to wait until an expected 20,000 migrants arrive in Tijuana and then enter the United States illegally en masse.

The group plans to attempt to illegally enter the US through vehicle lanes at San Ysidro, because “it’s more spacious.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/breaking-san-ysidro-port-of-entry-in-san-diego-closes-in-border-showdown-with-honduran-migrants/

US Fires Tear Gas as Hundreds of Migrants Try to Storm US Border

US military helicopters were called in after hundreds of Honduran migrants tried to storm the US border at the San Ysidro port of entry Sunday.

US military helicopters were flying over the Mexican side and tear gas was fired from the US side of the border according to ITV correspondent Emma Murphy.

Some of the migrants were pushing up against the fence shouting “yes we can!”

The US Customs and Border Protection in San Diego, California announced Sunday morning that the San Ysidro port of entry going both northbound and southbound have been closed due to multiple planned demonstrations on both sides of the border.

Additional personnel and resources were also deployed to the port of entry.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/breaking-us-fires-tear-gas-as-hundreds-of-migrants-try-to-storm-us-border-videos/

11-25-2018, 05:25 PM

Where the HELL is the MILITARY? I thought they were READY for this!

This just makes my blood boil. I swear, it's time for VIGILANTES!

11-25-2018, 05:47 PM

Where the HELL is the MILITARY? I thought they were READY for this!

This just makes my blood boil. I swear, it's time for VIGILANTES!There already is one of the most organized and largest vigilante groups in the US in San Ysidro and has been for decades.

The US military is also present. If you are expecting armed military personnel shoulder to shoulder, I don't see that happening. This isn't going to happen the way we want. All there is to it. They are going to storm the border en masse.

We either blow their asses away or they win. It's THAT simple. The fallout from choice A is anything BUT simple. Choice B is a signal for every dirtbag int he world to line up and head for the US because we won't enforce our laws or borders.

11-25-2018, 06:25 PM
There already is one of the most organized and largest vigilante groups in the US in San Ysidro and has been for decades.

The US military is also present. If you are expecting armed military personnel shoulder to shoulder, I don't see that happening. This isn't going to happen the way we want. All there is to it. They are going to storm the border en masse.

We either blow their asses away or they win. It's THAT simple. The fallout from choice A is anything BUT simple. Choice B is a signal for every dirtbag int he world to line up and head for the US because we won't enforce our laws or borders.
Well that just... IDK... scramble our military there en mass. Run them down one on one if necessary. Put 15,000 troops down there, 20,000... make a statement, and CLOSE THE BORDER.

11-25-2018, 07:07 PM
Think about this ...

All the talk and chest-thumping and hard-line stance aside ... the options are narrowing down to what I said. In the case of stopping them, someone has to give to the order to open fire on non-combatant men, women and children. I understand full-well what is at stake if they are not stopped. What I am saying is once that order is given, there's no taking it back. There is going to be dead bodies.

Now I don't know about anyone else here, but I was not trained to engage noncombatants without being engaged first (then by definition they are combatants) and it is asking a LOT of our service members. This whole situation is a mind fuck and a half for a grunt.

We're talking about peon migrants who you can bet your last dollar are going to use their women and children as shields. I am sure from the OP that these people have been convinced by the shit-stirrers that be that we will not fire on them. The people stirring shit want bloodshed and so does the media. Both are despicable.

Sure would be a LOT easier to deal with if Congress hadn't been fucking Trump on his wall for 2 years. Lot easier to defend without using lethal force. But no one's going to care about that now.

11-25-2018, 07:22 PM
Think about this ...

All the talk and chest-thumping and hard-line stance aside ... the options are narrowing down to what I said. In the case of stopping them, someone has to give to the order to open fire on non-combatant men, women and children. I understand full-well what is at stake if they are not stopped. What I am saying is once that order is given, there's no taking it back. There is going to be dead bodies.

Now I don't know about anyone else here, but I was not trained to engage noncombatants without being engaged first (then by definition they are combatants) and it is asking a LOT of our service members. This whole situation is a mind fuck and a half for a grunt.

We're talking about peon migrants who you can bet your last dollar are going to use their women and children as shields. I am sure from the OP that these people have been convinced by the shit-stirrers that be that we will not fire on them. The people stirring shit want bloodshed and so does the media. Both are despicable.

Sure would be a LOT easier to deal with if Congress hadn't been fucking Trump on his wall for 2 years. Lot easier to defend without using lethal force. But no one's going to care about that now.
I understand all that, pard, but when they're throwing rocks and other projectiles, and they're intent is to harm and overrun, then it's no longer just innocent men, women and children, it's an invasion of the first kind... a VIOLENT invasion.

I know it's a shitty deal, but damn, we need to get tough, junk yard dog tough, or this will just CONTINUE. We better get a handle on it one way or another, and a few BULLETS would do it. We might incur the wrath of the world but they're not the ones being invaded, WE ARE, and I'm pretty sure the majority of Americans would approve, and I'm POSITIVE the mongrel democrats would have the HAIR ON FIRE.

11-25-2018, 07:36 PM
I understand all that, pard, but when they're throwing rocks and other projectiles, and they're intent is to harm and overrun, then it's no longer just innocent men, women and children, it's an invasion of the first kind... a VIOLENT invasion.

I know it's a shitty deal, but damn, we need to get tough, junk yard dog tough, or this will just CONTINUE. We better get a handle on it one way or another, and a few BULLETS would do it. We might incur the wrath of the world but they're not the ones being invaded, WE ARE, and I'm pretty sure the majority of Americans would approve, and I'm POSITIVE the mongrel democrats would have the HAIR ON FIRE.I didn't sign up to kill farmers and their families and I doubt anyone else currently on active duty has. And it has nothing to do with being tough.

I do not believe the majority of Americans will approve once the rounds start going down range and real bodies are the result. The left will shit themselves and half the tough guys on the right will suddenly get real quiet and there'll be a whole of "Well, we didn't think it would be THAT bad ...." going around like cholera. When the going gets tough, the "majority of Americans" get going.

The simple fact is that if 20k people rush the border the only way to stop them is to kill them. Our military is based on superior technology and firepower, not numbers.

11-25-2018, 07:42 PM
I didn't sign up to kill farmers and their families and I doubt anyone else currently on active duty has. And it has nothing to do with being tough.

I do not believe the majority of Americans will approve once the rounds start going down range and real bodies are the result. The left will shit themselves and half the tough guys on the right will suddenly get real quiet and there'll be a whole of "Well, we didn't think it would be THAT bad ...." going around like cholera. When the going gets tough, the "majority of Americans" get going.

The simple fact is that if 20k people rush the border the only way to stop them is to kill them. Our military is based on superior technology and firepower, not numbers.
There's more than just farmers and their families in that bunch, and if someone threw a rock and hit me in the face, I'd shoot them. That's first degree assault with the intent to do bodily harm, and that DOES give me the right to shoot them. Why is the military or BP any different? The vast majority of this mob is young males.

So... what's your idea? What should we do? What would you do if you were president? We can't just sit and go "oh well, we're being invaded by a violent mob, but, we can't do anything about it, our hands are tied, we just bluff real good." We might as well throw up our hands and walk away then. What's the point of even having our military there then?

11-25-2018, 07:47 PM
What if people on the US side of the border did what Brazilians did to Venezuelans entering the Brazilian border town of Pacaraima? Some Venezuelan migrants committed violent crimes against the townspeople. Locals responded by burning the Venezuelan migrants belongings, destroying their encampment and driving them back across the border. Brazilians refer to Venezuelans as "brothers", but this was meant to send a message to Venezuelan migrants: Control your people, or we will control them for you. If you don't want to watch the whole video of the incident, fast forward to the 49:00 mark for a quick idea what went down. Don't worry about the language spoken, the video will illustrate what they did.

At 56:00, a city employee grabbed a bulldozer and levelled all their shelter.

The beginning of the video shows how the owner of a pickup with an advertising speaker on began organizing townspeople to confront the migrants. The video shows how that effort snowballed into an attack on the migrants.


11-25-2018, 08:04 PM
What if people on the US side of the border did what Brazilians did to Venezuelans entering the Brazilian border town of Pacaraima? Some Venezuelan migrants committed violent crimes against the townspeople. Locals responded by burning the Venezuelan migrants belongings, destroying their encampment and driving them back across the border. Brazilians refer to Venezuelans as "brothers", but this was meant to send a message to Venezuelan migrants: Control your people, or we will control them for you. If you don't want to watch the whole video of the incident, fast forward to the 49:00 mark for a quick idea what went down. Don't worry about the language spoken, the video will illustrate what they did.

At 56:00, a city employee grabbed a bulldozer and levelled all their shelter.

The beginning of the video shows how the owner of a pickup with an advertising speaker on began organizing townspeople to confront the migrants. The video shows how that effort snowballed into an attack on the migrants.

Like I said... might be time for vigilantes. If our government can't get the job done, then maybe it's time the American people do it.

11-25-2018, 08:20 PM
Like I said... might be time for vigilantes. If our government can't get the job done, then maybe it's time the American people do it.Californians? Most of San Ysidro is Mexican/Mexican-American.

You can't just murder people. That's not going to work. If they are going to be stopped, they need to be stopped AT the border or before it.

Another point. They rush the border and get across. Then what? They're STILL trapped. Where are they going to go? All these people can't have a car waiting, and no one in their right mind is going to touch them. Well, except some do-gooder goofball leftziods. Here's the situation though:

Go north on I-5. If they get luck and make it to I-8, they can go West to El Centro, a small farming community halfway to Yuma where they'd stick out like a sore thumb. They could go north on 15 which will 180 miles later put them in San Bernardino. The could go north on I5 which means they'd have to cross MCB Camp Pendleton. They are trapped by mountain passes in both cases, the Pacific and the mountains in the latter case. ANYWHERE else they go is ocean or desert. Miles of each.

So whose plan is this to storm the border? The troublemakers'. They want to force Trump to use force. Or not. Either way they win. They could care less who gets killed.

11-25-2018, 08:27 PM
The San Ysidro port of entry, among the largest border crossings between San Diego and Tijuana, was shut down by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents Sunday after hundreds of caravan migrants appeared to have attempted to breach a U.S.-Mexico border fence.

CBP officials closed traffic roads moving in both directors and pedestrian walkways at the port of entry. An Associated Press reporter said tear gas was fired at the migrants from inside the U.S.


11-25-2018, 08:34 PM


11-25-2018, 08:41 PM
"They" will engage first...and become `combatants`.....Then try to rush the border....I believe there are more than "500 criminals" in the caravan...(they will spark the action) IMO...

11-25-2018, 08:48 PM
"They" will engage first...and become `combatants`.....Then try to rush the border....I believe there are more than "500 criminals" in the caravan...(they will spark the action) IMO...

Everybody knows it except the Dems, and the FAKE NEWS who will never admit anything is happening down there....but...BAD TREATMENT of illegals who deserve to Violate Our Laws....Because Schumer, Pelosi, and all the Dems Say So.


11-25-2018, 08:52 PM
Migrant caravan: Mexico to deport group which stormed US border

Mexico will deport almost 500 migrants who attempted to storm the US border, according to its interior ministry.

The group were rounded up after trying to cross the border "violently" and "illegally" on Sunday, the ministry said in a statement.

Video footage shows dozens of people - including women and children - running towards the fence that separates the two countries near the city of Tijuana.

They were repelled by tear gas used by US border officers.

Mexico's interior ministry said all those who were identified as having tried to cross would be deported immediately.

It added that, "far from helping their objectives", the migrants' actions had violated the legal migration framework and could have led to a "serious incident."


Abbey Marie
11-26-2018, 01:46 AM
Surely there are other ways to stop them from rushing the border besides shooting them?
Tear gas? Rubber bullets? Whatever police use during a riot? I don’t know if these methods work, but I’d like to think they do.