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11-27-2018, 01:27 PM
All that bitching and moaning and crying from Acosta was all BS, as some of us knew from the get go about this caravan. The left has been downplaying it, and supporting them all along.


Trump’s critics were dead wrong about the caravan after all

It’s been about three weeks since CNN reporter Jim Acosta repeatedly told President Trump at a news conference that the migrant caravan is “hundreds and hundreds of miles away” and “not an invasion.” Acosta strenuously objected to a Trump ad that showed migrants climbing border walls: “They’re not going to be doing that.”

Now, thousands of migrants from the caravan have arrived in the border city of Tijuana, Mexico. Over the weekend, hundreds of them stormed a border crossing, climbing the fence and throwing rocks. US border agents used tear gas to repel the mob. If the throng was too small to constitute an invasion, it certainly wasn’t a rules-bound group of asylum seekers.

Trump relied too heavily on the caravan as an issue in the midterm election, but the last week has showed that his critics were wrong to sneer.

It was conventional wisdom in the press that the caravan was a concoction of Trump’s fevered imagination. It would soon dissipate and, even if not, take months to reach the US. This widely repeated factoid was based on calculations of its movement on foot (it apparently didn’t occur to the media that the caravan would also travel by bus or truck).

In the immediate aftermath of the election, when Trump didn’t talk about the caravan as much and Fox News covered it less, liberal commentators were outraged. The diminished attention supposedly proved that the focus on the caravan had been entirely cynical electoral politics.

But there was a genuine lull in the news. With the weekend’s border incident bringing new attention, liberal outlets are back again complaining that Fox is covering the caravan too much.

The latest once again puts the left’s radicalism on display. It’s not just that Immigration and Customs Enforcement should be abolished, the liberal thinking goes; border agents shouldn’t be permitted to defend themselves from an aggressive rabble.

Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz wondered on Twitter if the use of tear gas violated the Chemical Weapons Conventions (the answer is an emphatic “no,” and he deleted the tweet). Rep. Barbara Lee of California described the gassing of “women and children” as an atrocity and called for United Nations inspectors. Progressive darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compared the migrants to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany.

Rest - https://nypost.com/2018/11/26/trumps-critics-were-dead-wrong-about-the-caravan-after-all/

11-27-2018, 01:41 PM
They say no one was injured - but I read another story about a 26 year old young woman, with 2 young children, who tried to scale the wall - she fell and was impaled on some rebar. Real smart with your kids. :rolleyes:

‘It is shocking that I have to explain this’: DHS Secretary Dispels Myths About Migrant Caravan

The migrant caravan the left-leaning media has been gushing over finally reached the U.S.-Mexico border on Sunday, and things got violent.

Migrants threw rocks and projectiles at border patrol, and one San Diego agent said the group, which is made up of mostly men, used women and children as human shields. Naturally, Leftist media outlets tried to downplay the violence and turn it against President Donald Trump, lambasting the use of tear gas against the caravan, even though the Obama administration did the same thing.

On Monday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen released a statement in an attempt to explain what the migrant caravan actually is and dispel some myths being reported by the media. Nielsen laid out six points relating to the caravan, its makeup, and its purpose, adding additional points about how the Trump administration is responding.

1. The Caravan Is Violent

Nielsen called the violence seen on Sunday “entirely predictable,” and said it had been attacking border police in Mexico and other Central American countries.

“I refuse to believe that anyone honestly maintains that attacking law enforcement with rocks and projectiles is acceptable. It is shocking that I have to explain this, but officers can be seriously or fatally injured in such attacks. Self-defense isn’t debatable for most law-abiding Americans,” Nielsen wrote.

2. The Caravan Is Large And Organized

Nielsen said the current caravan “is far larger and more organized than previous ones,” with upwards of 8,500 members currently in Tijuana and Mexicali. She also noted reports of other caravans also making their way to the border.

3. Caravan Members Are Largely Not Eligible For Asylum

The media has been claiming the caravan is full of abused women and children fleeing violence and seeking asylum (despite an actual asylum-seeking process already existing). As Nielsen notes, this isn’t accurate.

“Historically, less than 10% of those who claim asylum from #Guatemala, #Honduras, and #ElSalvador are found eligible by a federal judge. 90% are not eligible,” Nielson wrote.

Nielsen said most of the migrants are seeking jobs or looking to reunite with family in the U.S., which are not grounds for asylum and have their own legal process to follow. Also, these migrants have refused to seek protection in Mexico or with a United Nations refugee agency.

4. Caravan Members Are Largely Male

Despite media reports of women and children seeking asylum, the caravan is made up of mostly men. When an MSNBC anchor tried to tee up a reporter to confirm the caravan was full of women and children, the reporter admitted that it was mostly made up of men.

5. Yes, There Are Criminals Among The Caravan Members

Nielsen said the backgrounds of the caravan members could not be confirmed, which poses a risk to U.S. safety. She also said that DHS has confirmed the presence of criminals.

“However, at this point we have confirmed that there are over 600 convicted criminals traveling with the caravan flow. This includes individuals known to law enforcement for assault, battery, drug crimes, burglary, rape, child abuse and more. This is serious,” Nielsen said.

She also said 100 caravan members have been arrested in Mexico for crimes in that country.

Granted, that’s 600 out of 8,500 and counting, but to pretend the caravan is full of abused women and children fleeing violence is just wrong.

6. No One Was Killed Or Injured During The Violence On Sunday

Nielsen praised border patrol agents for their response to the violence on Sunday.

“It is a testament to their training and professionalism that no one was injured. The accepted use of nonlethal force (also used by the Obama Administration in 2013) prevented further injury to agents and a mass illegal rush across the border. We will not shy away from protecting our people,” Nielsen wrote.

She added that parents should not put children in danger by trying to illegally cross into the U.S.

Keep in mind that this is the administration’s talking points, but reports from on the ground and government agencies contradict the picture painted by the left-leaning media. And for those concerned with accepting an administration’s claims, just remember how uncritically the media accepted everything the Obama administration said.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/38748/it-shocking-i-have-explain-dhs-secretary-dispels-ashe-schow

11-27-2018, 08:14 PM
This illegal invasion mob is a LOSER for the dems, and I think they know it. They have a fine line to walk. They want all those illegal alien undocumented democrat voters in America, but they know that allowing them in is a major loser for the majority of American voters, even the moderate dems.