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View Full Version : Hypocrisy: Outraged Networks Ignore Obama’s Tear Gas Usage Against Illegals

11-27-2018, 01:56 PM
That's about 80 times in total they say. And NOW the screwed up left suddenly "care" about illegals. They used tear gas and wanted to do almost all the same things as the right to reign in the problems.


Hypocrisy: Outraged Networks Ignore Obama’s Tear Gas Usage Against Illegals

As the networks decried the Trump administration’s use of tear gas on illegal immigrants trying to storm the border, none of them on Monday night or Tuesday morning mentioned the awkward fact that the Obama administration tear gassed migrants routinely, once a month even. The Washington Times on Monday explained, “The same tear-gas agent that the Trump administration is taking heat for deploying against a border mob this weekend is actually used fairly frequently — including more than once a month during the later years of President Barack Obama’s administration.”

Yet, despite a combined six hours of air time on Tuesday and 90 minutes on Monday night’s newscasts, ABC, CBS and NBC skipped this fact. On ABC’s Good Morning America, co-host George Stephanopoulos derided, “President Trump defended the use of tear gas on migrants who tried to rush toward the fence, some of them children.”

On CBS This Morning, reporter Mireya Villarreal offered, “At a roundtable in Mississippi last night, President Trump strongly defended border patrol’s response.” On NBC’s Today, news anchor Craig Melvin added, “The President defending the use of tear gas on migrants.”

Left out of all of this? The hypocrisy of pretending the use of tear gas is new. On FNC’s Fox and Friends, Tuesday, Brit Hume explained:

(video at site)

It's not the first time. Five years ago on Thanksgiving weekend at San Ysidro, at that border point there, there were a bunch of migrants that broke loose and rushed the border and they were subdued with tear gas and other non-violent methods that were used. No howls of outrage at the Obama administration that I can remember.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/scott-whitlock/2018/11/27/hypocrisy-outraged-nets-ignore-obamas-monthly-use-tear-gas

11-27-2018, 02:29 PM
So where were the liberals then? :rolleyes: It should have been all over the news, based on the most transparent administration ever, no?

Update: Border patrol agents used tear gas, pepper spray under Obama more than 500 times

U.S. Border Patrol agents used tear gas or pepper spray more than 500 times from 2012 to 2016 under President Barack Obama’s administration.

According to numbers provided to the Daily Caller by the Department of Homeland Security, CS gas, commonly known as tear gas, was used by U.S. Border Patrol agents 79 times from 2012 to 2016.

Tear Gas Usage At The Border:


In addition to CS gas, Border Patrol regularly used Pava Capsaicin, which is commonly known as pepper spray, for performing area saturation associated with law enforcement operations. The numbers below describe the uses of Pava Capsaicin between 2012 to 2018. Pepper spray was used 434 times while Obama was president.


The agents used pepper spray or tear gas a total of 513 times between 2012 and 2016. A DHS spokesperson told The Daily Caller that no records before 2012 were available.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/27/border-patrol-obama-tear-gas-pepper-spray-use/

11-29-2018, 12:04 PM
Jimmy you racist, this is different


11-30-2018, 01:04 PM
​Parasites need to be dealt with accordingly......"They" know whats going on..we know whats going on....and WE KNOW THEIR END GAME....

12-04-2018, 05:57 PM