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View Full Version : The truth behind the migrant caravans

12-01-2018, 02:02 PM
Disparaging the typical participant of the caravan is inhuman. Most of them are not part of the criminal element. They have been lied to and used as human fodder. Perhaps international criminal charges against Manuel Zelaya are in order. Besides attacking the US, Zelaya could be tried for crimes against humanity. The US response has been reasonable. Anyone who might qualify for asylum has been extended the privilege to apply while waiting in Mexico. Mexico should transport the non criminal element of the caravan to cities in Mexico that have an abundance of jobs.


In Honduras, where the first caravan originated, the organizers included loyalists of Manuel Zelaya, a one-time Cuban-allied and Venezuelan-financed president ousted after attempting to remain in power beyond his constitution-mandated term limit. Since then, Zelaya has been on a campaign to further destabilize Honduras, while traveling around the region’s socialist-leaning strongholds.

Organizers in Central America told participants that according to UN rules, the United States must take them in. Some told Ana Quintana of the Heritage Foundation, who has traveled with the would-be migrants through Mexico, that “the UN will be there, at the border,” to sign them in, she says.

Meanwhile, Joseph Humire, an independent counterterrorism specialist who embedded himself in the caravans, positively identified a tiny minority of criminals, as well as men from Asia, Africa and the Mideast, who joined in. If these troublemakers feel cornered, he says, they could become much more violent than they’ve been so far. “It’s the wounded-dog syndrome,” he says. “Once injured, he becomes more dangerous.”
But for now, the migration hot potato is in the hands of AMLO, as the new Mexican president is known. That’s probably not what the anti-Yanks wanted or expected.

12-01-2018, 02:10 PM
You know Soros has his filthy illuminati NWO hands in this somewhere too. That sons a bitch should be drawn and quartered.