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View Full Version : Mueller claims Manafort "Breached his Plea Deal"

12-04-2018, 08:45 PM
I saw a few days ago that the Mueller "Investigation" is charging Manafort with lying to them, and presumably they want to yank his plea deal.

Liberal hack outlets like the disgraced CNN immediately interpreted this as an indication that Mueller has so much damaging material on Trump that they don't need Manafort anymore.

I have an alternate explanation, which CNN would obviously never think of, or at least wouldn't publish because of their extreme liberal bias. Suppose you're Mueller and after two years, 20 million spent, and all kinds of new coverage, you find that you have a weak case against Trump. Suppose all the information you're getting from people like Manafort is leading to no crimes by Trump, nothing related to collusion, and the only charges you can make is that some of these guys lied during interrogation, or you found crimes but they had nothing to do with Russia or with collusion. What do you do? If Mueller can't find collusion after all this time and effort, he will look like a complete and utter fool to the entire world when he completes the investigation without charges of Russian collusion.

What do you do? You start destroying your witnesses. Start saying they've been lying to you, and their lies are the only thing that kept your from coming up with a good case. I think that's what he's starting to do with Manafort.

I could be wrong, but I guess we will see some time soon.

12-04-2018, 09:09 PM
Yes you are wrong. I don't think you know how any of this actually works or been paying attention. Even your buddy Alan Dershowitz said he thinks the Mueller report is going to be devastating to Trump.

12-04-2018, 11:27 PM
Yes you are wrong. I don't think you know how any of this actually works or been paying attention. Even your buddy Alan Dershowitz said he thinks the Mueller report is going to be devastating to Trump.

More Mueller Bullcrap...To keep the Lemmings...happy...talking....hopeful and clapping....

Translation: You guys aint got shit....In time....YOU...will find out on your own....:rolleyes:

12-05-2018, 08:17 PM
Pete, you sound like a libtard. I admitted that my theory could be wrong, but you have absolutely no idea if I'm wrong until the Mueller probe concludes. You personally will probably have no idea even after the Mueller probe concludes.

My point still stands: if after an investigation is given a mission to prove collusion between Trump and Russia, and that investigation spends two years and unlimited funds and even then has still not shown any evidence or made any convictions actually relevant to the original mission, then that investigation looks like a failure.

Yes you are wrong. I don't think you know how any of this actually works or been paying attention. Even your buddy Alan Dershowitz said he thinks the Mueller report is going to be devastating to Trump.

12-05-2018, 08:50 PM
Yes you are wrong. I don't think you know how any of this actually works or been paying attention. Even your buddy Alan Dershowitz said he thinks the Mueller report is going to be devastating to Trump.You have about as much evidence to support your claim as Mueller does.

If Mueller had enough evidence to "devastate" Trump he'd already be crowing from the highest steeple in DC.

12-05-2018, 09:39 PM
Pete, you sound like a libtard. I admitted that my theory could be wrong, but you have absolutely no idea if I'm wrong until the Mueller probe concludes. You personally will probably have no idea even after the Mueller probe concludes.

My point still stands: if after an investigation is given a mission to prove collusion between Trump and Russia, and that investigation spends two years and unlimited funds and even then has still not shown any evidence or made any convictions actually relevant to the original mission, then that investigation looks like a failure.

You might want to read the mandate again.

12-05-2018, 09:40 PM
You have about as much evidence to support your claim as Mueller does.

If Mueller had enough evidence to "devastate" Trump he'd already be crowing from the highest steeple in DC.

You're not paying attention.

12-05-2018, 09:49 PM
You're not paying attention.Sure I am. Mueller can't afford to not invent something so he will. Who cares? That will be as big a joke as he, and you are.

Black Diamond
12-06-2018, 12:30 AM
So now we should listen to dershowitz. Funny the left picks and chooses when we should listen to someone. Reminds me of the way they call McCain and Bush heroes after literally comparing them to Hitler when they ran against Bubba and Obama. Oh I know why. Bush and McCain don't like trump.

Black Diamond
12-06-2018, 12:33 AM
Oh and by the way. Dershowitz also said he didn't think there would be any criminal charges brought forth against trump. Nice of Petey to only read the headline and nice of CNN to put that fact in the 14th paragraph. :laugh:

12-06-2018, 09:28 PM
Is "breached his plea deal" code for "screwed up Mueller's script"?

12-06-2018, 09:39 PM
petey wouldn't give the REAL reason Mueller is pissed. Manafort decided he wasn't gonna deal with Mueller by Lying, as agreed, to make Trump look bad. There's another man Mueller wants to lie as well, his name is Jerome Corsi. And petey won't mention that Corsi is sueing Mueller for bribing him to lie...or he will go to jail.

Wanna tell us about that petey???? Since you claim to have all the FALSE answers too!

12-06-2018, 11:42 PM
Just how many 'fails' can pete live with?

Slink off into his corner sucking his thumb and clinging to his comfort teddy bear
as usual?

Black Diamond
12-07-2018, 03:47 AM
Just how many 'fails' can pete live with?

Slink off into his corner sucking his thumb and clinging to his comfort teddy bear
as usual?

Teddy bear named Mueller. Lol

12-07-2018, 07:39 AM
The corrupt BFF of Comey, Mueller, heard that President Trump was considering giving Manafort a PARDON, and that pissed him off. So now he's looking at corrupt ways to screw Manafort even worse.

Mueller is corrupt. Comey is corrupt. Rosenstein is corrupt, along with the long list of those who have been fired and/or reassigned in the FBI and DOJ, and they truly belong in JAIL.