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View Full Version : Why so quiet on the NC voter fraud?

12-06-2018, 11:19 AM
Oh because it was run by Repubtards?

12-06-2018, 11:28 AM
Oh because it was run by Repubtards?

IF indeed there were fraud, then all those responsible need to go to jail for a very long time.

Time will tell as the investigation unfolds, and then we can make sound opinions on the matter. That's how it works.

Wouldn't it be nice if moonbats like you were interested in the recent FL debacle and other events around the country - with an eye for Justice and the Rule of Law? Wouldn't it be nice to have voter turnout matching actual voter population records per county? I'd like to be confident in our elections nationwide, wouldn't you, Pete?

Yes, if you were truly interested in voter fraud allegations regardless of who the suspected party is, then you'd have a chance to redeem yourself somewhat - but seeing your childish 'Repubtards' comment, I won't hold my breath.

Black Diamond
12-06-2018, 11:37 AM
Oh because it was run by Repubtards?

We knew ignoring it would make you bleed from your whatever.

12-06-2018, 11:37 AM
oh because it was run by repubtards?
:Irony ALERT:

12-06-2018, 03:37 PM
Oh because it was run by Repubtards?

Like every good liberal today. You instantly find a way to BLAME others for what Liberals got caught doing.

Of course, you would never tell us about this...https://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/editorials/article146486019.html

12-06-2018, 08:00 PM
Oh because it was run by Repubtards?
You just drop in long enough to drop another one of your leftist TROLL TURDS and then... OFF YOU GO... until you find another greasy little leftist TROLL TURD to drop.

You are SUCH a GOOD MEMBER here... you should be SOOOO PROUD of yourself.

12-06-2018, 09:01 PM
This whole story doesn't pass the sniff test. Some vaguely-described "blonde woman" collected absentee ballots from an unknown number of absentee voters, and for some reason investigators came around to tell some of the absentee voters that their ballots never arrived. Dems are now howling that they're sure that all of these votes would have been for the Democrat candidate.

Here's just a few of the many reasons why the whole story is crap:
- The article doesn't even state that voters they interviewed were voting for the Democrat. There's no story, unless there's a pattern that all the voters involved were voting for the Dem
- The "blonde white woman" description sounds a little too vague and convenient, like the "bushy haired man" in the Sam Shephard murder case
- It is suspicious that they even investigated this. They don't normally investigate if not all the absentee ballots applied for get sent back in. They just assume the the person didn't bother to send it back in.
- Pete thinks its a big story. That by itself is a big clue that its a crock.
- The Dems solution is "let's redo the election". What a raft of you-know-what. They're just a bunch of desperate twits.

12-06-2018, 09:21 PM
This whole story doesn't pass the sniff test. Some vaguely-described "blonde woman" collected absentee ballots from an unknown number of absentee voters, and for some reason investigators came around to tell some of the absentee voters that their ballots never arrived. Dems are now howling that they're sure that all of these votes would have for the Democrat candidate.

Here's just a few of the many reasons why the whole story is crap:
- The article doesn't even state that voters they interviewed were voting for the Democrat. There's no story, unless there's a pattern that all the voters involved were voting for the Dem
- The "blonde white woman" description sounds a little too vague and convenient, like the "bushy haired man" in the Sam Shephard murder case
- It is suspicious that they even investigated this. They don't normally investigate if not all the absentee ballots applied for get sent back in. They just assume the the person didn't bother to send it back in.
- Pete thinks its a big story. That by itself is a big clue that its a crock.
- The Dems solution is "let's redo the election". What a raft of you-know-what. They're just a bunch of desperate twits.That was "the one-armed man" in the Sam Shepard case :)

My first thought was "the woman in red". The illegal alien that set up John Dillinger for citizenship that J Edgar ensured she got screwed out of.

Either way I agree with the "Pete thinks it's a big story" part being a crock :)

12-06-2018, 09:25 PM
That was "the one-armed man" in the Sam Shepard case :)

My first thought was "the woman in red". The illegal alien that set up John Dillinger for citizenship that J Edgar ensured she got screwed out of.

Either way I agree with the "Pete thinks it's a big story" part being a crock :)
Pete thinks the little Baby Dill between his legs is big too.

12-07-2018, 10:42 AM
Executive Director of NC Republicans says he’s open to new election in NC-9 Congressional race. Dallas Woodhouse told CNN’s Drew Griffin he was so upset after watching CNN’s coverage of alleged fraud last night, he threw up, “this has shaken us to the core.”

I guess it's not a big deal though...

12-07-2018, 12:27 PM
Executive Director of NC Republicans says he’s open to new election in NC-9 Congressional race. Dallas Woodhouse told CNN’s Drew Griffin he was so upset after watching CNN’s coverage of alleged fraud last night, he threw up, “this has shaken us to the core.”

I guess it's not a big deal though...You mean because a bunch of leftards are AGAIN ad nauseum "shaken to the core"?

Don't worry, Pete. If it is indeed crooked and the Republicans get away with it, it will be SOP in the Dem handbook next election :)

12-07-2018, 12:42 PM
Here's just a few of the many reasons why the whole story is crap:
- The article doesn't even state that voters they interviewed were voting for the Democrat. There's no story, unless there's a pattern that all the voters involved were voting for the Dem.

If voters have had their votes intentionally removed then that’s a story whether they were voting democrat, republican , or another.

12-07-2018, 12:58 PM
I guess it's not a big deal though...
It's not. No one gives a rats ass. Florida election fraud isn't a big deal... NC election fraud, (if there was any), isn't a big deal.

See how that works?

12-07-2018, 01:07 PM
If voters have had their votes intentionally removed then that’s a story whether they were voting democrat, republican , or another.I agree with your point.

The point the rest of us are making is this: Pete finds this one, isolated instance based on questionable allegations at best and posts it as if it was gospel.

On the other hand, he makes NO mention of the MANY reported and at least in once case substantiated violations by Democrats. Having Pete around is like having our very own CNN correspondent.

I will repeat for the millionth time, the Federal government wants to and/or does control anything it wants to, Constitutional or not. Yet it does NOT control/oversee Federal elections which if anything, it SHOULD since the results put officials in office at the Federal, not State level. Yet we go through this crap every time. The Dems trying to and/or succeeding in cheating their way into office. If they don't win, they cry foul to try and tie the election up in controversy/the court.

It's just the way they roll.

Abbey Marie
12-07-2018, 01:23 PM
You mean because a bunch of leftards are AGAIN ad nauseum "shaken to the core"?

Don't worry, Pete. If it is indeed crooked and the Republicans get away with it, it will be SOP in the Dem handbook next election :)

Good lord, what would these people do if they were involved in a real emergency?
Can you imagine having to rely on any of them in a war zone? Theyd probably be shaken to the core because their man-bun was coming undone.

12-07-2018, 02:23 PM
You mean because a bunch of leftards are AGAIN ad nauseum "shaken to the core"?

Don't worry, Pete. If it is indeed crooked and the Republicans get away with it, it will be SOP in the Dem handbook next election :)

[Executive Director of NC Republicans is a leftard? hmmm that's a new level of crazy gunny!

12-07-2018, 02:23 PM
I agree with your point.

The point the rest of us are making is this: Pete finds this one, isolated instance based on questionable allegations at best and posts it as if it was gospel.

Jim does it all the time here and you say nothing because it fits your worldview.

12-07-2018, 03:58 PM
Stay away from Negative people and idea's. Because THEY can find any PROBLEM to solve any Solution. Glass half full, or half empty. Doesn't matter as long as they feel EMPOWERED with Negative news.

12-07-2018, 05:58 PM
Good lord, what would these people do if they were involved in a real emergency?
Can you imagine having to rely on any of them in a war zone? Theyd probably be shaken to the core because their man-bun was coming undone.
--------------------- http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/laughter.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

12-07-2018, 05:59 PM
Jim does it all the time here and you say nothing because it fits your worldview.
Oh REALLY... well then why aren't you here all the while Jim is posting his threads you think are BS and DISPUTE it?

Hmmm... little troll?

12-08-2018, 08:35 PM
Here's a case of real voter fraud, namely, the election of Al Franken as a US Senator for Minnesota:

If they can have redo elections, why didn't they do it then? The US Senate has tainted for 7 years with that Franken twerp.

Black Diamond
12-08-2018, 10:16 PM
Here's a case of real voter fraud, namely, the election of Al Franken as a US Senator for Minnesota:

If they can have redo elections, why didn't they do it then? The US Senate has tainted for 7 years with that Franken twerp.

Pete isn't interested.