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View Full Version : What do you want to become of Mexico?

12-12-2018, 01:55 PM
Mexico has lots to offer as a country. Most of the people you meet on the street and nice, friendly and hard working. Some are perhaps jaded by all the crime. They elected a socialist President because the other choices on the ballot were known unmitigated crooks. The new leftist President seems to be taking a couple of steps back with a "look before you leap" mentality. It may turn out that he won't try to transform the country into a Marxist state. I for one want to see Mexico become a safe and prosperous country. What say you?

12-12-2018, 02:18 PM
I really think that the populace on the whole has to forget
the notion that the Western USA still belongs to them.

They need to stand up and fight against the corruption which
has driven the past administrations in that county.

12-12-2018, 07:25 PM
One BIG No Man's Land between the US border and Central America.

12-12-2018, 10:09 PM
I really think that the populace on the whole has to forget
the notion that the Western USA still belongs to them.

They need to stand up and fight against the corruption which
has driven the past administrations in that county.

That hyperbole is often rooted in how a relative was treated in the USA. One guy in Nuevo Leon I spoke with a few months ago asked me why his grandfather was referred to as a "nigger" when he visited the US in the 1950s. He and his family never visited the US thereafter.

12-12-2018, 11:03 PM
That hyperbole is often rooted in how a relative was treated in the USA. One guy in Nuevo Leon I spoke with a few months ago asked me why his grandfather was referred to as a "nigger" when he visited the US in the 1950s. He and his family never visited the US thereafter.

Wrong. For one, things over 60 years ago has little meaning.

Nowadays you ask Mexicans why they illegally migrate into the USA, and they will
tell you that much of California, Arizona, New Mexico,and Texas still belong to them.

They ignore treaties from 158 years ago, ignore international borders agreed upon
by both counties.

All they do is Want, Want, WANT!

12-12-2018, 11:12 PM
Wrong. For one, things over 60 years ago has little meaning.

Nowadays you ask Mexicans why they illegally migrate into the USA, and they will
tell you that much of California, Arizona, New Mexico,and Texas still belong to them.

They ignore treaties from 158 years ago, ignore international borders agreed upon
by both counties.

All they do is Want, Want, WANT!

That's not a good sample. Mexico has 130 million people and most of them aren't interested in migrating to the USA.

Abbey Marie
12-12-2018, 11:34 PM
That hyperbole is often rooted in how a relative was treated in the USA. One guy in Nuevo Leon I spoke with a few months ago asked me why his grandfather was referred to as a "nigger" when he visited the US in the 1950s. He and his family never visited the US thereafter.

Well heck, if that’s all it takes, we wouldn’t need a wall, would we?

12-12-2018, 11:52 PM
Shut of all American tax payer benefits given to these breeding....America hating....ViVa La Mexico...flag waving disease infected Parasites........It will take awhile....and most will go back to their country.....the rest can be picked up...

Only a dream....***>>The first step is actually go after the cancer of "Liberalism"....Which makes all bad things possible....

:laugh:....ahhh....Yes......just dreamin...One day though America will stop the invasion.....

https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/travelers.html (https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/travelers.html)

12-14-2018, 07:57 AM
7 years old dies in custody due to dehydration. So did you refuse to give her water ?


12-14-2018, 08:25 AM
7 years old dies in custody due to dehydration. So did you refuse to give her water ?


cuz we wanted her to die....

now that we cleared that up lets talk about cutting people's heads off..... you probably know a lot about that...

12-14-2018, 08:27 AM
7 years old dies in custody due to dehydration. So did you refuse to give her water ?


Did this child's parents fail in their duty to keep their girl away from harm ??

The US didn't ask to have migrants swarm out of Mexico, trying to invade their territory !! But it's what they're being stuck with, thanks to the arrogance of illegal opportunity-seekers. Remember always, Farah, that what's being attempted is ILLEGAL and SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING.

But, these migrants are choosing to do what they are doing.

Blame where it's due, Farah.

From the link you sent us .... THIS ...

In a statement, customs and border protection authorities said the girl had not eaten or consumed water in several days.

Americans didn't do that to her. HER OWN PARENTS DID, by choosing to make their journey in the first place. THEY placed her in harm's way. THEY forced her into that situation.

Will you ever stop trying to demonise the US ??

12-14-2018, 09:42 AM
Did this child's parents fail in their duty to keep their girl away from harm ??

The US didn't ask to have migrants swarm out of Mexico, trying to invade their territory !! But it's what they're being stuck with, thanks to the arrogance of illegal opportunity-seekers. Remember always, Farah, that what's being attempted is ILLEGAL and SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING.

But, these migrants are choosing to do what they are doing.

Blame where it's due, Farah.

From the link you sent us .... THIS ...

Americans didn't do that to her. HER OWN PARENTS DID, by choosing to make their journey in the first place. THEY placed her in harm's way. THEY forced her into that situation.

Will you ever stop trying to demonise the US ??

You are spot on. I like how you don't disparage all Mexicans in your post. Those who try to enter the USA illegally are Mexico's WORST. While it's certainly more difficult than the US, there is still plenty of opportunity in Mexico. In one of my conversations in Monterrey I commented about the surprising prosperity. I asked why don't those caravan migrants go there. After all, there are help wanted signs everywhere. The reply was "those Central American migrants don't want to work, they just want a free ride". Many upscale Mexicans wonder if USA public assistance is a necessary evil to buy off the riff raff from committing violence.

12-14-2018, 10:40 AM
Will you ever stop trying to demonise the US ??

She will if she one day has a pro-American husband. As you know, a proper woman adopts the political beliefs of her father, then later when she marries, her husband.

12-14-2018, 11:21 AM
Did this child's parents fail in their duty to keep their girl away from harm ??

The US didn't ask to have migrants swarm out of Mexico, trying to invade their territory !! But it's what they're being stuck with, thanks to the arrogance of illegal opportunity-seekers. Remember always, Farah, that what's being attempted is ILLEGAL and SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING.

But, these migrants are choosing to do what they are doing.

Blame where it's due, Farah.

From the link you sent us .... THIS ...

Americans didn't do that to her. HER OWN PARENTS DID, by choosing to make their journey in the first place. THEY placed her in harm's way. THEY forced her into that situation.

Will you ever stop trying to demonise the US ??

We are talking about a kid. A kid is not responsible of anything done by her his parents.

Even if it was not a kid, leaving someone to death is dishuman.

12-14-2018, 11:21 AM
She will if she one day has a pro-American husband. As you know, a proper woman adopts the political beliefs of her father, then later when she marries, her husband.

I've a funny feeling that she'd never consider taking an American husband, unless, of course, she managed to find one who himself somehow managed to hate America !

Farah's extent of opposition is so single minded as to qualify as outright, apparently fanatical, hatred of America .. undoubtedly. I hope she somehow has an epiphany that remedies that. But I don't believe it'll happen.

12-14-2018, 11:22 AM
You are spot on. I like how you don't disparage all Mexicans in your post. Those who try to enter the USA illegally are Mexico's WORST. While it's certainly more difficult than the US, there is still plenty of opportunity in Mexico. In one of my conversations in Monterrey I commented about the surprising prosperity. I asked why don't those caravan migrants go there. After all, there are help wanted signs everywhere. The reply was "those Central American migrants don't want to work, they just want a free ride". Many upscale Mexicans wonder if USA public assistance is a necessary evil to buy off the riff raff from committing violence.

I've nothing to add ... I agree completely.

12-14-2018, 11:25 AM
cuz we wanted her to die....

now that we cleared that up lets talk about cutting people's heads off..... you probably know a lot about that...

So do you accept that you are a terrorist ?

12-14-2018, 11:37 AM
We are talking about a kid. A kid is not responsible of anything done by her his parents.

Even if it was not a kid, leaving someone to death is dishuman.

I'm well aware that the child isn't responsible for anything done by her parents, Farah. I've at no point argued such a case to say that she was.

... No. the point here is that the child was a victim of very prolonged dehydration and lack of food ... this lasting several days, before that family had so much as arrived at the border !! HER PARENTS DID THAT TO HER, long before any American became involved.

Would you argue that she'd have died if she'd never been forced, BY HER PARENTS, to make that journey ? I hardly think so; you can have no basis for doing so. No. It was her being forced to MAKE that journey in the first place that led to her death.

So I fail to see -- other than your wish to further an America-hating agenda ? - why you'd foist any measure of blame on any American for her death. Bear this in mind: you don't even know, with any degree of accuracy at all, how badly ill she was from malnutrition and dehydration before even getting to the border, so, you don't know if her being taken away had ANY bearing on her death, AT ALL.

No. But that doesn't stop you concentrating your ire against Americans, and not the criminally irresponsible parents !! Does it ??

Farah. Give up your campaign of wholly anti-American rhetoric. Do yourself that not inconsiderable favour. Being as one-sided as you are prevents you from seeing any bigger picture, and blinds you to truths you have no interest in facing.

Thus ... you fatally compromise your whole standing as an objective commentator on the issues you try to raise.

12-14-2018, 11:40 AM
So do you accept that you are a terrorist ?

Careful. Your fanatical anti-Americanism is showing (again ..) .... :rolleyes:

12-14-2018, 12:03 PM
We are talking about a kid. A kid is not responsible of anything done by her his parents.

Even if it was not a kid, leaving someone to death is dishuman.

Sweetie, have you ever been to the US/Mexico border? I am certain what happened isn't deliberate. If 1,000 migrants appear at the border and there are perhaps 50 border patrol agents on duty, it's impossible to notice each medical emergency. The truth about the caravan is that it was organized by defeated Communist Manuel Zelaya in Honduras as an attack on the USA. These Communists use disadvantaged women, children and families as human shields for their agents to infiltrate the USA. It's unfortunate that innocents die in the effort to keep criminals and Communist agents out of the US, but it is a job that must be done.

Abbey Marie
12-14-2018, 12:17 PM
We are talking about a kid. A kid is not responsible of anything done by her his parents.

Even if it was not a kid, leaving someone to death is dishuman.

Hey Farah, I suppose in your twisted mind, this is not ​inhuman.


12-14-2018, 12:41 PM
So do you accept that you are a terrorist ?

Islam = Terrorism.

No matter where you may find terrorism around the world, you will find the scum known as Islam. And they of course do nothing also but lie, and subjugate their women in so many ways. They are proud of you, for sure.

At any rate - ANY loss of life is bad. And funny you condemn the death of one child, while ignoring the endless deaths from Islam, including endless children and women.

Islam is the cancer of the world and needs to be extinguished at all costs.

12-14-2018, 12:43 PM
Hey Farah, I suppose in your twisted mind, this is not ​inhuman.



Want to get stoned? Be a woman and not wear the clothing they demand. Read the bible. Be an apostate and simply leave the religion. Sleep before you're wed. SO man petty reasons - and those slimy islamic bastards will in turn punish via head removal or burying you partially and stoning you to death. These are FACTS that this dingbat can't dispute, but will attempt to, or ignore, so she can stay focused on her ways of trolling.

12-14-2018, 12:56 PM
We are talking about a kid. A kid is not responsible of anything done by her his parents.

Even if it was not a kid, leaving someone to death is dishuman.
And yet you WORSHIP a PEDOPHILE that MARRIED a SIX YEAR OLD girl and RAPED her when she was NINE.

So just STFU. You've got ZERO moral high ground to lecture ANYONE about the treatment of a CHILD. You're just a disgusting muslim hypocrite.

Fuck off.

12-14-2018, 12:57 PM

Want to get stoned? Be a woman and not wear the clothing they demand. Read the bible. Be an apostate and simply leave the religion. Sleep before you're wed. SO man petty reasons - and those slimy islamic bastards will in turn punish via head removal or burying you partially and stoning you to death. These are FACTS that this dingbat can't dispute, but will attempt to, or ignore, so she can stay focused on her ways of trolling.

From what I read about Turkey, they have a less extreme flavor of Islam. However, I suspect fines, being jailed and being saddled with a criminal record are all on the table. Of course all that can be avoided by simple obedience of what's expected. Farah What happens in Turkey to young women that have sex before marriage?

12-14-2018, 01:01 PM
So do you accept that you are a terrorist ?
What a RETARDED freakin' thing to say. You simply sound like an IMBECILE.

12-14-2018, 01:01 PM
From what I read about Turkey, they have a less extreme flavor of Islam. However, I suspect fines, being jailed and being saddled with a criminal record are all on the table. Of course all that can be avoided by simple obedience of what's expected. Farah What happens in Turkey to young women that have sex before marriage?

Yes, "obedience" being the key word for women.

And while some may get away with suffering consequences from islam, they still support radicals and radicalism, still support terrorism & are glued together with Islam as if one, and cannot leave the cult, or they will be killed.

And as for Turkey and terrorism, just go over the state department reports from over the past few decades. What they say & what they support are not always the same. Muslims can be convincing liars.

12-14-2018, 01:32 PM
I'm well aware that the child isn't responsible for anything done by her parents, Farah. I've at no point argued such a case to say that she was.

... No. the point here is that the child was a victim of very prolonged dehydration and lack of food ... this lasting several days, before that family had so much as arrived at the border !! HER PARENTS DID THAT TO HER, long before any American became involved.

Would you argue that she'd have died if she'd never been forced, BY HER PARENTS, to make that journey ? I hardly think so; you can have no basis for doing so. No. It was her being forced to MAKE that journey in the first place that led to her death.

The responsibility of her parents is something complately different. Here the point is responsiblities of US side which is probably is not met deliberately. I also remember another news that US border officials were destroying water supplies that left for needy people. This is second degree murder.


12-14-2018, 01:39 PM
The responsibility of her parents is something complately different. Here the point is responsiblities of US side which is probably is not met deliberately. I also remember another news that US border officials were destroying water supplies that left for needy people. This is second degree murder.


From your own link:

“We do not condone or encourage destruction or tampering with any water or food caches,” it said.“Anyone aware of these activities occurring is encouraged to report it immediately to the Border Patrol.
“Border Patrol has invested in a wide-range of programs, resources and infrastructure to allow agents to accomplish their border security mission and preserve human life.

12-14-2018, 01:42 PM
I ignore personal comments or any other post that irrelevant to topic subject. You cant provoke me or get me mad with these kind of posts, so dont waste your time, use your time to make a logical explanation about main subject. Last time I was verbally attacked by a man and he was screaming at me and insulting at me from 2 inch distance and I was just looking into his eyes with no reaction. He was getting more and more mad when I dont give any reaction, coward people always do such things.

12-14-2018, 01:47 PM
So do you accept that you are a terrorist ?

I have been called far worse by better people than you, that's for sure. I do so hope I terrorize the crap out of animals like you! Obviously you do not recognize sarcasm ... look it up and learn something if you are capable of learning anything.

What I accept is that you are a mere troll, have nothing to contribute to humanity and have the IQ of a rock with lips.

12-14-2018, 01:53 PM
I ignore personal comments or any other post that irrelevant to topic subject. You cant provoke me or get me mad with these kind of posts, so dont waste your time, use your time to make a logical explanation about main subject. Last time I was verbally attacked by a man and he was screaming at me and insulting at me from 2 inch distance and I was just looking into his eyes with no reaction. He was getting more and more mad when I dont give any reaction, coward people always do such things.

I am quite sure you have no emotional attachment to humanity..... brain damaged humans and other people like you rarely do. In fact, no one here gives a damn whether you get mad or not.

The only person wasting time on this message board is you. The rest of us are entertaining ourselves.

12-14-2018, 02:16 PM
I ignore personal comments or any other post that irrelevant to topic subject. You cant provoke me or get me mad with these kind of posts, so dont waste your time, use your time to make a logical explanation about main subject. Last time I was verbally attacked by a man and he was screaming at me and insulting at me from 2 inch distance and I was just looking into his eyes with no reaction. He was getting more and more mad when I dont give any reaction, coward people always do such things.

In other words, as many have pointed out already, you still continue to want to troll and drop your retarded bombs here, but can't support them, refuse to support them and refuse to engage in the folks proving you wrong not only on your chosen subjects, but proving and showing that you're a hypocrite as well.

And of course you do so, because you're a muslim. You could probably cut off heads and have no feeling about it. The lack of reaction and honesty is non-surprising in the slightest.

12-14-2018, 02:27 PM
Farah. Give up your campaign of wholly anti-American rhetoric..

I am not anti american, I love american hats and I have such a photo, currently I am not at my laptop but I can use it as my profile pic when I back home. I am anti injustice.

12-14-2018, 02:31 PM
I am not anti american, I love american hats and I have such a photo, currently I am not at my laptop but I can use it as my profile pic when I back home. I am anti injustice.

Then Islam must drive you bananas. I'm surprised you refuse to acknowledge such. It's not like every last terror attack isn't proven, and the overwhelming majority of them muslims gleefully taking responsibility. But that doesn't bother you, and anyone stating such is somehow making a "personal comment" to you and you refuse to reply.

Embarrassed of your entire life and identity. Sad and sickening, but quite typical.

12-14-2018, 02:32 PM
I am not anti american...
... and now you're a LIAR on top of being an ignorant troll. Everything you've posted here thus far has been ANTI AMERICAN, MORON, and you must think we're all just dumber than a sack of hammers NOT TO KNOW THAT. YOU... are a LIAR.

But then, you've probably had one of the classes you muslims take on "HOW TO LIE."

You're not fooling anyone here. You only look like a brain washed, ignorant, muslim liar and propagandist.

12-14-2018, 02:36 PM
... and now you're a LIAR on top of being an ignorant troll.

But then, you've probably had one of the classes you muslims take on "HOW TO LIE."

You're not fooling anyone here. You only look like a brain washed, ignorant, muslim liar and propagandist.

Of course - look up "Taqiyya" - of which they will lie about that as well!!

12-14-2018, 02:46 PM
Of course - look up "Taqiyya" - of which they will lie about that as well!!

Much more on MUSLIMS TAUGHT TO LIE here: https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/taqiyya.aspx

12-14-2018, 02:49 PM
I am quite sure you have no emotional attachment to humanity..... brain damaged humans and other people like you rarely do. In fact, no one here gives a damn whether you get mad or not.

The only person wasting time on this message board is you. The rest of us are entertaining ourselves.

Yes you are getting mad and this is why you are attacking to my person despite you have zero information about me. So you are getting mad and you want to puke your hatred in a way. You are looking for some information about me to attack because you know you are guilt of many crimes all over the World, probably in moon and soon in mars too, you wnot miss any chance to commit a crime, trying to hide your criminal past and present and future by immediately attacking with mostly fake claims.

12-14-2018, 02:51 PM
Yes you are getting mad and this is why you are attacking to my person despite you have zero information about me. So you are getting mad and you want to puke your hatred in a way. You are looking for some information about me to attack because you know you are guilt of many crimes all over the World, probably in moon and soon in mars too, you wnot miss any chance to commit a crime, trying to hide your criminal past and present and future by immediately attacking with mostly fake claims.
Sheeeeeeeeezuz.................. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/laughter.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)


12-14-2018, 03:00 PM
Yes you are getting mad and this is why you are attacking to my person despite you have zero information about me. So you are getting mad and you want to puke your hatred in a way. You are looking for some information about me to attack because you know you are guilt of many crimes all over the World, probably in moon and soon in mars too, you wnot miss any chance to commit a crime, trying to hide your criminal past and present and future by immediately attacking with mostly fake claims.

I still say a child, likely someone under the age of 18, no older than 21. The intelligence and the responses speak for themselves. Like I said earlier, kinda comical.

Farah - Don't know about others, but I couldn't give a flying rats ass about your useless self. I am pointing out Islam in general, or should I say nearly a whole. But of course you take it personally, as Islam thinks as one. You simply just don't want to even attempt to defend the indefensible, and quite honestly, I don't blame you. You're outclassed in every manner imaginable, it would be downright laughable to go further and try to defend the sickness within islam.

12-14-2018, 03:19 PM
Yes you are getting mad and this is why you are attacking to my person despite you have zero information about me. So you are getting mad and you want to puke your hatred in a way. You are looking for some information about me to attack because you know you are guilt of many crimes all over the World, probably in moon and soon in mars too, you wnot miss any chance to commit a crime, trying to hide your criminal past and present and future by immediately attacking with mostly fake claims.

Don't let these guys rattle you. They hold no position in the US government and just a group of men having a billiard room conversation.

12-14-2018, 03:24 PM
I still say a child, likely someone under the age of 18, no older than 21. The intelligence and the responses speak for themselves. Like I said earlier, kinda comical.

Farah - Don't know about others, but I couldn't give a flying rats ass about your useless self. I am pointing out Islam in general, or should I say nearly a whole. But of course you take it personally, as Islam thinks as one. You simply just don't want to even attempt to defend the indefensible, and quite honestly, I don't blame you. You're outclassed in every manner imaginable, it would be downright laughable to go further and try to defend the sickness within islam.

Nah you are not making comments in general, you are want to attack me because you hate me when I put your crimes on the table. To be able to attack me, you need informations about me but you dont have. You have asked for some information about me and I didnt give any that could be useful to attack someone. Then you started to write scenarios about me. First you write a scenario that I live somewhere around middle east, then you write another scenario that I am a Muslim. Then you write another scenario that I am a Turk and probably you will write more scenarios in the future.

12-14-2018, 03:25 PM
I still say a child, likely someone under the age of 18, no older than 21. The intelligence and the responses speak for themselves. Like I said earlier, kinda comical.

Farah - Don't know about others, but I couldn't give a flying rats ass about your useless self. I am pointing out Islam in general, or should I say nearly a whole. But of course you take it personally, as Islam thinks as one. You simply just don't want to even attempt to defend the indefensible, and quite honestly, I don't blame you. You're outclassed in every manner imaginable, it would be downright laughable to go further and try to defend the sickness within islam.

However, she is unlikely to leave her future husband in an empty apartment like many American men experience. I see this frequently in corporate America. She is a nice, pliable female that makes the world a better place. There should be more like her, not less. She is the type that if one of my sons met online, I wouldn't complain one bit.
@Farah (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3966) I like the pride that you take in your father. It speaks well of you.

Let's compare Turkey's divorce rate to the USA, shall we?

12-14-2018, 03:27 PM
Nah you are not making comments in general, you are want to attack me because you hate me when I put your crimes on the table. To be able to attack me, you need informations about me but you dont have. You have asked for some information about me and I didnt give any that could be useful to attack someone. Then you started to write scenarios about me. First you write a scenario that I live somewhere around middle east, then you write another scenario that I am a Muslim. Then you write another scenario that I am a Turk and probably you will write more scenarios in the future.

Other than smoking a bit of weed and public intoxication, I'm pretty sure Jim hasn't committed any crimes.

12-14-2018, 03:31 PM
Nah you are not making comments in general, you are want to attack me because you hate me when I put your crimes on the table. To be able to attack me, you need informations about me but you dont have. You have asked for some information about me and I didnt give any that could be useful to attack someone. Then you started to write scenarios about me. First you write a scenario that I live somewhere around middle east, then you write another scenario that I am a Muslim. Then you write another scenario that I am a Turk and probably you will write more scenarios in the future.

I know you're a muslim, you basically stated as much on twitter.

Regardless, I couldn't care less about your twitter lies, nor your lies here, nor you at all. I'm more interested in Islam as a whole and how destructive it is to our society. That has nothing to do with you. So fuck off, you ain't important, other than being a muslim supporting fool.

You refuse to engage ANY subject that ANYONE brings up, other than your own accusations. Lame. You try to dictate where everything goes so you don't have to answer anything difficult. Then you claim any discussion of anything negative is somehow personal, once again doing so in order to avoid discussion or questions.

Like someone told you in your last go round here - you're best suited with a BLOG - that's what you want, to be able to spout your crap, without having to answer questions and where you can totally dictate the discussion. I know places you can host your blog for free, let me know if that's what you prefer, I can give you some links. No one can interrupt you there if that's your preference.

12-14-2018, 03:32 PM
However, she is unlikely to leave her future husband in an empty apartment like many American men experience. I see this frequently in corporate America. She is a nice, pliable female that makes the world a better place. There should be more like her, not less. She is the type that if one of my sons met online, I wouldn't complain one bit.
@Farah (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3966) I like the pride that you take in your father. It speaks well of you.

Let's compare Turkey's divorce rate to the USA, shall we?

Not leaving under fear of beatings and death doesn't impress me much.

12-14-2018, 03:44 PM
I know you're a muslim, you basically stated as much on twitter.

Regardless, I couldn't care less about your twitter lies, nor your lies here, nor you at all. I'm more interested in Islam as a whole and how destructive it is to our society. That has nothing to do with you. So fuck off, you ain't important, other than being a muslim supporting fool.

You refuse to engage ANY subject that ANYONE brings up, other than your own accusations. Lame. You try to dictate where everything goes so you don't have to answer anything difficult. Then you claim any discussion of anything negative is somehow personal, once again doing so in order to avoid discussion or questions.

Like someone told you in your last go round here - you're best suited with a BLOG - that's what you want, to be able to spout your crap, without having to answer questions and where you can totally dictate the discussion. I know places you can host your blog for free, let me know if that's what you prefer, I can give you some links. No one can interrupt you there if that's your preference.

You are lying. You are not engaging to any subject. You are trying to attack people when they say something you dont like. You behave the same with facebook owner behave in the court. The judges are asking him a question and he is doing anything not to reply this question, judge stops him and ask the same question and he still replies with coplateiy irrelevant things. I am trying to talk about the killing of a kid and you avoid to talk about it and trying to chance topic subject to Muslims and Turkey. What da funk ? You are a troll and you are an agressive troll. You guys in general soo agressive and this is a perfect sign of guilt feeling and personal problems in private life. You are probably have soo bad life and family ties.

12-14-2018, 03:46 PM
You are lying. You are not engaging to any subject. You are trying to attack people when they say something you dont like. You behave the same with facebook owner behave in the court. The judges are asking him a question and he is doing anything not to reply this question, judge stops him and ask the same question and he still replies with coplateiy irrelevant things. I am trying to talk about the killing of a kid and you avoid to talk about it and trying to chance topic subject to Muslims and Turkey. What da funk ? You are a troll and you are an agressive troll. You guys in general soo agressive and this is a perfect sign of guilt feeling and personal problems in private life. You are probably have soo bad life and family ties.

Well, fuck off then, talk to yourself.

12-14-2018, 03:55 PM
However, she is unlikely to leave her future husband in an empty apartment like many American men experience. I see this frequently in corporate America. She is a nice, pliable female that makes the world a better place. There should be more like her, not less. She is the type that if one of my sons met online, I wouldn't complain one bit.
@Farah (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3966) I like the pride that you take in your father. It speaks well of you.

Let's compare Turkey's divorce rate to the USA, shall we?
You truly are ignorant. She is a radical muslim bitch that would just as soon see you buried in the dirt up to your shoulders and stand and watch as her animal cult male muslims stoned your head into hamburger, and that's after raping you which of course was your fault... and you want that for your sons?

You stupid frickin' mongrel. You're not fit to be a parent.

12-14-2018, 03:57 PM
You are lying. You are not engaging to any subject. You are trying to attack people when they say something you dont like. You behave the same with facebook owner behave in the court. The judges are asking him a question and he is doing anything not to reply this question, judge stops him and ask the same question and he still replies with coplateiy irrelevant things. I am trying to talk about the killing of a kid and you avoid to talk about it and trying to chance topic subject to Muslims and Turkey. What da funk ? You are a troll and you are an agressive troll. You guys in general soo agressive and this is a perfect sign of guilt feeling and personal problems in private life. You are probably have soo bad life and family ties.

Are you trying to ask them if their life is so great, why are they so cranky? It could be because they are sexually frustrated. I was wondering, and it's not meant to come across as belittling. In your social circle is sexually objectifying women frowned upon? I ask because in the culture my wife comes from it's considered a compliment. In places like Mexico, Cuba, Colombia and Brazil, a man can look at a waitress in a restaurant and say "nice ass" and all she will do is smile and say thank you.

12-14-2018, 04:00 PM
You truly are ignorant. She is a radical muslim bitch that would just as soon see you buried in the dirt up to your shoulders and stand and watch as her animal cult male muslims stoned your head into hamburger, and that's after raping you which of course was your fault... and you want that for your sons?

You stupid frickin' mongrel. You're not fit to be a parent.

Hmmm, someone hasn't been laid in awhile.

Black Diamond
12-14-2018, 04:01 PM

12-14-2018, 04:01 PM
I still say a child, likely someone under the age of 18, no older than 21.
I think you're right. Look close at that selfie eye avatar. I'd say she's as young as 9 or 10 even. Younger than 16 for sure I'd say. She's a little brain washed, ignorant, adolescent muslim girl.

She's probably married by now too.

It’s Perfectly Legal For Muslim Men To Rape Their 8 Year Old “Brides” Until They Die


Black Diamond
12-14-2018, 04:02 PM
I think you're right. Look close at that eye avatar. I'd say she's as young as 9 or 10 even. Younger than 16 for sure I'd say. She's a little brain washed, ignorant, adolescent muslim girl.

Unfortunately that can happen.

12-14-2018, 04:12 PM
I think you're right. Look close at that eye avatar. I'd say she's as young as 9 or 10 even. Younger than 16 for sure I'd say. She's a little brain washed, ignorant, adolescent muslim girl.

I would estimate she's in the 18-21 age range. Give her credit for her command of the English language. She is probably upper class as well. Her opinions come from knowing on which side her bread is buttered.

12-14-2018, 04:19 PM
Hmmm, someone hasn't been laid in awhile.
Well, there's no way you could possibly know a damn thing about when I get "laid" or not, and we all know that, but it's a typical, generic, dumbass insult, which you elude to instead of REFUTING anything I said.

12-14-2018, 04:22 PM
I would estimate she's in the 18-21 age range. Give her credit for her command of the English language. She is probably upper class as well. Her opinions come from knowing on which side her bread is buttered.
Nope. The eye in her avatar is no way over 18. It's not even the eye of a 16 year old. She's young, very young.

And anyone can use google translate.

Her opinions come from brain washing.

12-14-2018, 04:25 PM
Well, there's no way you could possibly know a damn thing about when I get "laid" or not, and we all know that, but it's a typical, generic, dumbass insult, which you elude to instead of REFUTING anything I said.

That makes YOU the moron here... own it.

Smart people evaluate relevance before veracity. The drunk guy who pees his britches and sits at the subway entrance can tell all the lies he wants and no one cares. Your ill-temperedness drowns out the details of what you have to say.

12-14-2018, 04:26 PM
I would estimate she's in the 18-21 age range. Give her credit for her command of the English language. She is probably upper class as well. Her opinions come from knowing on which side her bread is buttered.
You're brain washed too, or wilfully very ignorant, because she doesn't give a rats ass about you. You are an INFIDEL, and that makes you lower than DIRT to her. She doesn't care one freakin' bit about you or whether or not you defend her.

How stupid can you be?

12-14-2018, 04:31 PM
Smart people evaluate relevance before veracity. The drunk guy who pees his britches and sits at the subway entrance can tell all the lies he wants and no one cares. Your ill-temperedness drowns out the details of what you have to say.
That's my style. I've never changed since I started on message boards. The problem is I don't tolerate stupidity very well, but I state what needs to be said point blank. If you can't handle it, that's not my problem.

And make no mistake, I haven't forgotten your unprovoked insults to me either, or the way you've insulted ALL of us veterans here, and I won't forget either.

12-14-2018, 04:33 PM
You're brain washed too, or wilfully very ignorant, because she doesn't give a rats ass about you. You are an INFIDEL, and that makes you lower than DIRT to her. She doesn't care one freakin' bit about you or whether or not you defend her.

How stupid can you be?

I worry about ANTIFA way more than some generic Muslim. There are 1 billion Muslims on the planet. Putting all of them in one small box is way too simple minded. Women from the Amazon think Americans from the South are religious fanatics given all the fuss and criticism over not wearing bras and panties.

12-14-2018, 04:35 PM
That's my style. I've never changed since I started on message boards. The problem is don't tolerate stupidity very well, but I state what needs to be said point blank. If you can't handle it, that's not my problem.

And make no mistake, I haven't forgotten your unprovoked insults to me either, or the way you've insulted ALL of us veterans here, and I won't forget either.

I respect the military. In fact, military governments work better than "democracies".

12-14-2018, 04:40 PM
I worry about ANTIFA way more than some generic Muslim. There are 1 billion Muslims on the planet. Putting all of them in one small box is way too simple minded. Women from the Amazon think Americans from the South are religious fanatics given all the fuss and criticism over not wearing bras and panties.
Well, sorry, but that's just another example of being ignorant. ANTIFA is an irrelevant bunch of a little radical leftist democrats that could easily be squashed like bugs if the need truly ever arose. But islam is here to TAKE OVER, and when they have sufficient numbers, that's EXACTLY what they do, and if you don't join them and become a muslim, you get your HEAD SAWED OFF. I don't recall ANTIFA SAWING PEOPLE'S HEADS OFF, or THROWING HOMOS OFF A ROOF, or SHOOTING UP A HOMO BAR IN FLORIDA, or BURYING WOMEN IN THE DIRT UP TO THEIR SHOULDERS AND STONING THEIR SKULL INTO HAMBURGER, or FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION, or MARRYING LITTLE GIRLS, or FLYING AIRPLANES INTO HUGE BUILDINGS KILLING THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE, and of course the list just goes on and on. ISLAM is the greatest THREAT to the WORLD there is, and you better WISE UP.

12-14-2018, 04:50 PM
Well, fuck off then, talk to yourself.

You are soo agressive and you just harm yourself by doing so. Keep calm.

12-14-2018, 04:54 PM
You are soo agressive and you just harm yourself by doing so. Keep calm.
You ain't seen AGGRESSIVE yet, little girl... not even close.

12-14-2018, 04:57 PM
Well, sorry, but that's just another example of being ignorant. ANTIFA is an irrelevant bunch of a little radical leftist democrats that could easily be squashed like bugs if the need truly ever arose. But islam is here to TAKE OVER, and when they have sufficient numbers, that's EXACTLY what they do, and if you don't join them and become a muslim, you get your HEAD SAWED OFF. I don't recall ANTIFA SAWING PEOPLE'S HEADS OFF, or THROWING HOMOS OFF A ROOF, or SHOOTING UP A HOMO BAR IN FLORIDA, or BURYING WOMEN IN THE DIRT UP TO THEIR SHOULDERS AND STONING THEIR SKULL INTO HAMBURGER, or FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION, or MARRYING LITTLE GIRLS, or FLYING AIRPLANES INTO HUGE BUILDINGS KILLING THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE, and of course the list just goes on and on. ISLAM is the greatest THREAT to the WORLD there is, and you better WISE UP.

You give anecdotal examples to portray a demographic of 1 billion people. Drug cartels are just as violent as the examples you cite above.

12-14-2018, 05:08 PM
You ain't seen AGGRESSIVE yet, little girl... not even close.

Yeah right. And the little muslim claims we change the subject - but look at the OP and then look at her first reply. Nitwit herself was the first to jump OT so she can condemn the US.

I'm about to order some Ihop for dinner. 3 huge blueberry pancakes, 3 slices of bacon, some sausage & ham, and an omelet to go with it. Gotta look over the menu some more before I stuff my face. :)

Black Diamond
12-14-2018, 05:16 PM
I respect the military. In fact, military governments work better than "democracies".

Can you elaborate? I don't necessarily disagree but when I think of militarism I think of imperial Japan. That ended with mushroom clouds.

12-14-2018, 05:19 PM
I'm about to order some Ihop for dinner.

You have my condolences. Surely you can check Yelp and do way better. Do they have Texas Roadhouse in your neck of the woods?

12-14-2018, 05:21 PM
Can you elaborate? I don't necessarily disagree but when I think of militarism I think of imperial Japan. That ended with mushroom clouds.

The world's culture has deteriorated to the point where representative government is on its way out. Free stuff rules the day and causes Marxist governments to be voted in. That won't do.

Black Diamond
12-14-2018, 05:23 PM
The world's culture has deteriorated to the point where representative government is on its way out. Free stuff rules the day and causes Marxist governments to be voted in. That won't do.

I do worry about the next generation or is it the current one?

12-14-2018, 05:30 PM
Yeah right. And the little muslim claims we change the subject - but look at the OP and then look at her first reply. Nitwit herself was the first to jump OT so she can condemn the US.

I'm about to order some Ihop for dinner. 3 huge blueberry pancakes, 3 slices of bacon, some sausage & ham, and an omelet to go with it. Gotta look over the menu some more before I stuff my face. :)

I apologize. I didnt realized until now that the topic subject has nothing with mexican people try to migrate to US. This is why I was made such a comment.

12-14-2018, 05:31 PM
You give anecdotal examples to portray a demographic of 1 billion people. Drug cartels are just as violent as the examples you cite above.
The examples I gave of radical islam are simply facts. There's nothing anecdotal about them. Facts are simply facts.

Drug cartels are irrelevant. If you want to talk about drug cartels, then start a thread about them. This thread was started by a muslim, who obviously hates America, who wants to bash America, so islam is the issue, not drug cartels.

12-14-2018, 05:41 PM
The examples I gave of radical islam are simply facts. There's nothing anecdotal about them. Facts are simply facts.

Drug cartels are irrelevant. If you want to talk about drug cartels, then start a thread about them. This thread was started by a muslim, who obviously hates America, who wants to bash America, so islam is the issue, not drug cartels.

This thread was started by me. I am not a Muslim. Drug cartels are the elephant in the room related to the OP.

My instincts say there's a pliability about her. Don't hit too hard and there's a chance that she will soften up. She is just presenting what she has been fed.

12-14-2018, 05:50 PM
This thread was started by me. I am not a Muslim. Drug cartels are the elephant in the room related to the OP.

My instincts say there's a pliability about her. Don't hit too hard and there's a chance that she will soften up. She is just presenting what she has been fed.
My guess is she's just young, very young and indoctrinated. I'd say she's between 8 and 12. She has the eye of a very young child with puffy, smooth, nary a wrinkle in sight skin, can't see her pores, no veins present in the eye, etc... ya... she's young, practically a baby in the grand scheme of things. The eye in her avatar could even pass for that of a baby/2 or 3 year old.

I know one thing for sure, she hates America, and she's already adept at lying.


12-14-2018, 06:46 PM
I ignore personal comments or any other post that irrelevant to topic subject. You cant provoke me or get me mad with these kind of posts, so dont waste your time, use your time to make a logical explanation about main subject. Last time I was verbally attacked by a man and he was screaming at me and insulting at me from 2 inch distance and I was just looking into his eyes with no reaction. He was getting more and more mad when I dont give any reaction, coward people always do such things.

Very well. What IS relevant to the topic subject ... since, after all, you did your level best to make it relevant, from your own posting ! ... is the issue of a girl's death at the US-Mexico border.

Your post ... http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?65042-What-do-you-want-to-become-of-Mexico&p=923381#post923381

... said (a partial quotation only) ....

The responsibility of her parents is something complately different. Here the point is responsiblities of US side which is probably is not met deliberately.

[The typo is yours, not mine, by the way]

You persist in ignoring the responsibility the parents had to their child. You persist in ignoring the inevitable extent to which it contributed to her condition. Your only interest, in defiance of the WHOLE truth, is in finding an excuse to attack the US for THEIR involvement.

For all you know, the child might've been suffering so badly by that point that no amount of assistance could've saved her.

But .. YOU DON'T CARE. So long as you can find an excuse for attacking America, you'll do it. That, Farah, is the truth of you.

You say:

Last time I was verbally attacked by a man and he was screaming at me and insulting at me from 2 inch distance and I was just looking into his eyes with no reaction.

I can't usefully comment .. because, (1) I know I don't have facts available to me to judge anything from your account, and (2) I have no agenda or even good reason to comment.

Compare THAT, Farah, to what YOU do. Your approach is devoid of my brand of fairness. You DO wade in, regardless of having scant information to reach your chosen judgment, and you DO have your agenda to pursue.

12-14-2018, 06:58 PM
This thread was started by me. I am not a Muslim. Drug cartels are the elephant in the room related to the OP.

My instincts say there's a pliability about her. Don't hit too hard and there's a chance that she will soften up. She is just presenting what she has been fed.

Here's where we differ, Tailfins. I see no sign at all of pliability. Far from it. In fact, her single-mindedness is extremely obvious: she'll attack the US in any way she can, offering wholly one-sided and myopically selective considerations to her 'facts' in doing so.

It's taken to fanatical extremes.

Farah, if she's willing, CAN learn from us, and find a remedy for all that. I don't think it'll happen. But, as ever, I'm willing to be proven wrong.

@Farah (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3966) ... a challenge. Post ONE post - here, or on any other thread - which has something good to say about America. Do it straightforwardly, minus any countering agenda, even an implied one .. just show us that you have SOME reason, whatever it is, to see good in that country.

Let's see if you'll do it, Farah.

Or, do you balk at that idea ?

12-14-2018, 07:15 PM
You are soo agressive and you just harm yourself by doing so. Keep calm.

Missing from that semi-competent 'assessment', Farah, is that if it can be said that you get 'aggression', you certainly do a lot to earn it !!

Explain why you'd expect anything less than combative posting against you, when all you do .. ALL you do .. is post again and again on subjects, and in a manner, meant to denigrate and attack the home country of the people you're happy to judge.

Reverse it around. If you were on a Turkish-run equivalent of this forum (if, in fact, you are allowed such a thing within Turkey's territory ??) and an American joined it, then posted incessantly with propaganda and harsh words against everything to do with your own country's behaviour (and in a totally jaundiced way, too !!), would YOU like it ? How tempted would you be to bite back ??

My opinion of you is that you're a single-minded fanatic who hates America and is here to give vent to that hatred, and in a highly propagandist way. You do so with zero consideration for whether your assessments are objective or remotely fair. You'll dismiss or ignore anything which may dilute such vitriol. You have an agenda. As yet, you've not deviated from it .. and I don't think you will.

Since when were Americans here 'required' to be more receptive of you, than YOU are, to what THEY have to say ??

12-14-2018, 07:24 PM
. a challenge. Post ONE post - here, or on any other thread - which has something good to say about America. Do it straightforwardly, minus any countering agenda, even an implied one .. just show us that you have SOME reason, whatever it is, to see good in that country.

Let's see if you'll do it, Farah.

Or, do you balk at that idea ?

I dont have to prove anything.

12-14-2018, 07:38 PM
I dont have to prove anything.

Do you want to be taken seriously or do you want to be like the beauty pageant queen that says she wants world peace (or what you have been told to believe represents world peace)? No one is going to debate and say "oh no, I'm against world peace". Watching you parrot your indoctrination is cute. I think the best women are obedient women. I'm intrigued by how your mind won't even process ideas different than what you are told to believe. Your sense of obedience is remarkable. I'm not angry or hostile because I understand that it's all you know. If you want anyone to have an interest in what you say, at least tell us how you got there. What makes you be you?

12-14-2018, 07:40 PM
I dont have to prove anything.

Ducking my challenge, then ? I'm not at all surprised. A little disappointed, maybe (?). But not surprised in the least.

Here's what I say:

Your entire history of posting here has been one of being relentlessly critical, even actually condemnatory, of your view of America and what that country does. That view of yours is expressed on any subject you address, and (as the case of the child at the Mexico border amply illustrated) TO THE EXCLUSION OF ANYTHING AT ALL THAT MIGHT SUGGEST A LESSENING OF BLAME AGAINST AMERICA.

Consequently there is absolutely no sign of balance in what you report, or what you comment on. Everything has your hallmark of anti-American bias indelibly stamped on it.

Farah, IF, I say, IF, you've any interest in convincing anybody here that there's any worth to what you argue, you need to demonstrate balance. Balance in what you say, and how you think. A willingness to concede, if or when proven wrong. A willingness to be open to truths and facts NOT fitting your agenda, but which are nonetheless highly relevant to a whole truth.

If you're closed to all that, then, what worth does your incessant attacking of America actually have ?? Everything you post is reduced to propaganda and perceived to be missing any balance. YOU DEVALUE YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS ACCORDINGLY.

A way forward is for you to prove that you can step out of the highly limiting confines of your America-bashing, by doing the opposite. So, take up my challenge.

Prove yourself capable, and worthy, of better than sheer blind hatred towards a country you've no real interest in being FAIR to.

Go on. DO IT ....

12-14-2018, 07:56 PM
I dont have to prove anything.
Well there it is... although I needed no more proof of where this little twirps head is at than what I've already read.

She's a shit sandwich, and expecting peanut butter and jelly to come out of a shit sandwich is just kinda foolish.

She's a muslim, she's not going to change, and she's not going to say anything nice about America... unless she's LYING.

12-14-2018, 08:32 PM
Well there it is... although I needed no more proof of where this little twirps head is at than what I've already read.

She's a shit sandwich, and expecting peanut butter and jelly to come out of a shit sandwich is just kinda foolish.

She's a muslim, she's not going to change, and she's not going to say anything nice about America... unless she's LYING.

She has my challenge. She won't take it up, of course. But she has it, all the same ....

12-15-2018, 12:00 AM
I am not anti american, I love american hats and I have such a photo, currently I am not at my laptop but I can use it as my profile pic when I back home. I am anti injustice.

I've only just spotted this post.

My most immediate reaction is .... :laugh::laugh::bsflag::bsflag::bsflag::bsflag::pig fly::pigfly::laugh::laugh::laugh:

From your posting history on this site, evidently the only way you can refute the charge of being anti-American is to agree that you're anti-Western, instead. Virtually every single post I've seen of yours, here, is an attack-post. Western powers, invariably the US in particular, are subject to your criticism, condemnation, ANYTHING but the smallest suggestion that you LIKE any country you single out.

Early on, you did start a 'The Criminal West' thread. You'll recall that I challenged you to also start a counterbalancing 'The Criminal East' thread, too. You showed no interest at all in doing so.

If your stance is 'anti-injustice', Farah, why NOT start such a thread ? Why the disinterest ? Why the lack of even-handedness ? Why ONLY an interest in being critical, specifically, of the so-called 'criminal' West ?

So I have to tell you, Farah, that I don't believe you. You are anti-West for sure, and you've posted plenty of evidence supporting an 'anti-US' charge.

Please don't waste our time with any more refutations. I doubt that anyone will believe them. You're here to 'bash us' (.. you'd hope !). That is now extremely clear.

P.S ...

I'm curious about your 'American hats'. What do your countrymen make of the spectacle of one balanced at the top of the burkha you must be wearing ?

Are your friends nervous about being seen with you in public ? :eek::eek::eek:

Abbey Marie
12-15-2018, 10:45 AM
I ignore personal comments or any other post that irrelevant to topic subject. You cant provoke me or get me mad with these kind of posts, so dont waste your time, use your time to make a logical explanation about main subject. Last time I was verbally attacked by a man and he was screaming at me and insulting at me from 2 inch distance and I was just looking into his eyes with no reaction. He was getting more and more mad when I dont give any reaction, coward people always do such things.

My post about the barbaric stoning of women was relevant to your claim that we are the inhumane society.
Yet you ignored it. Because YOU CANT DEFEND IT.

Your game is exposed, sweetheart.

12-15-2018, 11:18 AM
I'm curious about your 'American hats'. What do your countrymen make of the spectacle of one balanced at the top of the burkha you must be wearing ?

Its not a real hat. Its an emoji, so one of the emojis I like to use on my pics sometimes. Still I am not at home and wont be at home at least for 4-5 more hours.

As I said I dont have to prove anything and I wont do anything just because of you want me to do.

12-15-2018, 11:19 AM
My post about the barbaric stoning of women was relevant to your claim that we are the inhumane society.
Yet you ignored it. Because YOU CANT DEFEND IT.

Your game is exposed, sweetheart.

You didnt expose anything, I just dont reply you.

12-15-2018, 11:21 AM
I dont have to prove anything.

You are correct, you don't. But it helps one's position when they do.

A TON of what you post is downright laughable. And when someone states you can't even defend your own position, and then you refuse to do so - it then appears as if the crap you're posting is made up or propaganda. And this being a debate site, I see little point in someone NOT wanting to defend their position, NOT wanting to engage others in discussions, even if not ONLY what you get to decide is up for discussion.

All YOU want to do is to make up stories or post crap about "the east", and then you won't even defend that!!! And when something is brought up negative about the "WEST" - you irrationally somehow claim it's "personal". No, I'm sorry, asking a question about terrorism in your area, or horrid acts in your area, is hardly personal - it's the same as you're doing.

The difference?

The stuff being discussed and brought up by folks here, they are willing to defend, and HAVE defended with articles and facts.

If ALL you want to do is post your own tripe, don't have to prove what you post, don't want to engage anything at all...

Well, that kind of makes you a troll then, doesn't it? Yes, it does.

12-15-2018, 11:24 AM
You didnt expose anything, I just dont reply you.

Yes, she HAS and have others. You can deny, that's cool but EVERYONE is seeing the same thing apparently - except for you, which isn't surprising.

You don't reply to ANYTHING that shows the non-stop criminal actions and terrorism in the areas you live. Nor anything about Islam, which is by far and large the entire world's biggest problem right now, and growing. And I'm not even talking terrorism, but the cult of Islam itself. It needs to be eradicated, like one eradicates a cockroach infestation.

And yes, please ignore my post, I fully expect it. No muslim in the world that I have met as of yet - has EVER been an "honest" person. NOT ONE. ALL LIARS and I mean each and every last one.

Abbey Marie
12-15-2018, 11:36 AM
You didnt expose anything, I just dont reply you.

You can’t reply. There is no defense, and it interferes too much with your anti-American trash.
Your tenure here will no doubt be quite limited. Enjoy while you can.

12-15-2018, 11:40 AM
You can’t reply. There is no defense, and it interferes too much with your anti-American trash.
Your tenure here will no doubt be quite limited. Enjoy while you can.

I love how she replies to folks telling them that she's not replying.

No, smelly lady, you ARE replying, you are just ignoring the tough and factual questions as it exposes so much about the west, muslims and the way you respond, yourself as well.

12-15-2018, 11:56 AM
Still I am not at home and wont be at home at least for 4-5 more hours.
So you're at day care for little kids for 4-5 more hours... I guess that's one thing Turkey has the same as in America.

That explains how you get on the internet, you use the computer at the baby sitting place where you're dropped off each day because you're a little child.

Abbey Marie
12-15-2018, 12:01 PM
So you're at day care for little kids for 4-5 more hours... I guess that's one thing Turkey has the same as in America.

That explains how you get on the internet, you use the computer at the baby sitting place where you're dropped off each day because you're a little child.

Geez, do you think she’s a 9 year old married to an old Muslim pedophile?!

12-15-2018, 12:24 PM
I know you're a muslim, you basically stated as much on twitter.

Like someone told you in your last go round here - you're best suited with a BLOG - that's what you want, to be able to spout your crap, without having to answer questions and where you can totally dictate the discussion. I know places you can host your blog for free, let me know if that's what you prefer, I can give you some links. No one can interrupt you there if that's your preference.

Yeah, I said that.

This little know-it-all cheap muslim girl is boring.

I would rather watch paint dry than pay attention to this bent-minded child.

12-15-2018, 12:31 PM
I dont have to prove anything.

You refuse to. All you do is spout one-sided rhetoric.

12-15-2018, 01:22 PM
What's this? The TRUTH? Something a muslim twit wouldn't know about. Anyway, we knew she lied...

There are a ton of articles about this situation out there, and it's beyond obvious that her parents got her killed by putting her into a situation to where her body temperature escalated and severe deyhdration. This is NOT the responsibility of the US to worry about ILLEGAL children wandering wherever they may be in this world. And again, farah is an uneducated and illiterate twit troll, troll, trolling away!


A 7-year old girl died from dehydration and exhaustion after being in Border Patrol’s custody for hours — after not having any food or water for days. But the headline of the Washington Post’s story appeared to blame her death on Border Patrol officers.

The headline of their story reads, “7-year-old migrant girl taken into Border Patrol custody dies of dehydration, exhaustion.”

But that doesn’t tell the full story.

The Post’s story explains that this girl and her father were 2 of 163 migrants who crossed the border illegally and then turned themselves in to border patrol agents back on Dec. 6.

The child began having seizures and then, “emergency responders, who arrived soon after, measured her body temperature at 105.7 degrees.”

The story went on to say that CBP said that the little girl had “reportedly had not eaten or consumed water for several days.”

Despite the fact that this child reportedly did not have food or water for days, WaPo’s headline suggests that somehow the border security agents were responsible for her death.

“Unfake the News” is a Daily Caller program dedicated to debunking the mainstream media narratives that dominate our news cycle.

That’s where TheDC’s Vince Coglianese steps in to cut through the PC bull. Each week, Vince takes a closer look at how cable news outlets are telling the top story and then gives you his own unadulterated take.


12-15-2018, 01:28 PM
farah the stinking idiot who wipes with her hand:

Sad Story: 7-Yr-Old Girl is Dehydrated and Dies After Parents Drag Her Through the Desert – Liberals Blame US Government

A seven-year-old Guatemalan girl died several hours after she was picked up by border patrol for crossing the border illegally.

The poor girl was dehydrated and starving.

Now the liberal media is trying to blame the Border Patrol for her death.

The Border Patrol did not force her parents to drag her through the desert with food and water.

Her parents did.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/12/sad-story-7-yr-old-girl-is-dehydrated-and-dies-after-parents-drag-her-through-the-desert-liberals-blame-us-government/

12-16-2018, 03:02 PM
This is not related to this topic but since we have post a few, I want to add a new information.

If you listen carefully the person in 01:25 says "She had not suffered from a lack of food nor water prior to approaching the border".

So some posters were claiming that she dies due to long term thirst.


12-16-2018, 03:07 PM
Great, the idiotic TwitterMonkey continues to try and convince people that twitter news is better than reality, better than aggregated news from around the world, which of course is all proving her propaganda garbage to be - garbage.

Radical websites, radical twitter accounts & being a nutso muslim fanatic herself.

The latest one quoted, fills their Twitter account with all kinds of useless lies, garbage and propaganda, and links to their own site for proof! :laugh::laugh:

farah here was already confirmed to be a child joke - but for whatever reason, she demands on continuing to show us just how stupid she is.

12-21-2018, 12:49 AM
“Donnnnn come back again” https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f606.pngI believe we will eventually get our big beautiful border wall and the security measures needed.....Meanwhile the Trumpnater will stand watch..!!


12-21-2018, 12:54 AM
This is not related to this topic but since we have post a few, I want to add a new information.

If you listen carefully the person in 01:25 says "She had not suffered from a lack of food nor water prior to approaching the border".

So some posters were claiming that she dies due to long term thirst.


Your following the wrong people on twitter....Your on the Communist...butt-hurt (Liberal) version of twitter....

12-21-2018, 10:20 PM
Great, the idiotic TwitterMonkey continues to try and convince people that twitter news is better than reality, better than aggregated news from around the world, which of course is all proving her propaganda garbage to be - garbage.

Radical websites, radical twitter accounts & being a nutso muslim fanatic herself.

The latest one quoted, fills their Twitter account with all kinds of useless lies, garbage and propaganda, and links to their own site for proof! :laugh::laugh:

farah here was already confirmed to be a child joke - but for whatever reason, she demands on continuing to show us just how stupid she is. @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1) so let me get this straight. You know I have a hard time keeping up during the week.

Farah presents twitter as news and thinks it is actual news?

Turk millennial. What a freakin' hoot :laugh2:

12-21-2018, 11:23 PM
@jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1) so let me get this straight. You know I have a hard time keeping up during the week.

Farah presents twitter as news and thinks it is actual news?

Turk millennial. What a freakin' hoot :laugh2:

The sad thing is that expressing such things are a sure path to poverty. Especially in the software arena, people are able to participate while staying in their own country. I wouldn't dream of insulting someone's country or even religion except when completely anonymous. It's what's know as a CLM (Career Limiting Move).

12-22-2018, 10:46 PM
The sad thing is that expressing such things are a sure path to poverty. Especially in the software arena, people are able to participate while staying in their own country. I wouldn't dream of insulting someone's country or even religion except when completely anonymous. It's what's know as a CLM (Career Limiting Move).Thought you were the one that didn't play by anyone else's rules? That was just a thread-or-two ago.

Now you're claiming to hide behind anonymity? (Well, duh ... like that wasn't already obvious). Good to clear the air sometimes, TF. Who knows? You might even feel better about yourself for telling the truth.