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12-19-2018, 06:15 PM
I just donated to this.

This guy is an Air Force Vet, triple amputee. He's tired of the bullshit about funding the wall.

He did the math, if everyone that voted for Trump gave $80, we'd have the wall paid for.

Over a million and it's skyrocketing!


12-19-2018, 06:47 PM
Ya know... I heard about this and it's very admirable, but I'll tell ya, our government WASTES BILLIONS every year on pure BULL SHIT, and now they're GIVING TEN BILLION to these shit holes that SEND all these illegal aliens to our country. So WE are supposed to pay for this wall? That just sticks in my craw. I'm so pissed at Washington it ain't funny, and I'm not alone. A new poll shows that the NUMBER ONE CONCERN for Americans is our GOVERNMENT and how God awful DYS-FUCKING-FUNCTIONAL they are. It pisses me off to no end.

I don't think I'll give any money... it just isn't right... no offense NT. NATIONAL SECURITY shouldn't fall on the shoulders of Americans.

That's just my two cents.

12-19-2018, 06:50 PM
I thought mexico was going to pay for it? I guess it will be vets in the end.

Black Diamond
12-19-2018, 06:55 PM
I thought mexico was going to pay for it? I guess it will be vets in the end.

Mexico paying for it has been explained over and over again. And you don't care about vets, as you clearly demonstrated.

12-19-2018, 07:27 PM
Much to YOUR displeasure, and lack of information.

US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico

Where will Mexico get the funds to pay for the Wall??

See for yourself....Trump said Mexico WILL PAY FOR THE WALL.

It's called Semantics.

MEXICO CITY (AP) — The United States pledged $5.8 billion in aid and investment Tuesday for strengthening government and economic development in Central America, and another $4.8 billion in development aid for southern Mexico.

12-19-2018, 07:56 PM
Much to YOUR displeasure, and lack of information.

US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico

Where will Mexico get the funds to pay for the Wall??

See for yourself....Trump said Mexico WILL PAY FOR THE WALL.

It's called Semantics.

MEXICO CITY (AP) — The United States pledged $5.8 billion in aid and investment Tuesday for strengthening government and economic development in Central America, and another $4.8 billion in development aid for southern Mexico.
And what guarantee did we get from mexico and central America that they'd actually spend that money on what we gave it to them for, and not have it HORDED by the CORRUPT sons a bitches that run these shit holes?

I'll tell ya, the whole thing STINKS to HIGH HEAVEN. Giving this money, ENOUGH TO PAY FOR THE WALL, to these CORRUPT SHYSTERS down south, was just a BOOT IN THE FACE to President Trump.

FUCK our government... what a bunch of PURE ASS HOLES. They'll do ANYTHING to FUCK OVER our president... it's utterly fucking DISGUSTING.

12-19-2018, 07:59 PM
Ya know... I heard about this and it's very admirable, but I'll tell ya, our government WASTES BILLIONS every year on pure BULL SHIT, and now they're GIVING TEN BILLION to these shit holes that SEND all these illegal aliens to our country. So WE are supposed to pay for this wall? That just sticks in my craw. I'm so pissed at Washington it ain't funny, and I'm not alone. A new poll shows that the NUMBER ONE CONCERN for Americans is our GOVERNMENT and how God awful DYS-FUCKING-FUNCTIONAL they are. It pisses me off to no end.

I don't think I'll give any money... it just isn't right... no offense NT. NATIONAL SECURITY shouldn't fall on the shoulders of Americans.

That's just my two cents.

You know, with the Democrats controlling the house, it's not going to get funded.

I don't want to wait until 2020... errr... 2021 when GOP retakes the House when everyone gets out and votes again.

It was worth it to me to kick in a hundred bucks to get progress on it.

And if there's a huge turnout to build the damn thing, it'll light a fire in DC with the miserable bunch of politicians holding up progress.

I scrolled down the list after I donated, and some joker donated $5 under 'Hillary Clinton'. :thumb:

12-19-2018, 08:27 PM
You know, with the Democrats controlling the house, it's not going to get funded.

I don't want to wait until 2020... errr... 2021 when GOP retakes the House when everyone gets out and votes again.

It was worth it to me to kick in a hundred bucks to get progress on it.

And if there's a huge turnout to build the damn thing, it'll light a fire in DC with the miserable bunch of politicians holding up progress.

I scrolled down the list after I donated, and some joker donated $5 under 'Hillary Clinton'. :thumb:
If I was Trump, I'd shut the government down INDEFINITELY... they'd either give me the money or HELL WOULD FREEZE OVER. He signs the bills. Let the democrats SUCK AN EGG. I'd like to PERSONALLY beat the living SHIT otta Chuckie Cheese Schumer, and BITCH SLAP that IGNORANT OLD HAG Pelosi. It is ALWAYS... ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS... the REPUBLICANS that CAVE. I'm sick of it. Gutless sons a bitches.

Pete must be LOVING this.

12-19-2018, 09:12 PM
The republican Freedom Caucus, the ONLY good republicans there are, speaking right now on securing funding for the wall...


12-19-2018, 09:41 PM
If I was Trump, I'd shut the government down INDEFINITELY... they'd either give me the money or HELL WOULD FREEZE OVER. He signs the bills. Let the democrats SUCK AN EGG. I'd like to PERSONALLY beat the living SHIT otta Chuckie Cheese Schumer, and BITCH SLAP that IGNORANT OLD HAG Pelosi. It is ALWAYS... ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS... the REPUBLICANS that CAVE. I'm sick of it. Gutless sons a bitches.

Pete must be LOVING this.

I would, too.

But he may or he may not... there's a lot of considerations to shutting her down.

However, if it gets paid for this way, then I'll be extremely satisfied. I just want the damn wall and I don't care how it gets done.

12-19-2018, 09:49 PM
I would, too.

But he may or he may not... there's a lot of considerations to shutting her down.

However, if it gets paid for this way, then I'll be extremely satisfied. I just want the damn wall and I don't care how it gets done.
If Trump doesn't stand tall and fight to get the money, then I'm probably not going to vote for him in 2020. I'm tired of the can getting kicked down the road, I'm tired of NOTHING ever getting done about the border. That's why we voted for him, HE was the one that was going to BUILD THE WALL. Well... he better, or my faith in him is gone. He's in the White House... he's the one the signs the bills. If he doesn't want to sign a shit bill without what he wants in it, then he doesn't have to. This is a FIGHT, and he damn better well take it to the DEMTARDS. I've seen enough of this bull shit to last me a life time. It's time to stop this insanity. Trump is either the president that's going to do it, or I guarantee, it will NEVER get done, EVER, and the democrats will have their PERMANENT FLOW OF UNDERCLASS FILTH ILLEGAL ALIENS to KEEP VOTING FOR THEM FOREVER. This is do or die. Either America stays America, or we let the dem filth turn America into a third world socialist SHIT HOLE... PERIOD.

And that go fund me page, it will NEVER raise enough money, even though asking Americans do DOUBLE DIP PAYING UP to do what our DYSFUNCTIONAL ASSHOLES in Washington REFUSE TO DO, it won't work. They'll never come close to raising enough money.

12-19-2018, 10:25 PM
It's gained 600k since I posted this.

12-19-2018, 10:26 PM
I thought mexico was going to pay for it? I guess it will be vets in the end.

pete...you keep saying that..over and over....Right now were fighting butt-hurt Leftist (liberals...who once wanted the wall...and now dont...cause Trump wants it)....

>>>In the end...The Mexican Parasites and Mexico will pay for the wall one way or another....either through money the parasites that are already here and sending money back to mexico...or through trade.....Dont worry pete...The Mexican Parasites and the mexican Parasitic government WILL PAY.......Right now Trump and Americans are dealing with insane Democrats (Leftist) to get things going...and dont worry pete...we will never ever....EVER... forget about MEXICO and their mexican parasites...their time is coming....

12-19-2018, 10:31 PM
I thought mexico was going to pay for it? I guess it will be vets in the end.

petey. MEXICO IS....GOING TO PAY FOR IT. For your own information, you might share with us here. What percentage of the Population of the entire USA are Veterans?

You sound like Ocasio...telling us that ALL OF THE RICH will pay for Medicare For All.

If you think Veterans are just rich Americans, golfing, fishing, boating, and sleeping while they enjoy all of their RICHES....you need to have MORE than your head examined.:laugh:

12-19-2018, 10:36 PM
petey. MEXICO IS....GOING TO PAY FOR IT. For your own information, you might share with us here. What percentage of the Population of the entire USA are Veterans?

You sound like Ocasio...telling us that ALL OF THE RICH will pay for Medicare For All.

If you think Veterans are just rich Americans, golfing, fishing, boating, and sleeping while they enjoy all of their RICHES....you need to have MORE than your head examined.:laugh:

You guys can keep using caps as if that helps, but mexico isn't going to pay. I don't buy all your face saving twisted logic either. Trump lost the war on the wall. No funding.

12-19-2018, 10:36 PM
It's gained 600k since I posted this.
Well, that's nice, but $1.6M is a long, LONG way from FIVE BILLION, or last I heard, it was going to take TWENTY FIVE BILLION to build the ENTIRE wall. $1.6M, even $2M, $3M... isn't hardly going to make a dent.... even $20M... and it's going to slow down. Buy let's say it goes up to a billion, by some crazy act of happenstance, that would help but not finish the job. But if it DOES get up that high, then even I will throw some cash at it.

12-19-2018, 10:40 PM
you guys aren't this stupid right? the money is not the issue. $10B is nothing to the gov. You think some money shows up privately and it all gets built? hahahaha

12-20-2018, 04:58 AM
Well if nothing else it’ll be a nice little payday for GoFundMe.

12-20-2018, 11:49 AM
How about "Adopt-A-Wall"? You can commemorate someone's memory or put your company logo on the section of wall you sponsor. Offer the same to Mexican companies for the Mexican side. Trump can then claim to have "made Mexico pay for the wall".

12-20-2018, 03:29 PM
6.5 mil.:thumb:

12-20-2018, 04:28 PM
6.5 mil.:thumb:
at this rate you'll have the wall built in 30 years

12-20-2018, 04:53 PM
you guys aren't this stupid right? the money is not the issue. $10B is nothing to the gov. You think some money shows up privately and it all gets built? hahahaha

Of course it will. Unlike our Dems, and probably you...who cheat, lie, and steal Taxpayer dollars, then blame somebody else. If everything is done Legally. Not something Liberals even know about. The money will go where it's supposed to. OTHERWISE...Prove it, petey!

Put your Mouth where the Money is...to coin a phrase.:laugh:

12-20-2018, 05:03 PM
Of course it will. Unlike our Dems, and probably you...who cheat, lie, and steal Taxpayer dollars, then blame somebody else. If everything is done Legally. Not something Liberals even know about. The money will go where it's supposed to. OTHERWISE...Prove it, petey!

Put your Mouth where the Money is...to coin a phrase.:laugh:

lol you know the Trump Foundation was ordered to close right? And you have the nerve to talk about stealing libs, lol.

fuck it, keep donating, it's your money to burn.

Abbey Marie
12-20-2018, 07:12 PM
I’d bet if someone organized folks to go actually build it, the turnout would be amazing, too.

12-20-2018, 07:46 PM
lol you know the Trump Foundation was ordered to close right? And you have the nerve to talk about stealing libs, lol.

fuck it, keep donating, it's your money to burn.

Am I correct in thinking you have BROWN EYES, because you really are SO FULL OF CRAP???

Not a joke. Either way you answer won't mean diddly.

You should learn to investigate before you come here...

What is the Trump Foundation?
Mr. Trump established the Donald J. Trump Foundation in 1987, when he was a New York City real estate mogul, with the stated mission of collecting and maintaining money “exclusively for charitable, religious, scientific, literary or educational purposes,” either directly or by donating to other organizations. It is a private, nonprofit corporation. In its most recent I.R.S. filing, reporting as of Dec. 31, 2016, it had approximately $1 million in assets.

Mr. Trump served as the foundation’s president from its start until Jan. 23, 2017, three days after he was inaugurated as president. Mr. Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump also stepped down from her position on the foundation’s board of directors. His sons, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr., are still members of the board.

Now, maybe you'd like to tell us about the CLINTON FOUNDATION? Ya know. To be Fair???

12-20-2018, 07:53 PM
8.8 mil.

It'll crack 10 by tonight, easy.

Abbey Marie
12-20-2018, 08:29 PM
I’m mulling...

Black Diamond
12-20-2018, 08:37 PM
5.7 billion just past the senate.

12-20-2018, 08:48 PM
I’d bet if someone organized folks to go actually build it, the turnout would be amazing, too.

you guys have totally lost your minds. you guys are going to build an engineered wall for hundreds of miles?

12-20-2018, 08:55 PM
5.7 billion just past the senate.

Passed in the House, but Senate needs 60 votes. That's not gonna happen, we'd need 7 democrats.


12-20-2018, 09:06 PM
you guys have totally lost your minds. you guys are going to build an engineered wall for hundreds of miles?

There are precedents elsewhere in the world. Those involved extensive wall-building in ages rather more primitive than ours. Yet, those structures were completed, and served their purposes.

Examples of that 'insanity', then ... these come to mind ...


Hadrian's Wall (Latin: Vallum Aelium), also called the Roman Wall, Picts' Wall, or Vallum Hadriani in Latin, was a defensive fortification in the Roman province of Britannia, begun in AD 122 in the reign of the emperor Hadrian. It ran from the banks of the River Tyne near the North Sea to the Solway Firth on the Irish Sea, and was the northern limit of the Roman Empire, immediately north of which were the lands of the northern Ancient Britons, including the Picts.

It had a stone base and a stone wall. There were milecastles with two turrets in between. There was a fort about every five Roman miles. From north to south, the wall comprised a ditch, wall, military way and vallum, another ditch with adjoining mounds. It is thought the milecastles were staffed with static garrisons, whereas the forts had fighting garrisons of infantry and cavalry. In addition to the wall's defensive military role, its gates may have been customs posts.[1]

A significant portion of the wall still stands and can be followed on foot along the adjoining Hadrian's Wall Path. The largest Roman artifact anywhere, it runs a total of 73 miles (117.5 kilometres) in northern England ..

Romans, in AD 122, could do this. You think that for America to build something comparable, around two millennia later, isn't feasible ?

Try this example, then ...



How long is the Great Wall of China?

21,196 kilometers (13,170 miles)

The total length of the Great Wall of China built in different dynasties is 21,196.18 kilometers (13,170.70 miles), announced by China's State Administration of Cultural Relics in 2012. The length of the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) is 8,851.8 kilometers (5,500.3 miles)
Case made, I think, Pete. Don't you ??

Or are you suggesting that the modern United States of America is too feeble to manage a wall a fraction of the lengths of these, and defend that wall, if need be ?

12-20-2018, 09:08 PM
you guys have totally lost your minds. you guys are going to build an engineered wall for hundreds of miles?

Afraid of big manly projects, petey?

I can run an Excavator. Bulldozer. Backhoe. Forklift. Crane. I've got a million miles under my belt driving a Kenworth, most with a Lowboy hauling heavy equipment. Have you even been near or touched a piece of heavy machinery or is your experience limited to that Civic you roll around in?

If I were anywhere near that end of the country I'd volunteer my time.

Instead I gave some money.

You seem especially snarly today. In fact, most liberals are very snarly with US Citizens kicking in to get the damn wall built. Can you elaborate on why you're so threatened?

12-20-2018, 09:12 PM
There are precedents elsewhere in the world. Those involved extensive wall-building in ages rather more primitive than ours. Yet, those structures were completed, and served their purposes.

Examples of that 'insanity', then ... these come to mind ...


Romans, in AD 122, could do this. You think that for America to build something comparable, around two millennia later, isn't feasible ?

Try this example, then ...



Case made, I think, Pete. Don't you ??

Or are you suggesting that the modern United States of America is too feeble to manage a wall a fraction of that lengths of these, and defend it, if need be ?

Indeed, Drummond.

The Alaska Pipeline runs from the North Slope to Valdez and is an unrivaled engineering feat. And that was done in the '70s.

The wall is a walk in the park compared to the pipeline.

Black Diamond
12-20-2018, 09:15 PM
Passed in the House, but Senate needs 60 votes. That's not gonna happen, we'd need 7 democrats.


Buddy just told me that. Nuclear option?

12-20-2018, 09:22 PM
Buddy just told me that. Nuclear option?

Phew... tough call.

It's already been done for Judicial appointees - Thank God! - but I don't know. If the moonbats ever took another trifecta, we'd be in a world of hurt with no way to stop them.

The whole state here would immediately be a national monument and we'd all be peddling around on bicycles crunching granola.

I'd probably go for it, if I were running the show.

12-20-2018, 09:55 PM
Afraid of big manly projects, petey?

I can run an Excavator. Bulldozer. Backhoe. Forklift. Crane. I've got a million miles under my belt driving a Kenworth, most with a Lowboy hauling heavy equipment. Have you even been near or touched a piece of heavy machinery or is your experience limited to that Civic you roll around in?

If I were anywhere near that end of the country I'd volunteer my time.

Instead I gave some money.

You seem especially snarly today. In fact, most liberals are very snarly with US Citizens kicking in to get the damn wall built. Can you elaborate on why you're so threatened?

I get we have different ideology, but I thought ya'll had more sense than think you could fund raise $10B, that it would matter and then think a few hundred random volunteers are going to engineer a 20ft wall for hundreds, maybe thousands of miles. wake up!

12-20-2018, 10:06 PM
I get we have different ideology, but I thought ya'll had more sense than think you could fund raise $10B,

Who said anything about 10B? Are you mental?

that it would matter and then think a few hundred random volunteers are going to engineer a 20ft wall for hundreds, maybe thousands of miles. wake up!

The engineering is already done. The prototypes have already been selected and approved.

The money is going to be utilized by the approved contractors to build the wall. Professionals. People who are experts in this sort of thing.

It will also be used to purchase materials for those professionals to work with.

Is there anything else you need a hand with understanding, little one?

12-20-2018, 10:12 PM
I get we have different ideology, but I thought ya'll had more sense than think you could fund raise $10B, that it would matter and then think a few hundred random volunteers are going to engineer a 20ft wall for hundreds, maybe thousands of miles. wake up!Stranger things have been done. I said the exact same thing you are in 2008 -- that no way would anyone with a brain vote for anyone half as piss poor that obviously Democrats DID vote for. I just couldn't fathom there being that many stupid people in this country.

But there you are ...

Abbey Marie
12-20-2018, 10:19 PM
Afraid of big manly projects, petey?

I can run an Excavator. Bulldozer. Backhoe. Forklift. Crane. I've got a million miles under my belt driving a Kenworth, most with a Lowboy hauling heavy equipment. Have you even been near or touched a piece of heavy machinery or is your experience limited to that Civic you roll around in?

If I were anywhere near that end of the country I'd volunteer my time.

Instead I gave some money.

You seem especially snarly today. In fact, most liberals are very snarly with US Citizens kicking in to get the damn wall built. Can you elaborate on why you're so threatened?

Now I’d have probably gone with a Prius. :cool:

12-20-2018, 10:22 PM
Now I’d have probably gone with Prius. :cool:I'll take the backhoe. If nothing else I can use it to shovel Pete's crap out of the thread :)

12-20-2018, 10:51 PM
Now I’d have probably gone with a Prius. :cool:

Hot redheads can pull that off.

Soyboys in skinny jeans cringing if anyone even looks over at them in traffic, however, are another matter altogether.

12-20-2018, 10:54 PM
10.1 and climbing fast!

Laura Ingraham just had him on her show. It's really going to go viral when he gets on a prime time shot, and that'll happen soon.

Abbey Marie
12-21-2018, 12:18 AM
I'll take the backhoe. If nothing else I can use it to shovel Pete's crap out of the thread :)

Lol, I meant for PETE, not me! If I find myself behind a Prius, I find another lane. They seem unable to find the gas pedal.

12-21-2018, 02:27 PM
I don't think it'll happen - but goes to show how many support the wall and what could happen if regular folks in America were to put resources together. But even if they were magically able to bring it to say 5 billion, no way the Dems would ever allow for it.

Nonetheless, that's an awful lot of money in a very short amount of time.

And if the money is refused, even if it never fully reaches it's goal, then my vote would be to use it for something else that the citizens of America would in fact be able to do. And the intended goal is a wall, or to help with illegal immigration. I'm sure there can still be ways to help.


Outstanding! The “We the People Will Fund the Wall” GoFundMe Campaign Is SECOND LARGEST in US History in Only 5 Days

Florida-based triple amputee veteran Brian Kolfabe created a GoFundMe push to fund President Trump’s border wall through donations from the public.

The campaign was launched on Sunday night.

Brian Kolfage, who launched the GoFundMe, is an active free speech advocate who has spoken against censorship on digital media platforms.

Kolfage promises that he will make sure the United States government will be legally required to spend the donations on the wall and only the wall.

The GoFundMe page passed $1 million in donations on Wednesday afternoon.

It was at $500K on Wednesday morning.

** On Thursday afternoon the GoFundMe page for the wall passed $3.3 Million 7.2 million dollars $8.1 million $10 million — with 150,000 donors!

UPDATE— On Thursday night Brian Kolfage went on FOX News with Laura Ingraham.

After his segment the Build the Wall campaign topped $10 million

By Friday morning the “We the People Will Fund the Wall” GoFundMe campaign became the third most successful GoFundMe campaign of ALL TIME!

And the “We the People Will Fund the Wall” GoFundMe campaign is the second most successful GoFundMe campaign in US history.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/12/outstanding-the-we-the-people-will-fund-the-wall-gofundme-campaign-is-second-largest-in-us-history-in-only-5-days/

12-21-2018, 02:33 PM
I don't think it'll happen - but goes to show how many support the wall and what could happen if regular folks in America were to put resources together. But even if they were magically able to bring it to say 5 billion, no way the Dems would ever allow for it.

The border wall already has been authorized by several bills in the past. If the money is there, it'll get built.

The dems can go piss up a rope, there's nothing they can do to stop it.

12.6 mil! :thumb:

12-21-2018, 05:05 PM
You should get together with the Lying, Hypocrite Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi, and demand she throw away the keys to her house, car's, and all property.

Put signs out in front of her GATED community that say.."COME ON IN, OPEN TO ALL!"

Take down all of the privacy gates, and place all credit cards, ID cards, Licenses, Bonds, Stocks, and Mortgage Papers....on the ground.

That is what Democrats are basically Demanding of All Americans, and President Trump when they insist...WALLS, BARRIERS, FENCES....."DO NOT WORK!"

By the way... Since we are being so UP-FRONT. Please Post Your SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER....

HERE........ ___-__-____. Some of us would like you to be as honest as the Dems.

12-21-2018, 08:52 PM
The border wall already has been authorized by several bills in the past. If the money is there, it'll get built.

The dems can go piss up a rope, there's nothing they can do to stop it.

12.6 mil! :thumb:I want to know how the Dems stop it. Probably file 2 dozen lawsuits alleging the sky is yellow or some shit. Legally (meaning Constitutionally) I don't see how they can.

12-21-2018, 09:50 PM
I want to know how the Dems stop it. Probably file 2 dozen lawsuits alleging the sky is yellow or some shit. Legally (meaning Constitutionally) I don't see how they can.

They'll resort to helping the greenies try to stop the wall construction for migration of the Sri Lanka Staring Frog or perhaps the low-flying Frazzled Bumping Bee.

12-21-2018, 10:12 PM
They'll resort to helping the greenies try to stop the wall construction for migration of the Sri Lanka Staring Frog or perhaps the low-flying Frazzled Bumping Bee.You laugh.

We have this fountain darter that lives in the Comal Springs that is endangered. The Edwards Aquifer is our source of water. Comal Springs is on it. IF the level or water reaches a certain number pulled out of someone's ass, this fish that has survived for a couple million years will suddenly go extinct :rolleyes: That means we have water Nazi's.

In the meantime, the city keeps inviting people to come here. I get the growth thing, but that aquifer is actually smaller than it used to be due to development, while the yankees keep piling in. Them and the Mexicans. So every year it's the same old damned thing ... watching the aquifer level. Meaning your $3k yard better not be getting watered if restrictions are on.

So don't put it past the greenies to pull just such a stunt.

12-21-2018, 11:15 PM
You laugh.

We have this fountain darter that lives in the Comal Springs that is endangered. The Edwards Aquifer is our source of water. Comal Springs is on it. IF the level or water reaches a certain number pulled out of someone's ass, this fish that has survived for a couple million years will suddenly go extinct :rolleyes: That means we have water Nazi's.

In the meantime, the city keeps inviting people to come here. I get the growth thing, but that aquifer is actually smaller than it used to be due to development, while the yankees keep piling in. Them and the Mexicans. So every year it's the same old damned thing ... watching the aquifer level. Meaning your $3k yard better not be getting watered if restrictions are on.

So don't put it past the greenies to pull just such a stunt.
"Fountain Darter"... :laugh: ... I thought that was a new name for a HOMO or something... :laugh:

12-22-2018, 01:11 PM
$14.8 mil! :salute:

01-14-2019, 08:05 AM
GoFundMe Promises To Refund $20 Million in Border Wall Donations After Owner Changes Campaign


01-14-2019, 12:24 PM
GoFundMe Promises To Refund $20 Million in Border Wall Donations After Owner Changes Campaign


Lots of misinformation out there. Several sites got it wrong, best to go straight to the source.

I'm opting to shift it into the new private effort.

01-30-2019, 05:50 AM
Interesting that they’re now choosing to ditch the independent and verifiable source of fund collection (gofundme) in place of their own private collection company. Can’t see anything going wrong there.

He did the math, if everyone that voted for Trump gave $80, we'd have the wall paid for.

Just as a quick update on that “math”.
Trump voters ~63 million people, multipled by $80 is ~ $5 Billion
Actual money raised so far ~$21 Million, divided by 63 million people ~ $0.33

Is raising an average of 33 cents per trump supporter considered a success, given the publicity of the campaign and how important this issue is meant to be for trump supporters?

05-05-2019, 11:54 AM
By way of an update - in the last few months since the last post here the amount raised has rocketed from ~$21 million to ~$22 million, and many miles of walls have been built*

*probably, or at least presumably, or apparently not at all.

05-27-2019, 12:58 PM
In the end, still not a whole lot. The funding probably won't even build much more than that.

At least they chose to close up an area left open for far too long. At least it's an update and the money is being spent, even if it may not amount to much at all. I kinda knew once it stalled at that 20 mil mark, not much was gonna get done at all. Just simply a drop in the bucket. But more than the Dems are doing to help.


“We Build the Wall” Completes First Half Mile of US Border Wall in 4 Days from Private Donations

For months the liberal media mocked “We Build the Wall” founder and organizer Brian Kolfage and his plan to use private donations to help build the much-needed security wall between the US and Mexico. Brian raised over $20 million in private donations from over 260,000 individuals to build a border wall on the US southern border.

In January Brian announced the “We Build the Wall” leadership board that includes: Erik Prince, Kris Kobach, Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza, Sheriff David Clarke, former Rep. Tom Tancredo and others.

The “We Build the Wall” team held several rallies this spring to continue fundraising for the project.

This Memorial Day Weekend the “We Build the Wall” organization built their first half mile of border wall near El Paso, Texas.

The Gateway Pundit spoke with Brian Kolfage on Sunday. Brian told us,

“At the beginning everyone said you can’t do this. It’s impossible. You just can’t do this. And I think that just drove us forward even harder to get the project done. That’s what this country is all about, coming together and pooling our resources and getting the job done in a time of crisis. And we are in a crisis.”

Brian, a war veteran and triple amputee added, “We wanted to prove to the American people that in a time of need we can come together like we used to and get things done that are big. And I think we’re at a time where we realize that our government and politicians aren’t representing the people.”

Brian told us about organizing this project, “We threw like 15 people together and we just built an international border wall. So I think this sticks the thumb in everyone’s eye who said we couldn’t do it. They said nasty things about me, about my family, and that we were scammers. We proved them wrong. And this is just the first segment. From start to finish, from the time we found the property to the time we built the wall was 57 days. 57 days! We got a contractor, we got a plan, and we implemented it over the weekend and got this wall built!”

Brian and former Kansas State Secretary of State Kris Kobach are on the border this weekend as this section of the wall goes up.

Kris Kobach was also proud to share with us the good news, “There were a lot of doubters out there who just could not conceive that a private group was building a border wall, They said harsh things about “We Build the Wall” And we proved them wrong. It is just really really satisfying.”

The section of wall “We Build the Wall” focused on closes a half mile gap that existed for years between the end of the El Paso, Texas border wall and Mount Cristo Rey. The gap is across from the Mexican city of Juarez. Currently, the El Paso Sector is the second busiest sector in terms of family apprehensions/UAC’s this fiscal year. Those categories now make up the majority of Border Patrol apprehensions.

Kobach explained the current wall ends abruptly and then there’s gap for about half a mile between the end of that wall and Mt. Cristo Rey in New Mexico. Mount Cristo Rey sits on the west side of El Paso. Kris said, “The gap is a half mile wide corridor and it’s literally a parking lot on the Mexican side and then you walk five steps and you are in the parking lot on the American side. There’s no barbed wire. There’s not ANY barrier. You just walk from one parking lot to the other.”

In the past, groups over a hundred in size on a typical evening would often come through this particular corridor. And while the border patrol is dealing with all the people down at the bottom of the gap in the flat area the cartels would be sending drugs up on the side of the mountain with no border control interference at all.

The “We Build the Wall” organization focused on this major gap in American security. They closed the gap that allowed the two illegal flows, the flow of illegal
aliens at the bottom and the flow of drugs halfway up to the mountain.

Kris told us, “The Army Corp of Engineers said it was impossible to build the wall here. They looked at the incline that climbs 300 ft over the course of this half mile and they said it cant be built. We proved them wrong.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/exclusive-video-we-build-the-wall-completes-first-half-mile-of-us-border-wall-in-4-days-from-private-donations/

05-28-2019, 09:49 AM
If this corridor was getting this amount of drug traffic, then this new wall is better than thought, even if not a drop in the bucket for the totality of what is needed.

But I don't think they should be bragging about putting up 'the wall' either.

Maybe next they should target the most highly crossed area for illegals.


“We Build the Wall” Closes Off Human and Drug Smuggling Corridor in One Weekend! $100,000 a day Drug Pipeline SHUT DOWN

For months the liberal media mocked “We Build the Wall” founder and organizer Brian Kolfage and his noble plan to use private donations to help build the much-needed security wall between the US and Mexico. Brian raised over $20 million in private donations from over 260,000 individuals to build a border wall on the US southern border.

This Memorial Day Weekend the “We Build the Wall” organization built their first half mile of border wall near El Paso, Texas.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/we-build-the-wall-closes-off-human-and-drug-smuggling-corridor-in-one-weekend-100000-a-day-drug-pipeline-shut-down-video/

05-28-2019, 11:36 AM
If this corridor was getting this amount of drug traffic, then this new wall is better than thought, even if not a drop in the bucket for the totality of what is needed.

Is there a link somewhere explaining where the “$100,000 a day” figure comes from?

05-28-2019, 12:44 PM
Is there a link somewhere explaining where the “$100,000 a day” figure comes from?

Not really sure. I see no reason to see Kobach is not reputable though. He was/is heavily involved in immigration and border security issues. And in totals, we know that billions and billions of drugs and money come through our southern border every year. I'd have to do a thorough search to see where he got those numbers from.

It was also a large crossing area for illegals.

If it prevents any illegals, and stops anything more than 20 mil or so per year, then it was well worth it. And I have zero doubt that this will be the case. Problem right now is that it may only push them into other places, unless or until the Dems stop their obstruction games in congress, of which they vowed to do.