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View Full Version : Given treatment of Islam, would the world be a better place with a stronger China?

12-19-2018, 07:39 PM
Many of you here have referred to Islam as a cancer on society. The only country I have seen seriously crack down on Islam is China. Would you support China being the dominant world power if the result was a near total defeat of Islam? It's interesting to see people's preference in a push comes to shove scenario.

12-19-2018, 07:52 PM
So this is a pick the lesser of two evils game...

12-19-2018, 08:42 PM
Many of you here have referred to Islam as a cancer on society. The only country I have seen seriously crack down on Islam is China. Would you support China being the dominant world power if the result was a near total defeat of Islam? It's interesting to see people's preference in a push comes to shove scenario.

You defeat one evil, by supporting another ?

-- Seems to me to be a VERY poor deal.

How about this, Tailfins ? Allying yourself with a power because it is of use to you is one thing, IF it was a purely temporary alliance, born of, and determined by, its expedience value.

But rather more importantly, combatting that evil because you're being true to your values and beliefs, is - overall - a far superior approach. You fight an evil by NOT sacrificing the core of WHY you see reason to fight that evil. Lose yourself in the fight, and you might just as well not fight at all.

12-20-2018, 03:08 AM
Why not ? this is an official US tactic, so US claims they support PKK terror organization to destroy ISIS terror organization. Now the same people asks why they should support China to destroy Muslims. Just another example for US hypocrisy in politics and in every aspects of life.

12-20-2018, 08:48 AM
I would doubt you would find many here that would be in support of internment and "re-education" camps - even for muslims.

All cancers can be cured with little effort - its killing the cancer while keeping the patient alive that's the tricky bit.

12-20-2018, 08:49 AM
Why not ? this is an official US tactic, so US claims they support PKK terror organization to destroy ISIS terror organization. Now the same people asks why they should support China to destroy Muslims. Just another example for US hypocrisy in politics and in every aspects of life.

I won't support China, but applaud the very idea of ridding the world of a known cancer. Isis is one, and ALL of Islam is the totality. Islam is a religious cult hell bent on death and destruction. Using terrorist scum against one another would be a great tactic.

All of this started so so long ago by a single pedophile.

12-20-2018, 08:51 AM
I would doubt you would find many here that would be in support of internment and "re-education" camps - even for muslims.

All cancers can be cured with little effort - its killing the cancer while keeping the patient alive that's the tricky bit.

I don't like ANY camps for any folks. When it comes to Islam, they need to either stay peacefully in their own countries, which I have no issue with - but if they venture out with a goal of destruction - then eradication is the goal. Kill the radicals and terrorists.

12-20-2018, 09:54 AM
When it comes to Islam, they need to either stay peacefully in their own countries, which I have no issue with

“their own countries”


12-20-2018, 10:15 AM
I don't like ANY camps for any folks. When it comes to Islam, they need to either stay peacefully in their own countries, which I have no issue with - but if they venture out with a goal of destruction - then eradication is the goal. Kill the radicals and terrorists.

The multi-national corporation is likely the most benign re-education camp there is. People still get to put up decorations to acknowledge their religion. However, multiculturalism is the official religion. Double-talk is the official language. People express their prejudice by being passive-aggressive instead of resorting to violence. Telling people what they want to hear is the official script, as opposed to the truth. A corporatized Muslim is a peaceful Muslim.

12-20-2018, 10:16 AM
“their own countries”


Yes. Do you see America as an "Islamic country"?

Do you see Iran and Saudi Arabia as Islamic countries?

America is NOT an Islamic country. Saudi Arabia and Iran, for examples, ARE Islamic countries.

12-20-2018, 10:23 AM
Yes. Do you see America as an "Islamic country"?

Do you see Iran and Saudi Arabia as Islamic countries?

America is NOT an Islamic country. Saudi Arabia and Iran, for examples, ARE Islamic countries.

Even if they stay in their own country, the information age will necessitate interacting with Muslims. Distributed (multi-national) teams is the wave of the future. Look at GitHub as an example. What would you do if someone wished you Happy Ramadan when you dialed into a call center?

As a side question: Is India an Islamic country?

12-20-2018, 12:14 PM
The multi-national corporation is likely the most benign re-education camp there is. People still get to put up decorations to acknowledge their religion. However, multiculturalism is the official religion. Double-talk is the official language. People express their prejudice by being passive-aggressive instead of resorting to violence. Telling people what they want to hear is the official script, as opposed to the truth. A corporatized Muslim is a peaceful Muslim.

It's a nice fantasy.

But consider Farah as evidence of how wrong you are. Elsewhere, she posted that she has an aspiration to become 'a director'. Yet, see for yourself what she posts. It's non-stop vitriol against the West in general, and the US in particular. Where's your evidence of a 'peaceful' brand of thinking ?

Does she take notice of anything we say, OTHER than to OPPOSE it ? Is she open to any perspectives that challenge her thinking ? Or, does the hostile propaganda just keep coming our way ?

You're dreaming, Tailfins -- sorry.

12-20-2018, 01:18 PM
Yes. Do you see America as an "Islamic country"?

Do you see Iran and Saudi Arabia as Islamic countries?

America is NOT an Islamic country. Saudi Arabia and Iran, for examples, ARE Islamic countries.

I see America as a secular country.

12-20-2018, 01:21 PM
It's a nice fantasy.

But consider Farah as evidence of how wrong you are. Elsewhere, she posted that she has an aspiration to become 'a director'. Yet, see for yourself what she posts. It's non-stop vitriol against the West in general, and the US in particular. Where's your evidence of a 'peaceful' brand of thinking ?

Does she take notice of anything we say, OTHER than to OPPOSE it ? Is she open to any perspectives that challenge her thinking ? Or, does the hostile propaganda just keep coming our way ?

You're dreaming, Tailfins -- sorry.

Then she will be left behind to stew in her own poverty. We live in a global, multi-national economy. If one doesn't want to operate on that basis, they will be left behind. Don't let that mislead you regarding Brexit. Brexit is the UK's way to protect its more productive society from having its wealth siphoned off by the less productive. With open-source methodologies, people can stay in their own countries and still get paid something for a lower level of productivity. One can recognize the global nature of business and STILL support Brexit.

12-20-2018, 01:31 PM
Then she will be left behind to stew in her own poverty. We live in a global, multi-national economy. If one doesn't want to operate on that basis, they will be left behind. Don't let that mislead you regarding Brexit. Brexit is the UK's way to protect its more productive society from having its wealth siphoned off by the less productive. With open-source methodologies, people can stay in their own countries and still get paid something for a lower level of productivity. One can recognize the global nature of business and STILL support Brexit.

I agree with you over Brexit. Indeed, quitting the EU will open up opportunities being currently denied to us, thanks to EU membership. All being well, we will be MORE 'plugged in' to global opportunities than now, and therefore, more prosperous (.. in time ..).

The annual demands for billions of pounds from the EU are, in any case, a big persuader for pro-Brexiteers.

I doubt that Farah will care about stewing in poverty (& she'll no doubt blame the so-called 'criminal West' for her fate, and enjoy it, rather than wake up to greater realities). She has her religion, she has her endless diet of bile. She'll see nothing beyond it, nor ever care to.