View Full Version : Is Mexico superior to Turkey?

12-20-2018, 10:07 AM
Mexico: 131 million - Turkey 82 million
Gross Domestic Product: Mexico USD 3.5 trillion - USD 2.3 trillion
Unemployment rate: Mexico 3.3% - Turkey 10.9%

Could it be that Mexico has a greater economic influence than Turkey? I wouldn't ask anybody to demonstrate the Turkey is superior to the USA, that would be a silly and impossible task. I decided to lower the bar. Can it be established that Turkey is superior to MEXICO? That is still a rather difficult request.

12-20-2018, 12:39 PM
Mexico: 131 million - Turkey 82 million
Gross Domestic Product: Mexico USD 3.5 trillion - USD 2.3 trillion
Unemployment rate: Mexico 3.3% - Turkey 10.9%

Could it be that Mexico has a greater economic influence than Turkey? I wouldn't ask anybody to demonstrate the Turkey is superior to the USA, that would be a silly and impossible task. I decided to lower the bar. Can it be established that Turkey is superior to MEXICO? That is still a rather difficult request.

Mexico is undoubtedly superior. They're not shackled by the backward thinking Islam inflicts on its adherents. Turkey is a Muslim majority nation. Mexico is officially secular, but overwhelmingly populated by Catholics ... in excess of 90 percent, I believe.

You point out yourself that Mexico's unemployment rate is far lower than Turkey's.

Turkey is hampered by a creeping increase in authoritarianism (always a significant disadvantage .. as recent research showed me, they even ban public access to websites as & when their State authorities choose to). Mexico has no such disadvantage that I'm aware of.