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12-30-2018, 03:42 PM
Pretty dang odd, once again.

Chucky Schumer is extremely adamant and against a border wall. All the democrats stand against the proposed wall. And why, when they so very recently stood similarly to that of Trump?

The fact that these words were fairly recent, and these people speak confidently, and stand wholeheartedly against ILLEGAL immigration. Through the 90's and much thereafter, the democrats stood against illegal immigration and supported border security out the wazoo.

And 'ol Chucky was a lead speaker, apparently.


12-30-2018, 05:57 PM
Two faced, hypocritical trash... democrats are the party of trash.

This is about two things, 1, to keep President Trump from fulfilling a campaign promise, and 2, to keep the tidal wave of underclass people that will need every sort of welfare flooding the nation for VOTES.

If the number of people sucking off the government were reduced to almost nothing, there wouldn't be a need for the democrat party anymore, and they know it.

12-31-2018, 04:40 AM
Democrap hypocrisy, at it's finest, from chuckie cheese schumer...


01-01-2019, 02:01 PM
Everyone knows the border wall is a political issue. When you piss everyone off you're supposed to make deals with, there should be no wonder when there is resistance.

Black Diamond
01-01-2019, 02:38 PM
Everyone knows the border wall is a political issue. When you piss everyone off you're supposed to make deals with, there should be no wonder when there is resistance.

Yeah i am sure if trump were nicer to cryin chuck and the democrats the wall would be built.

01-01-2019, 03:12 PM
Everyone knows the border wall is a political issue. When you piss everyone off you're supposed to make deals with, there should be no wonder when there is resistance.

Didn't you mean to say, "When you piss everyone off by your very existence, there should be no wonder that the Democrats would forego all of their governing responsibilities and do nothing but resist and obstruct."

01-01-2019, 09:47 PM
Everyone knows the border wall is a political issue. When you piss everyone off you're supposed to make deals with, there should be no wonder when there is resistance.

So, when did you change your name to "EVERYONE"??????

Are you sure you don't work for Nancy Pelosi, or Chucky Cheese Schumer??? You all sound so much alike.

01-02-2019, 06:01 AM
Everyone knows the border wall is a political issue. When you piss everyone off you're supposed to make deals with, there should be no wonder when there is resistance.
Who's "everyone?"

No, "everyone" doesn't know it's a political issue. "A lot" of people know it's a security issue, but for democrats, it's a BUTT HURT issue.

If you think it's a political issue, then that just shows you're a partisan hack.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-02-2019, 06:21 AM
Didn't you mean to say, "When you piss everyone off by your very existence, there should be no wonder that the Democrats would forego all of their governing responsibilities and do nothing but resist and obstruct."

I thought he meant, you must kiss liberal democrat ass to get along...
Of course demo-rats are to damn stupid to ever learn we do not fear them
Instead we desire, to eradicate them, as they are truly human vermin but legally we can only
do so at the voting booth. And as conservatives we believe in the law, in being legal in our actions
whereas those filthy, dishonorable, lying, corrupted vermin do not. -Tyr

01-02-2019, 10:17 AM
Who's "everyone?"

No, "everyone" doesn't know it's a political issue. "A lot" of people know it's a security issue, but for democrats, it's a BUTT HURT issue.

If you think it's a political issue, then that just shows you're a partisan hack.

The reason Trump isn't getting his money is political you dumb fuck. That is what I mean.

01-02-2019, 10:19 AM
I thought he meant, you must kiss liberal democrat ass to get along...
Of course demo-rats are to damn stupid to ever learn we do not fear them
Instead we desire, to eradicate them, as they are truly human vermin but legally we can only
do so at the voting booth. And as conservatives we believe in the law, in being legal in our actions
whereas those filthy, dishonorable, lying, corrupted vermin do not. -Tyr

So you're saying you'd love to genocide liberals but won't because of a law? Yeah, you are really :salute:. You want to murder tens of millions of people but libs are the filthy dishonorable ones. You are so fucked in the head dude.

01-02-2019, 11:23 AM
So you're saying you'd love to genocide liberals but won't because of a law? Yeah, you are really :salute:. You want to murder tens of millions of people but libs are the filthy dishonorable ones. You are so fucked in the head dude.

The Left fall over themselves in their enthusiasm to support, for example, 'ethnic minorities' (... for that, chiefly read Muslims) in all that they want and demand. This they do in the 'hallowed' name of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.

Since when have you see them stop doing this, even in the face of terrorist atrocities ??

So, Pete, when you talk of 'dishonourable ones', remember, the Left sees NO UPPER LIMIT to the numbers it'll see maimed or worse, all to further the fiction that ALL must be tolerated, sanitised, in the name of their precious political 'correctness' imperatives.

01-02-2019, 11:30 AM
The reason Trump isn't getting his money is political you dumb fuck. That is what I mean.
Well that might be what you call it, ass wipe, but the rest of us see it as nothing more than pure, 100%, butt hurt leftist dumbfuckery. For the most part, President Trump has been very successful at erasing the damage their kenyan messiah did to America, and he's run rough shod over them, so yeah, they're BUTT HURT. OBSTRUCT is the only thing democrats can do, and that's what they have been doing... RESIST.

Sounds like you have the butt hurt leftist dumbfuckery going on yourself, jerk off.

01-02-2019, 11:56 AM
The Left fall over themselves in their enthusiasm to support, for example, 'ethnic minorities' (... for that, chiefly read Muslims) in all that they want and demand. This they do in the 'hallowed' name of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.

Since when have you see them stop doing this, even in the face of terrorist atrocities ??

So, Pete, when you talk of 'dishonourable ones', remember, the Left sees NO UPPER LIMIT to the numbers it'll see maimed or worse, all to further the fiction that ALL must be tolerated, sanitised, in the name of their precious political 'correctness' imperatives.

Are you saying genocide and political correctness are equivalent evils?

01-02-2019, 11:57 AM
Well that might be what you call it, ass wipe, but the rest of us see it as nothing more than pure, 100%, butt hurt leftist dumbfuckery. For the most part, President Trump has been very successful at erasing the damage their kenyan messiah did to America, and he's run rough shod over them, so yeah, they're BUTT HURT. OBSTRUCT is the only thing democrats can do, and that's what they have been doing... RESIST.

Sounds like you have the butt hurt leftist dumbfuckery going on yourself, jerk off.

So you complain about libs resisting when your entire presidents legacy is simply dismantling the previous admin? Real visionary there.

01-02-2019, 12:17 PM
Are you saying genocide and political correctness are equivalent evils?

Are you seriously asking this ??

The one can, of course, lead to the other !!!

Take the extreme examples of Left-wing totalitarian regimes. The more ruthlessly dictatorial the leader, the greater the insistence upon thinking and speaking as the Almighty State requires of you.

STALIN, for example: as Left wing as can be imagined, you dared not speak up in an un-approved of fashion, on HIS watch !!

So tell me, if you can, that people he wielded power over, didn't die IN THEIR MILLIONS ....

Today, we have a more 'creeping' version of political correctness. Speak up against Muslims .. and PC imperatives insist that the act is 'racist' (... even though Islam isn't even a race !!). Tag Muslims with terrorism ... even though most of today's terrorism on this planet is done 'in the service of Islam' ... and this is one almighty 'no-no' to PC adherents.

Thousands of worldwide terrorist atrocities later, and the PC brigade are STILL unrelenting in their demands to not 'demonise' Muslims. Many will even insist, in defiance of Islam's entire blood-soaked history, that Islam is 'a religion of peace'.

.... So. Do you seriously not think that, today, such a 'PC' climate aids terrorist cells ?? Cells who may kill .. HOW MANY people, given the chance ?

YOU tell ME ...

Wake up, Pete, and get a grip on unsanitised reality.

01-02-2019, 01:29 PM
Are you seriously asking this ??

The one can, of course, lead to the other !!!

Take the extreme examples of Left-wing totalitarian regimes. The more ruthlessly dictatorial the leader, the greater the insistence upon thinking and speaking as the Almighty State requires of you.

STALIN, for example: as Left wing as can be imagined, you dared not speak up in an un-approved of fashion, on HIS watch !!

So tell me, if you can, that people he wielded power over, didn't die IN THEIR MILLIONS ....

Today, we have a more 'creeping' version of political correctness. Speak up against Muslims .. and PC imperatives insist that the act is 'racist' (... even though Islam isn't even a race !!). Tag Muslims with terrorism ... even though most of today's terrorism on this planet is done 'in the service of Islam' ... and this is one almighty 'no-no' to PC adherents.

Thousands of worldwide terrorist atrocities later, and the PC brigade are STILL unrelenting in their demands to not 'demonise' Muslims. Many will even insist, in defiance of Islam's entire blood-soaked history, that Islam is 'a religion of peace'.

.... So. Do you seriously not think that, today, such a 'PC' climate aids terrorist cells ?? Cells who may kill .. HOW MANY people, given the chance ?

YOU tell ME ...

Wake up, Pete, and get a grip on unsanitised reality.

You are delusional.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-02-2019, 04:25 PM
You are delusional.
No he is not, he is right on the mark.
You , you SOB are the damn delusional azz-hole and as is all of your ffing kind out there.--Tyr

01-02-2019, 04:46 PM
No he is not, he is right on the mark.
You , you SOB are the damn delusional azz-hole and as is all of your ffing kind out there.--Tyr

says the guy wanting to mass murder people

01-02-2019, 04:50 PM
says the guy wanting to mass murder people

In my opinion, what happens is that folks talk about such things out of anger - but likely want to rid themselves or our society of "liberalism", as if it were a disease (and very well may be!). But genocide, literally going out and killing liberals because we disagree with them? Not me, that's for sure. And I only speak for myself, but I have a suspicion that the others writing in this thread would see things. But they can speak and/or clarify for themselves.

In other words, you can live, petey!! I don't want you dead, my friend, I just want to rewire your brain a little, if possible. :laugh:

01-02-2019, 05:03 PM
Delusional! He listen's and watches PMSNBC, and CNN too much.




Black Diamond
01-02-2019, 05:10 PM
In my opinion, what happens is that folks talk about such things out of anger - but likely want to rid themselves or our society of "liberalism", as if it were a disease (and very well may be!). But genocide, literally going out and killing liberals because we disagree with them? Not me, that's for sure. And I only speak for myself, but I have a suspicion that the others writing in this thread would see things. But they can speak and/or clarify for themselves.

In other words, you can live, petey!! I don't want you dead, my friend, I just want to rewire your brain a little, if possible. :laugh:

He and the rest of the leftists could just leave the country and then we wouldn't have to worry about what Tyr means.

01-03-2019, 11:17 AM
At this point in Time, BOTH SIDES are too highly Polarized.

The Left Hates Trump and wants to impeach him and get him out... Not even wait for the election..

The Right has become as bad as the left with the Rhetoric and the chest thumping.

Both Sides are convinced that theirs is the one TRUE WAY...

Here is a hint people.... BOTH ARE WRONG

since 2001 the left and right have taken up the same tactic. Character assassination.

NOBODY deals with issues
NOBODY Seeks consensus
NOBODY listens to the electorate that put them in office.

The Left and Right cant agree on even simple things anymore... Government is at a Standstill.

Our elected officials feel safe and protected in their positions. They have become the American version of the Houses of Commons and Lords... The very thing we fought to free ourselves from 242 years ago..

It has to stop... NOW... For the sake of this country it must end.

BOTH SIDES need to go back to the last time that both Left and Right actually worked together.

Both Sides need to pull back from the Fringes and move to the Center where they can reach consensus on the issues that matter to this country.

We need the Blue Dog Democrats and the Rockefeller Republicans to reassert their control of their respective parties.

We need the Nelson Rockefeller's, Lowell Weicker's, Zell Miller's and Joe Lieberman's back....

The Left and Right are BOTH purging themselves of their moderate elements...

In that direction lays folly....

01-03-2019, 11:54 AM
At this point in Time, BOTH SIDES are too highly Polarized.

The Left Hates Trump and wants to impeach him and get him out... Not even wait for the election..

The Right has become as bad as the left with the Rhetoric and the chest thumping.

Both Sides are convinced that theirs is the one TRUE WAY...

Here is a hint people.... BOTH ARE WRONG

since 2001 the left and right have taken up the same tactic. Character assassination.

NOBODY deals with issues
NOBODY Seeks consensus
NOBODY listens to the electorate that put them in office.

The Left and Right cant agree on even simple things anymore... Government is at a Standstill.

Our elected officials feel safe and protected in their positions. They have become the American version of the Houses of Commons and Lords... The very thing we fought to free ourselves from 242 years ago..

It has to stop... NOW... For the sake of this country it must end.

BOTH SIDES need to go back to the last time that both Left and Right actually worked together.

Both Sides need to pull back from the Fringes and move to the Center where they can reach consensus on the issues that matter to this country.

We need the Blue Dog Democrats and the Rockefeller Republicans to reassert their control of their respective parties.

We need the Nelson Rockefeller's, Lowell Weicker's, Zell Miller's and Joe Lieberman's back....

The Left and Right are BOTH purging themselves of their moderate elements...

In that direction lays folly....

Sounds reasonable on the face of it ... but, all this begs a rather important question ...

.. just how far should the Right go, to appease the Left ?

Americans voted to have Trump as their leader, their President. Trump has never, to my knowledge, been a natural appeaser ... YET ... the American public liked what they saw in him. Which surely suggests that a harder-line Right in American politics fits well with what The People would prefer.

01-03-2019, 11:58 AM
Sounds reasonable on the face of it ... but, all this begs a rather important question ...

.. just how far should the Right go, to appease the Left ?

Americans voted to have Trump as their leader, their President. Trump has never, to my knowledge, been a natural appeaser ... YET ... the American public liked what they saw in him. Which surely suggests that a harder-line Right in American politics fits well with what The People would prefer.

Did you forget the house flipped in historic fashion? Does that mean nothing?

01-03-2019, 01:42 PM
Pretty dang odd, once again.

Chucky Schumer is extremely adamant and against a border wall. All the democrats stand against the proposed wall. And why, when they so very recently stood similarly to that of Trump?

The fact that these words were fairly recent, and these people speak confidently, and stand wholeheartedly against ILLEGAL immigration. Through the 90's and much thereafter, the democrats stood against illegal immigration and supported border security out the wazoo.

And 'ol Chucky was a lead speaker, apparently.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NLMa_TcZ4kWhat I find ridiculous is the left in general going along with "Government by obstruction". The only progress being made is in areas the Dems can't get to. Yet.

Black Diamond
01-03-2019, 01:49 PM
Did you forget the house flipped in historic fashion in 2010? Does that mean nothing?

Fixed. And no we didn't forget.

01-03-2019, 01:57 PM
At this point in Time, BOTH SIDES are too highly Polarized.

The Left Hates Trump and wants to impeach him and get him out... Not even wait for the election..

The Right has become as bad as the left with the Rhetoric and the chest thumping.

Both Sides are convinced that theirs is the one TRUE WAY...

Here is a hint people.... BOTH ARE WRONG

since 2001 the left and right have taken up the same tactic. Character assassination.

NOBODY deals with issues
NOBODY Seeks consensus
NOBODY listens to the electorate that put them in office.

The Left and Right cant agree on even simple things anymore... Government is at a Standstill.

Our elected officials feel safe and protected in their positions. They have become the American version of the Houses of Commons and Lords... The very thing we fought to free ourselves from 242 years ago..

It has to stop... NOW... For the sake of this country it must end.

BOTH SIDES need to go back to the last time that both Left and Right actually worked together.

Both Sides need to pull back from the Fringes and move to the Center where they can reach consensus on the issues that matter to this country.

We need the Blue Dog Democrats and the Rockefeller Republicans to reassert their control of their respective parties.

We need the Nelson Rockefeller's, Lowell Weicker's, Zell Miller's and Joe Lieberman's back....

The Left and Right are BOTH purging themselves of their moderate elements...

In that direction lays folly....
This will never happen. The only movement towards an agreement the left ever embraces is when the right caves and they get their way.

If you want to preach moving towards the center, then you need to talk to the democrats.

01-03-2019, 01:58 PM
So you complain about libs resisting when your entire presidents legacy is simply dismantling the previous admin? Real visionary there.
The kenyan's legacy NEEDED dismantling. The nation was practically in RUINS after his GARBAGE... his FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION that the nation RESOUNDINGLY REJECTED.

01-03-2019, 02:07 PM
At this point in Time, BOTH SIDES are too highly Polarized.

The Left Hates Trump and wants to impeach him and get him out... Not even wait for the election..

The Right has become as bad as the left with the Rhetoric and the chest thumping.

Both Sides are convinced that theirs is the one TRUE WAY...

Here is a hint people.... BOTH ARE WRONG

since 2001 the left and right have taken up the same tactic. Character assassination.

NOBODY deals with issues
NOBODY Seeks consensus
NOBODY listens to the electorate that put them in office.

The Left and Right cant agree on even simple things anymore... Government is at a Standstill.

Our elected officials feel safe and protected in their positions. They have become the American version of the Houses of Commons and Lords... The very thing we fought to free ourselves from 242 years ago..

It has to stop... NOW... For the sake of this country it must end.

BOTH SIDES need to go back to the last time that both Left and Right actually worked together.

Both Sides need to pull back from the Fringes and move to the Center where they can reach consensus on the issues that matter to this country.

We need the Blue Dog Democrats and the Rockefeller Republicans to reassert their control of their respective parties.

We need the Nelson Rockefeller's, Lowell Weicker's, Zell Miller's and Joe Lieberman's back....

The Left and Right are BOTH purging themselves of their moderate elements...

In that direction lays folly....I mostly agree with your assessment. As a solution. As a hope? Nope. History dictates we will just continue marching left into the abyss. We can join the Greeks, Romans, et al in the pages of someone's history lessons as democracies/republics that died at their own hands. A lot of good teaching history has done when we have failed to learn from it.

01-03-2019, 02:16 PM
The kenyan's legacy NEEDED dismantling. The nation was practically in RUINS after his GARBAGE... his FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION that the nation RESOUNDINGLY REJECTED.

huh? all economic indicators were good as he left office and you do know trump lost the popular vote right? soooo.....

Black Diamond
01-03-2019, 02:20 PM
huh? all economic indicators were good as he left office and you do know trump lost the popular vote right? soooo.....

And popular vote means nothing, right? Soooo........

01-03-2019, 02:22 PM
And popular vote means nothing, right? Soooo........

It means Obama wasn't resoundingly rejected, that is my point. Trump won systematically.

01-03-2019, 02:28 PM
It means Obama wasn't resoundingly rejected, that is my point. Trump won systematically.

and now Trump is your president...aint this Constitutional Republic grand!

Black Diamond
01-03-2019, 02:29 PM
It means Obama wasn't resoundingly rejected, that is my point. Trump won systematically.

The most qualified candidate in American history lost to the guy with absolutely no experience and it had nothing to do with Obamas policies. Ok.

01-03-2019, 02:30 PM
It means Obama wasn't resoundingly rejected, that is my point. Trump won systematically.Obama should be doing time in Joliet. ANd Hitlery most assuredly was resoundingly rejected.

Black Diamond
01-03-2019, 02:30 PM
and now Trump is your president...aint this Constitutional Republic grand!

I love it. Prevents people from ignoring flyover country . As we clearly saw.

01-03-2019, 02:39 PM
and now Trump is your president...aint this Constitutional Republic grand!

somehow you think I'm debating against the system, I am not, get over yourself

01-03-2019, 02:41 PM
The most qualified candidate in American history lost to the guy with absolutely no experience and it had nothing to do with Obamas policies. Ok.

Trump won systematically, more people voted for Hillary. ok?

01-03-2019, 02:44 PM
somehow you think I'm debating against the system, I am not, get over yourself

LOL... I like myself a hell of a lot better than I like you libs. Sure sounds like you are complaining about the system to me but you tell yourself whatever you need to to make it through another day.

01-03-2019, 02:44 PM
Trump won systematically, more people voted for Hillary. ok?Still crying?

01-03-2019, 02:44 PM
huh? all economic indicators were good as he left office and you do know trump lost the popular vote right? soooo.....
Ummm... no... Pete... don't even try that lame bull shit. I COULD post link after link after link showing how ABYSMAL the kenyan's economy was... "those jobs just aren't coming back," and how the economy is now SMOKING under President Trump, but you'd just ignore it.

And there's also proof that Hitlery did NOT win the popular vote, and I can prove that too, but you'd also ignore that.

How do I know you'd ignore it, because you wouldn't have made those two ASININE claims had you not ALREADY ignored the proof.

You need to wake up and smell the coffee, son. You leftists and your lame fake claims need refreshing.

I'm surprised you didn't call me a RACIST.

01-03-2019, 02:45 PM
Trump won systematically, more people voted for Hillary. ok?

Yep, and some of them were even alive and voting legally....

Black Diamond
01-03-2019, 02:46 PM
Trump won systematically, more people voted for Hillary. ok?

She lost when she was supposed to win over 400 electoral votes per the msm . Something you can't come to terms with. And your hero Obama called it the biggest upset in political history. All these excuses coming from you who said i don't understand electoral math.

01-03-2019, 02:46 PM
Still crying?
sit down gunny, you might hurt yourself

01-03-2019, 02:47 PM
you guys are real good at living in an alternate reality

Black Diamond
01-03-2019, 02:47 PM
Still crying?

I am wondering if his truckload of tissue he ordered November 8-9 2016 has run out yet.

Black Diamond
01-03-2019, 02:48 PM
you guys are real good at living in an alternate reality

Yeah we need to get on the Russia rigged the election train.

01-03-2019, 02:57 PM
I am wondering if his truckload of tissue he ordered November 8-9 2016 has run out yet.

nah feeling pretty good now we got the house back

01-03-2019, 02:58 PM
California and Los Angeles County to Remove 1.5 Million Inactive Voters from Voter Rolls – Settle Judicial Watch Federal Lawsuit


01-03-2019, 02:59 PM
nah feeling pretty good now we got the house back
Not for long. You've already started fucking it up on day one.


01-03-2019, 03:08 PM
nah feeling pretty good now we got the house backShouldn't be. Most House Dems couldn't pass the test to get into the military. All they are doing is putting that fact front and center. I've YET to see or hear from a single Dem representative I'm not smarter than. And that's not doing any bragging on my part.

Y'all just suck that bad :)

Black Diamond
01-03-2019, 03:16 PM
you guys are real good at living in an alternate reality

Yeah. Trump didn't win. Hillary is president right now. As the magazine cover says.

01-03-2019, 03:25 PM
this has been fun guys but I got to get back to work, cya later

01-03-2019, 03:32 PM
Shouldn't be. Most House Dems couldn't pass the test to get into the military. All they are doing is putting that fact front and center. I've YET to see or hear from a single Dem representative I'm not smarter than. And that's not doing any bragging on my part.

Y'all just suck that bad :)
Here's your TYPICAL DEMOCRAT displaying his GENIUS... and these are the people little pete looks up to... this fucker couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel... DEMOCRAT...


Black Diamond
01-03-2019, 03:36 PM
Here's your TYPICAL DEMOCRAT displaying his GENIUS... and these are the people little pete looks up to... this fucker couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel... DEMOCRAT...

I admire the admiral for his professionalism. I am not against Marijuana. But congressmen shouldn't be smoking it immediately before session.

01-03-2019, 03:40 PM
I admire the admiral for his professionalism. I am not against Marijuana. But congressmen shouldn't be smoking it immediately before session.
POT? Hell this fuck acts more like he's on ACID, and little pete acuses conservatives of living in an ALTERNATE REALITY. Well WHAT in the FUCK is JOHNSON living in? He's no conservative, and he's in OUTER FUCKING SPACE.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-03-2019, 06:08 PM
So you're saying you'd love to genocide liberals but won't because of a law? Yeah, you are really :salute:. You want to murder tens of millions of people but libs are the filthy dishonorable ones. You are so fucked in the head dude.

You ignorant piece of unholy scum-sucking rat shit, I know how to type genocide and would have if that was what I said.
Do try to say that shat to my face, ok? you ffing maggot!! -Tyr

01-04-2019, 11:29 AM
Trump won systematically, more people voted for Hillary. ok?

If you're not debating against the system, as you claim, then -- you must accept it. In which case, you accept the process whereby the American People voted Trump into Office.

So ... you've nothing to carp about, Pete; nothing to question. Accept your Leader, accept his authority, accept the Will of the People, as expressed through a voting system accepted throughout America.

Did I say ... STOP CARPING ... ? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

01-04-2019, 08:01 PM