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View Full Version : Acosta Proves Border Fence/Wall Works

01-10-2019, 11:26 PM
Well, the jerk showed up miles from the 'action' and inadvertently shows the
Wall / Fence concept works:


"...as you can see, no signs of migrants...."

Of course Not FOOL! It is working there! Head to San Diego /Tijuana!
See the FACT for yourself!

01-10-2019, 11:53 PM
He really is a smug, arrogant & stupid little douche.

01-10-2019, 11:54 PM
Well, the jerk showed up miles from the 'action' and inadvertently shows the
Wall / Fence concept works:


"...as you can see, no signs of migrants...."

Of course Not FOOL! It is working there! Head to San Diego /Tijuana!
See the FACT for yourself!

Measured it. A difference in 1213.8 Air Miles..

What a douche!

01-10-2019, 11:57 PM
This is a lesson in how to sound stupid while looking serious and wearing your sunglasses. :laugh:


01-11-2019, 05:27 AM
The videos go on to show that the steel slate fence is linked together by a chain wire fence a few foot tall most adults would be able to step over with no issues, yeah?

01-11-2019, 07:02 AM
The videos go on to show that the steel slate fence is linked together by a chain wire fence a few foot tall most adults would be able to step over with no issues, yeah?

I think you missed the point entirely.

01-11-2019, 07:28 AM
I think you missed the point entirely.

The point being ‘see, the fence works’ without going on to say ‘the fence also happens to be 3 foot tall for stretchs’

01-11-2019, 09:52 AM
The point being ‘see, the fence works’ without going on to say ‘the fence also happens to be 3 foot tall for stretchs’

And at a minimum - that's why many of us say that they need fixing. Those stretches and at likely easier stretches, are where folks and drugs get through. These "asylum seekers" surely aren't going to the offices where they're supposed to go to apply.

The majority that get through do so at places where there is a shitty fence, broken fence or barrier, and areas where they can climb over. THAT is what needs fixing. Will it keep every person out? Of course not. But it WILL severely minimize folks and drugs coming through the illegal way - and prompt folks truly seeking asylum to go to those offices to be accounted for.

And unlike what another person wrote in another thread - it's not even remotely "women and children". Sure, some are there - but more like young men lead like 10x1 for any woman or child, perhaps more. I've seen endless footage of the caravans and you just see thousands of guys and barely any women at all.

Build/Fix the wall.

5 billion is absolutely NOTHING compared to what democrats have spend on pet projects in the past 2 decades alone.

01-11-2019, 09:57 AM
And yes - there are a lot of examples of the fencing working or not working, same with steel barriers - so any libs can save the lame comparisons, I'm aware.

My CONCERN is over what we KNOW is getting through via ppl and drugs. This is 100% undeniable. Building a wall only serves to minimize, even if it doesn't work 100% - although I believe it would be highly successful just like such barriers are in most countries that have them. It fights illegals and it fights drugs. The amount of money spent on illegals YEARLY is about $100 billion dollars. Minimize some of that BS and it all pays for itself. - But of course, as from the beginning, take care of Mexico another way and watch the money also made back the easy way. :)

01-11-2019, 10:06 AM
A couple of years old, but the concept is the same. And I think the money is closer to $100 billion per year rather than 148, but again, for the discussion here, the concept is the same. And what is that? - illegals cost us a TON of money, and that by reducing these numbers, we save money. Doesn't take a genius to figure this out.

A lot more in the article at the link provided and a lot of backup links.


Illegal Aliens Cost The US $148 Billion A Year, The Border Wall Costs $21.6 Billion

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall—not a fence—along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a relatively low-cost deterrent, and will staunch the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico. Furthermore, it will act as a powerful symbol which cannot easily be destroyed by subsequent administrations.

Although walls are a simple and time-tested strategy—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so too did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—the project has been under attack from the mainstream media. They claim that (1) the wall will be prohibitively expensive, (2) that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy, and therefore there’s no reason to deport them, and (3) that the wall won’t work.

Of course, as is so often the case, the media is objectively wrong on all three points. Let’s look at the facts.

How Much Will Trump’s Border Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.

The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border? We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

To begin with, Senate leader Mitch McConnell say Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most, and that the final cost will likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security. It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end the Huffington Post reports that the wall will cost roughly $40 billion. This estimate is based on a study done by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Given the likelihood of cost overruns when it comes to government construction projects, this high figure cannot be completely ignored.

In any case, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost imposed on American taxpayers by illegal immigrants. In fact, illegal aliens cost the State of California alone over $30 billion a year, and cost Texas $12 billion annually. California could pay for the wall by itself with the money it shells out in welfare for its illegal alien population—never mind the rest of the country.

The Annual Cost Of Illegal Immigration to America? $148 Billion.

In calculating the cost of illegal immigration, the first question we must ask is “how many aliens currently reside in America?” In all honesty, no one really knows—they’re undocumented.

All I can give you are some estimates. On the low end, Pew Research estimates that the number of illegal immigrants in the US is roughly 11.1 million—this number tracks fairly closely with official government figures.

On the high end, estimates peg the number of illegal aliens in the US at roughly 30 million people. This number has been proposed by conservative author Ann Coulter, who based the figure off of banking and remittance payment records, government service demand, and migration projections from the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Frankly, I think the math makes much more sense with the high estimate, but in the interests of neutrality, we will proceed with the low estimate of 11.1 million illegal aliens.

Given this assumption, illegal immigration costs America some $148 billion annually—not to mention the other economic problems it causes, like wage stagnation and unemployment for American workers. The costs break down as follows:

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimates that the federal government spends a total of $28.6 billion on illegal immigrants annually. This figure includes expenses like educational subsidies ($2.1 billion), healthcare costs ($5.9 billion, of which $750 million goes to Obamacare subsidies), and justice costs etc.

While this is significant, the brunt is born by local and state governments, which pay $93.3 billion annually. The bulk of this is education for illegal immigrants and their children, various welfare programs (particularly subsidized housing), and policing.

After adjusting for inflation (the FAIR report is a few years old) as per Bureau of Labor Statistics, we can estimate that the US government spends some $125 billion on illegal immigrants annually. This is slightly mitigated by the fact that migrants contribute $14.9 billion in federal, state, and local taxes (inflation-adjusted).

In addition to government spending, illegal aliens drain America’s wealth vis-a-vis remittances (money sent abroad by someone working in the US). This is no paltry sum: remittances sent by illegal aliens cost America $38 billion a year. This money is drained from local economies, and is part of the reason so many areas of America’s southwest are facing a liquidity crisis.

All totaled, illegal immigration costs America roughly $148 billion annually.

“But We Need Illegal Immigration To Grow The Economy”

Liberals often justify their fetish for illegal immigration along economic lines, arguing that: “we need illegals to do the jobs Americans won’t do”. This is patently untrue, and is easily debunked by the simple fact that America’s labor market is far from saturated.

In fact, fewer than 150 million Americans (out of a population of 320 million) are employed—either part or full time. Furthermore, there are 23 million Americans currently looking for work, that is, twice the number of illegal aliens in the country. Even if we assume that every illegal alien was employed, replacing them with American workers would still leave 11 million Americans unemployed.

Rest - https://nationaleconomicseditorial.com/2017/02/24/cost-trump-border-wall/

01-11-2019, 10:12 AM
The point being ‘see, the fence works’ without going on to say ‘the fence also happens to be 3 foot tall for stretchs’

Focus Noir! Where is he standing? By an established tall barrier, not a low-slung fence that is a source of trouble.

01-11-2019, 10:19 AM
DHS proved a couple days ago that you could easily saw through the steel slate wall with a saw from home depot.

01-11-2019, 10:39 AM
DHS proved a couple days ago that you could easily saw through the steel slate wall with a saw from home depot.

Any barrier can be gotten through given the resources. But that isn't the point, and you know it. Or perhaps you don't because clearly you are as stupid as you are dishonest.

It takes TIME to cut through a steel fence, even more time if you would then have to traverse through a roadway and then cut through another fence to actually get into the US.

Ask yourself this, why was the Secure Fence Act passed in 2006 and not built?

01-11-2019, 10:44 AM
All these things are great to know ahead of time and fix!

I like the one that is all steel, can't see through it, and the top is rounded so that no hooks or any way at all to climb or get through.

Put that up, along with the sensors and all that jazz in addition, and of course border patrol - likely save billions per year.

We spend $50 billion per year in foreign aid - others should start helping and reduce our costs.

Some of these are decent, others wasteful, and I don't blame Dems alone for all of these. Like mice in the marshlands. :rolleyes: the amount of pet projects/pork alone costs so much more. They are worrying about paying, but not already worried about what we are wasting.

If they were truly worried, they could cut without harming, and then have plenty for security/protection.


“Rural Utility Service.” This program costs taxpayers $8.2 billion/year and has no actual purpose after its original intent — bringing electricity to rural communities — was long ago achieved. It’s now being used to bring broadband access to small communities (usually with populations of less than 20,000). However there’s no indication the “beneficiaries” of this expensive government agency actually appreciate the program and the majority of its projects are not completed on time or within budget.

Sugar Subsidies. America, as Democrats frequently intone, faces a health crisis. What they don’t tell us is that it’s largely of their own making, as Congress subsidizes the production of unhealthy foods like sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. Eliminating sugar subsidies alone would save $6 billion, enough to fund the border wall; it would also have the added benefit of helping curb the nation’s obesity epidemic.

Community Development Grants. These grants were created in the 70s to revitalize failing American cities. The program has almost always been plagued with dysfunction, with grants going to wealthy communities and other recipients failing to produce accountability or results. Citizens Against Government Waste reports that even President Obama called for reining in the program. It’s elimination would save $15 billion over 5 years.

The United Nations. As the United Nation’s largest contributor, the U.S. in 2016 donated $10 billion to the U.N. As CAGW notes, reducing these contributions just 25 percent would create a savings of $12.5 billion over 10 years. Of the money Congress appropriates for the United Nations, 5 million taxpayer dollars are itemized for abortions in foreign countries.

Amtrak. Congress could sell Amtrak to the private sector where it would almost certainly be operated more efficiently, but instead it’s showered in billions of dollars of taxpayer subsidies. Over the next five years, these subsidies will cost $9.7 billion.

Unused Real Estate. Congress appropriates money to maintain federal real estate that’s not actually being used. Per CAGW, an October 31, 2017, CRS report found that, “In FY2016, federal agencies owned 3,120 buildings that were vacant (unutilized), and another 7,859 that were partially empty (underutilized).” Current laws require the government to undergo a series of steps before considering a sale of these buildings. Were selling this unused property prioritized, the 5-year savings are estimated at $15 billion. Simply maintaining the unused buildings annually costs $1.7 billion.

Foreign Aid. American taxpayers currently spend more than $50 billion a year helping develop foreign countries. Many of the recipients are not known for being America’s closest allies — such as Egypt, South Sudan, Uganda, South Africa, Russia, the Congo, Sudan, and Zambia — which raises the question of what Americans are receiving in exchange for all of this aid. Cutting these donations back just 10 percent would be enough to fund the wall.

Waste, Fraud, and Abuse. The Government Accountability Office estimates taxpayers are spending more than $137 billion annually on “payment errors,” which covers all manner of waste, fraud, and abuse within Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The feds could implement the same kind of fraud protections credit card companies used to ensure against abuse, but don’t. In fact, Congress has gone in the opposite direction, winding down the program intended to police fraud within Medicare, the so-called Recovery Audit Contractor. In other words, Congress is knowingly funding tens of billions of dollars of fraud annually.

Despite many of of the above projects having arguably negative value, Congress continues to fund them. Eliminating any one of the above would create more than enough savings to fund the White House’s border wall appropriation request.

Of course, other smaller federal spending projects are even more wasteful. Examples abound, but here are a few that are at least amusing:

The feds spent $613,634 to boost “intimacy and trust” of transgender women and their male partners (The Washington Free Beason)
The feds spent $5 million paying hipsters to stop smoking and then blog about it (as well as use cool anti-smoking swag — like beer koozies). (Readers Digest)
Northwestern University has received more than $3 million in National Institutes of Health to watch hamster fights. “Some of those experiments involved injecting hamsters with steroids, then putting another hamster in the cage to see if the drugged rodents were more aggressive when protecting their territory. This program has since been halted following protests from animal rights activists,” Readers Digest reports.
The feds spend $1,009,762 training “social justice” math teachers (The Washington Free Beacon)
“The government spent at least $518,000 in federal grants to study how cocaine affects the sexual behavior of Japanese quails,” Readers Digest reports.
The Federal Register is legally required to be printed daily and distributed to Congressional offices despite most never being read and all of the information being available online. Stopping this unnecessary printing would save $1 million a year.


01-11-2019, 10:46 AM
Any barrier can be gotten through given the resources. But that isn't the point, and you know it. Or perhaps you don't because clearly you are as stupid as you are dishonest.

It takes TIME to cut through a steel fence, even more time if you would then have to traverse through a roadway and then cut through another fence to actually get into the US.

Ask yourself this, why was the Secure Fence Act passed in 2006 and not built?

It WILL bring down the numbers of illegals. It WILL bring down numbers of drugs coming through that border. It will and should save money on what illegals would further cost going forward without a wall.

The billions and billions spent yearly aren't a joke. And that doesn't even cover the drug issue and what that ends up costing our country.

01-11-2019, 10:59 AM
Focus Noir! Where is he standing? By an established tall barrier, not a low-slung fence that is a source of trouble.

If you watch more than the clip in the linked story you’ll see he walks from the ‘established tall barrier’ to the ‘low slung fence’.

01-11-2019, 11:04 AM
DHS proved a couple days ago that you could easily saw through the steel slate wall with a saw from home depot.
I work with steel, I've worked with a lot of steel in my life time, so I've also worked with a lot of tools used to work with steel, I know what it takes to CUT steel, and how difficult it is cut through THICK steel, and I can tell you right now, NOTHING is going to just BREEZE THROUGH 3/4" thick STEEL. It's going to be one hell of a "saw," and it's NOT going to be HAND POWERED. It's going to need ELECTRICITY, because it's going to be a POWERED TOOL, and even then, it's going to have to really work to get through that much steel, it's NOT going to be EASY. The other way it appears this "fence" was cut through was with a TORCH. I have a torch, and no one is going to "carry" that around. It's two bottles of compressed gas and they're HEAVY, VERY heavy, so it's not something a bunch of illegals are going to be able to kart miles and miles through the desert and then just abandon, because they're also expensive.

Bottom line, whatever TOOLS you think you're going to use to "cut" this fence, they're going to be CONSIDERABLE, and HEAVY, and going to need ELECTRICITY, so what are the illegals going to do, kart a GENERATOR with them too? You know how heavy those are? So if WHOEVER has plans to breach this wall, it's going to be quite an operation because it's not going to be EASY, so that's going to give B.P. a lot of time as far as monitoring the wall. They'd probably catch whoever in the process before they're able to get through it, because it's also going to attract a lot of attention. It's going to be a major process.

So you're little FAKE NEWS "proof" puff piece is a load of BULL SHIT. No Joe Schmoe is going to waltz into Home Depot and buy a little HACK SAW or something and SAW THROUGH THE WALL as they would have you believe, but don't think I didn't notice that they did NOT show them ACTUALLY CUT THROUGH the wall... oh no... because then they'd have had to show how DIFFICULT it was, and WHAT THEY ACTUALLY USED, not to mention WHAT SIDE they cut through FROM. Ya, they wouldn't DECEIVE us and cut through from the side they obviously WOULDN'T HAVE ACCESS TO would they? Oh noooo... not the FAKE NEWS LEFT. It's just more FAKE NEWS DECEPTION CRAP from the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

01-11-2019, 11:13 AM
I work with steel, I've worked with a lot of steel in my life time, so I've also worked with a lot of tools used to work with steel, I know what it takes to CUT steel, and how difficult it is cut through THICK steel, and I can tell you right now, NOTHING is going to just BREEZE THROUGH 3/4" thick STEEL. It's going to be one hell of a "saw," and it's NOT going to be HAND POWERED. It's going to have to need ELECTRICITY, because it's going to be a POWERED TOOL, and even then, it's going to have to really work to get through that much steel, it's NOT going to be EASY. The other way it appears this "fence" was cut through was with a TORCH. I have a torch, and no one is going to "carry" that around. It's two bottles of compressed gas and they're HEAVY, VERY heavy, so it's not something a bunch of illegals are going to be able to kart miles and miles through the desert and then just abandoned, because they're also expensive.

Bottom line, whatever TOOLS you think you're going to use to "cut" this fence, they're going to be CONSIDERABLE, and HEAVY, and more than likely going to need ELECTRICITY, so what are the illegals going to do, kart a GENERATOR with them too? You know how heavy those are? So if WHOEVER has plans to breach this wall, it's going to be quite an operation because it's not going to be EASY, so that's going to give B.P. a lot of time as far as monitoring the wall. They'd probably catch whoever in the process before they're able to get through it, because it's also going to attract a lot of attention. It's going to be a major process.

So you're little FAKE NEWS "proof" puff piece is a load of BULL SHIT. No Joe Schmoe is going to waltz into Home Depot and buy a little HACK SAW or something and SAW THROUGH THE WALL as they would have you believe, but don't think I didn't notice that they did NOT show them ACTUALLY CUT THROUGH the wall... oh no... because then they'd have had to show how DIFFICULT it was, and WHAT THEY ACTUALLY USED. It's just more FAKE NEWS CRAP from the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

Well stated.

And there are also areas that are just crappy fence, and we know that there are areas that are more susceptible to illegal entry than others. The better the wall/fence/barrier - the less chance of some wanting to try that area and/or to be successful.

Now, some will say - "what about women or children, or folks seeking asylum?"

What about them? Walls to keep out illegals have nothing to do with folks coming the proper routes to apply for asylum. Or is it that some that KNOW they won't qualify will prefer to come in illegally? Of course. All the legal folks that want to come here, and are willing to not break the law - nothing changes for them, other than the ability to break the law.

01-11-2019, 11:33 AM
Well stated.

And there are also areas that are just crappy fence, and we know that there are areas that are more susceptible to illegal entry than others. The better the wall/fence/barrier - the less chance of some wanting to try that area and/or to be successful.

Now, some will say - "what about women or children, or folks seeking asylum?"

What about them? Walls to keep out illegals have nothing to do with folks coming the proper routes to apply for asylum. Or is it that some that KNOW they won't qualify will prefer to come in illegally? Of course. All the legal folks that want to come here, and are willing to not break the law - nothing changes for them, other than the ability to break the law.

Jim , fully 80% of the folks who actually DO show up for asylum hearings (we're talking about those who came up through Mexico only) were denied asylum once they had their hearings. This is a well known fact. These people show up here and either just don't show up for their hearings , a few of them self deport once caught, or they have their hearing and are denied asylum. Wanting a better economic circumstance is not a qualification for asylum.

So, to recap, out of the estimated 10% who actually do attend an asyum hearing, 80% are denied asylum.

01-11-2019, 11:38 AM
I work with steel, I've worked with a lot of steel in my life time, so I've also worked with a lot of tools used to work with steel, I know what it takes to CUT steel, and how difficult it is cut through THICK steel, and I can tell you right now, NOTHING is going to just BREEZE THROUGH 3/4" thick STEEL. It's going to be one hell of a "saw," and it's NOT going to be HAND POWERED. It's going to need ELECTRICITY, because it's going to be a POWERED TOOL, and even then, it's going to have to really work to get through that much steel, it's NOT going to be EASY. The other way it appears this "fence" was cut through was with a TORCH. I have a torch, and no one is going to "carry" that around. It's two bottles of compressed gas and they're HEAVY, VERY heavy, so it's not something a bunch of illegals are going to be able to kart miles and miles through the desert and then just abandon, because they're also expensive.

Bottom line, whatever TOOLS you think you're going to use to "cut" this fence, they're going to be CONSIDERABLE, and HEAVY, and going to need ELECTRICITY, so what are the illegals going to do, kart a GENERATOR with them too? You know how heavy those are? So if WHOEVER has plans to breach this wall, it's going to be quite an operation because it's not going to be EASY, so that's going to give B.P. a lot of time as far as monitoring the wall. They'd probably catch whoever in the process before they're able to get through it, because it's also going to attract a lot of attention. It's going to be a major process.

So you're little FAKE NEWS "proof" puff piece is a load of BULL SHIT. No Joe Schmoe is going to waltz into Home Depot and buy a little HACK SAW or something and SAW THROUGH THE WALL as they would have you believe, but don't think I didn't notice that they did NOT show them ACTUALLY CUT THROUGH the wall... oh no... because then they'd have had to show how DIFFICULT it was, and WHAT THEY ACTUALLY USED, not to mention WHAT SIDE they cut through FROM. Ya, they wouldn't DECEIVE us and cut through from the side they obviously WOULDN'T HAVE ACCESS TO would they? Oh noooo... not the FAKE NEWS LEFT. It's just more FAKE NEWS DECEPTION CRAP from the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

I have no doubts that the cartels and or coyotes have the resources to cut through a steel barrier, but common sense tells us that no barrier is full proof.

However, this stupid argument from the left just furthers the point. When you have people who are willing and able to devout the resources to cut through a steel damn barrier, how can you with a straight face claim "there is no crisis?"

This is , of course, the problem liberals always have . They hold no principles, recognize no facts , and thus their arguments are all over the place and nonsensical.

01-12-2019, 11:51 AM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-12-2019, 12:44 PM
He really is a smug, arrogant & stupid little douche.
So typical of today's modern democrats!! A well engineered product( by the ffing dem party) of our indoctrination centers, called public schools. A fact.. -Tyr