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View Full Version : As to the wall, and Trump's campaign promise

01-11-2019, 12:16 PM
1st - he has kept MANY of his promises. The wall was a signature promise. He is working hard to accomplish this right now. He's trying to get funding any way imaginable. Perhaps on the verge of using emergency powers. The Dems are working OT to obstruct this, and Trump doesn't have full support from republicans, although some strong support from those who do.

If this fails to happen - then as far as I'm concerned I'll never want to read a peep from anyone again on the issue as to him not keeping a major promise. The issue will have been taken out of his hands.


I recall in the past a discussion about using defense spending funding and having it built in another manner. Considering, what, defense budgets of usually around $700 billion? I'd have to look up most recent numbers. Somehow via the Pentagon?

That way also wouldn't need any declarations, just pure spending of what was already appropriated.

01-11-2019, 12:23 PM
Another angle of what I was thinking:

White House Lays Groundwork to Declare National Emergency to Secure Border Wall Funding

White House lawyers are laying the groundwork to declare a national emergency to secure funding for the border wall.

According to Fox News, the White House has directed the Army Corps of Engineers to see if it can divert money to funding the border wall from disaster funding.

CHAD PERGRAM: Fox confirms White House directs Army Corps of Engineers to see if it can divert money to border wall from disaster funding bill to cover wildfires in California, hurricanes in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico.

The emergency funds would come from the Pentagon’s budget for disaster relief and construction projects that have previously been approved by Congress but not yet spent.

According to the Washington Post, Trump asked the Army Corps whether construction could begin within 45 days.

White House lawyers are preparing a legal defense — something that the President has anticipated which is why he has been addressing the nation about the crisis on the border and attempting to negotiate with Democrat leaders.

President Trump has the backing of many Republican allies including Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham who called on Trump to use emergency powers to build the wall.

“Speaker Pelosi’s refusal to negotiate on Wall/Barrier funding – even if the government were to be reopened – virtually ends congressional path to fund Wall/Barrier,” Graham said Thursday.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/01/white-house-lawyers-laying-groundwork-to-declare-national-emergency-to-secure-border-wall-funding/

01-17-2019, 12:11 PM


01-17-2019, 09:47 PM

01-17-2019, 11:16 PM

It it's in an image, then it must be true!

01-17-2019, 11:24 PM
It it's in an image, then it must be true!

Mr. Denial strikes again with a one-liner that cannot refute FACT!

Go to the border and adopt some illegals, sponsor them and move
them into your home to care for them, aid them; Mr Bleeding heart socialist.

All of the time ignoring they will never apply for citizenship legally.

Go ahead. Man up and adopt a bunch to live off your tax dollars and ours!
Let them try to drain Social Security and other programs they did not invest a dime into.

Go ahead, liberal snowflake...put up or shut up.

01-17-2019, 11:35 PM
It it's in an image, then it must be true!
It's another little pedo Pete drop turd comment... minus any refuting.

Don't you ever get tired of looking like a putz? Or are you too stupid to know you are a putz?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-18-2019, 06:30 AM
It it's in an image, then it must be true!

I suspect that you have no clue just how vehemently you and your ideology is despised by truly decent Americans.
Or just how totally your views are unpatriotic and deserving of such utter contempt.
Or just how deserving you and your views are for justice to one day be delivered unto such..
Only your little dark horned buddy down below, protects you ffing maggots, IMHO.--Tyr

01-18-2019, 09:21 AM
It's another little pedo Pete drop turd comment... minus any refuting.

Don't you ever get tired of looking like a putz? Or are you too stupid to know you are a putz?

And your stupid image drop is any better, how? At least I typed out words. What's the source for any of those claims, do you even know?

01-18-2019, 10:05 AM
And your stupid image drop is any better, how? At least I typed out words. What's the source for any of those claims, do you even know?

What's the source of your supposed 'disbelief' ?

Sheer, self-serving preference ?

If you don't believe what you've read, back up that disbelief with a firm basis for it. Prove the 'image drop', as you call it, wrong .. if you can.

You can't, though. Can you ?

01-18-2019, 10:53 AM
What's the source of your supposed 'disbelief' ?

Sheer, self-serving preference ?

If you don't believe what you've read, back up that disbelief with a firm basis for it. Prove the 'image drop', as you call it, wrong .. if you can.

You can't, though. Can you ?

The onus is on the one making the claims to back them up with a source. I have two jobs. I'm not going to spend my day fact checking your stupid meme images you rip from twitter.

01-18-2019, 11:01 AM
And your stupid image drop is any better, how? At least I typed out words. What's the source for any of those claims, do you even know?

I've posted, almost guaranteed, TONS of FACTS about illegals in the past, and all kinds of statistics. All from various federal and state government agencies. You never chimed in the endless amount of times the facts were presented. Why should anyone find/research and post the things and harm the illegals do, when your history only shows one liner responses - if that?

The illegals at minimum cost the USA about $100 billion per year. AND GROWING. that alone is a good enough reason to a) put up a wall and guard our border appropriately, and finally uphold all of our laws. and b) good reason to also continue to come down hard on illegals within our borders as well, and more so, the companies that willingly hire them, and they all bypass taxes.

01-18-2019, 11:03 AM
The onus is on the one making the claims to back them up with a source. I have two jobs. I'm not going to spend my day fact checking your stupid meme images you rip from twitter.

Again, such things HAVE been posted here many a time.

I'll bet I can PROVE that at least, let's say 5 posted fairly recently (haven't researched yet, just a bare minimum post from last few months) - AND that you read said article/post (yes, all recorded) - and didn't prove/question the FACTS then. So why should anyone waste their time doing any research for you, knowing they will get ignored aka hit with a one liner in return?

01-18-2019, 06:17 PM
And your stupid image drop is any better, how? At least I typed out words. What's the source for any of those claims, do you even know?
Pedo Pete the putz... you're the board pool toy.