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View Full Version : Caravan Forming In Honduras, Could Be Larger Than Previous Attempt

01-12-2019, 03:50 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:30 AM Sat. Jan. 12, 2018Another migrant caravan is reportedly forming in Honduras.
The caravan’s organizers plan to leave for the U.S. sometime next week, and they are using social media as a way to spread the word.
Mexico is already sending hundreds of additional law enforcement agents to its southern border, in anticipation of the caravan.
Mexican officials said migrants who apply for visas will be allowed into the country legally, but that anyone who tries to cross the border unlawfully will be apprehended.
Word of the caravan has reached the U.S. as well, with President Trump saying this is another example of why Democrats need to provide border wall funding.
“A caravan is forming right now in Honduras,” said President Trump. “It’s supposed to be bigger than the other caravans. We will handle that as it comes up. If we had a wall, we wouldn’t have any problems. But we don’t, so we will handle it”.
If the caravan departs as scheduled next week, the migrants could begin arriving as early as mid February.


I STILL say they need to bust these organizers. Mexico, not us needs to stop these caravans.

01-12-2019, 06:54 PM

I STILL say they need to bust these organizers. Mexico, not us needs to stop these caravans.

Yet Jim Acosta and an idiot on this forum proclaim there is no crisis or 'emergency'...

How farkin' BLIND can some be...all for a political stance of denial?

01-12-2019, 07:04 PM
Yet Jim Acosta and an idiot on this forum proclaim there is no crisis or 'emergency'...

How farkin' BLIND can some be...all for a political stance of denial?I consider it nothing less than a foreign invasion of the United States. I would handle it as such, was it me. There would already be US military personnel manning the line, facing OUTBOARD, positioned to do exactly what we have a US military for -- defend the sovereign border of the United States and its citizens.

01-12-2019, 07:17 PM
I consider it nothing less than a foreign invasion of the United States. I would handle it as such, was it me. There would already be US military personnel manning the line, facing OUTBOARD, positioned to do exactly what we have a US military for -- defend the sovereign border of the United States and its citizens.

That, in fact, is what it is. You don't wait for them to arrive on our doorstep, then act.
Pre-position with a show of strength and defiance and make them think twice.

Farkin' liberal Democrats do nothing but obstruct and put our Land at risk with their
childish stubbornness - Just Because They Don't Like Trump.

Well I don't like Pilosi or Schumer, but does that mean I would break Federal Law
to prove a point. No Way, snowflakes!

01-12-2019, 11:44 PM
I consider it nothing less than a foreign invasion of the United States. I would handle it as such, was it me. There would already be US military personnel manning the line, facing OUTBOARD, positioned to do exactly what we have a US military for -- defend the sovereign border of the United States and its citizens.

Exactly ..nothing else needs to be said...besides wake up and smell the coffee....Invasion is real...

01-13-2019, 01:39 PM
Mexico has a tiny little choke point near the southern tip of their country. They could stop these invasion marches far easier than anyone else can... and they should.

If I was President Trump, I'd tell Mexico, you stop this, period, or you can kiss any future aid from the U.S. goodbye. We'll even come down and help you if you want, but they HAVE to be stopped.

01-13-2019, 03:07 PM
It would seem that OAS is no longer functional or is turning a worthless blind eye
to this mess:


Abbey Marie
01-13-2019, 03:25 PM
Would Mexico accept our troops at their border to stop these caravans?

Do we give them aid which we can use as leverage?

01-13-2019, 06:04 PM
But.....but....but....Nancy, and Chucky, With CNN, PMSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Young Turks, DNC, Antifa, BLM, NAACP, CAIR, Gov of California, Mayor of New York, Oprah, and the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT CONGRESS have told us...."THERE IS NO CARAVAN DANGER!"


01-13-2019, 07:26 PM
Would Mexico accept our troops at their border to stop these caravans?
Can't hurt to ask.

Do we give them aid which we can use as leverage?



01-14-2019, 04:03 PM
I consider it nothing less than a foreign invasion of the United States. I would handle it as such, was it me. There would already be US military personnel manning the line, facing OUTBOARD, positioned to do exactly what we have a US military for -- defend the sovereign border of the United States and its citizens.

As was explained to me on another board years ago, an organization called the National Guard isn't trained to guard the border LOL

Not to mention the very obvius fact that the US Army itself is quite good at guarding borders. Just ask South Korea.

01-14-2019, 04:30 PM
As was explained to me on another board years ago, an organization called the National Guard isn't trained to guard the border LOL

Not to mention the very obvius fact that the US Army itself is quite good at guarding borders. Just ask South Korea.
The big difference is on the Korean border our forces are allowed to SHOOT. They should be on our southern border.

Sure there'd be a huge hoopla over feeding a few some lead pills, but it sure the hell would put an end to it once they knew they'd get SHOT.

And before little Pete or another board leftist wonders if I condone shooting unarmed people, if they're attacking our borders troops with rocks and shit and trying to storm our border to illegally enter our country, then yes, you're damn right I do.

01-18-2019, 12:29 PM
Mexico is allowing this to happen. There needs to be punishment in return, IMO, and get Mexico to pay for the wall as originally stated. With them constantly allowing everyone and anyone free passage through to the USA - I would raise tariffs and anything else that can be raised until they put a halt to it at their southern border. They are likely laughing at us with every illegal that goes on by, knowing what's going on with the funding struggle. I saw videos this morning of many folks on their way from Honduras and Guatemala.

Leave them in Mexico just like the last set of idiots. Not one gets through and man the fences to ensure so. If they want to claim asylum, let them go to the appropriate places to do so.


The Mexican government opened its southern border to a thousand illegal immigrants in a caravan to the United States.
The border was wide open to the caravan as it continued its way to the United States.


01-18-2019, 12:49 PM
I think it's $15B in aid to Mexico the Dems were willing to fork over while $0 for the wall.