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View Full Version : Sen. Cruz: Democrats Forcing Partial Government Shutdown To Appease Their Base

01-12-2019, 04:12 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:57 AM PT — Friday, January 11, 2019Senator Ted Cruz is blaming the partial government shutdown on — what he calls — the most radical and extreme members of the Democrat Party.
During an interview with the Daily Caller Friday, the Texas lawmaker said Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are being held captive by far-left Democrats.
He claimed Democrats are filled with hatred and anger for President Trump and are politicizing the shutdown.
“It’s important to note, Schumer and Pelosi’s objection to the wall is not subsitive, it’s not based on policy,” he stated. “Schumer and most of the Democrats have voted previously for $40 billion, over $40 billion, in funding for border security and building a wall, they voted for it in the past — their problem is political.”
Senator Cruz went on to say Democrats are forcing a shutdown to appease their base.


Good thing I voted for Captain Obvious, here :laugh:. I agree with him. Our elected officials are having a pissing contest at our expense. The Dems are wrong and need to back down. Real damage is being done to real people while they piss and moan and act like daycare students.

01-12-2019, 06:51 PM

Good thing I voted for Captain Obvious, here :laugh:. I agree with him. Our elected officials are having a pissing contest at our expense. The Dems are wrong and need to back down. Real damage is being done to real people while they piss and moan and act like daycare students.

If there's a 'good' side to this, I'm hoping it'll persuade many US citizens who'd have thought otherwise, that the Dems cannot have their interests at heart .. that their hatred for Trump is so great, they'd rather ignore ordinary people in the pursuit of political point-scoring.

01-12-2019, 06:54 PM
If there's a 'good' side to this, I'm hoping it'll persuade many US citizens who'd have thought otherwise, that the Dems cannot have their interests at heart .. that their hatred for Trump is so great, they'd rather ignore ordinary people in the pursuit of political point-scoring.

I don’t think it’ll particularly change much - most leaning one way or the other will see the blame on the other foot, those not interested will as likely remain uninterested.

01-12-2019, 07:01 PM
If there's a 'good' side to this, I'm hoping it'll persuade many US citizens who'd have thought otherwise, that the Dems cannot have their interests at heart .. that their hatred for Trump is so great, they'd rather ignore ordinary people in the pursuit of political point-scoring.It's happened before. Carter's Administration was so bad Democrats left in droves. Whether or not any present wish to agree with it, Donald Trump is a direct result of the Obama Administration.

If I was a disinterested, political "nothing", I would take note of the behavior of the Democrats. I don't like bad behavior. Theirs is over the top.

01-12-2019, 07:23 PM
I need to interject something here. When Nancy Pelosi says that building the wall is immoral or when Alexandra Ocasio Cortez says the building the wall us racist, what are they implying?

Just this... Nancy Pelosi is telling us that she is moral and AOC is telling us that she is not racist .... as if they were Moses coming down from Mount Sinai.

That’s the Left for you, they think they have the Morals Market cornered .... and what do they do? Shut down the government, undermine our Republic and lie through their teeth

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-12-2019, 07:29 PM
I don’t think it’ll particularly change much - most leaning one way or the other will see the blame on the other foot, those not interested will as likely remain uninterested.

I'd like to think that Americans were more influenced by realism than is true over here, Noir. Corbyn's frightening ... getting support just because his policy direction 'sounds right' to some.

This US shutdown is now having a real, and bad, effect on peoples' livelihoods. Show those people - some who'd doubtless voted Democrat before - a Party too interested in feuding with Trump to give a jot about them, & I'd like to think it'll teach a lesson not easily forgotten, or forgiven.

01-12-2019, 07:44 PM
I don’t think it’ll particularly change much - most leaning one way or the other will see the blame on the other foot, those not interested will as likely remain uninterested.

On most topics this may be true, but according to the latest Morning Consult Poll only 12% of all voters don't see a problem on the southern border:


01-12-2019, 07:54 PM
This US shutdown is now having a real, and bad, effect on peoples' livelihoods. Show those people - some who'd doubtless voted Democrat before - a Party too interested in feuding with Trump to give a jot about them, & I'd like to think it'll teach a lesson not easily forgotten, or forgiven.

I’d wager most of those people view trump as the reason for the shut down - not least because of how vocal trump was before the shut down about telling everyone he would shut it down if he didn’t get what he wanted.

01-12-2019, 08:02 PM
I’d wager most of those people view trump as the reason for the shut down - not least because of how vocal trump was before the shut down about telling everyone he would shut it down if he didn’t get what he wanted.He didn't have much choice. Last time he made a deal with Dems and gave them an inch, they took a huge dump on him.

I wouldn't give them shit without what I want either.

01-12-2019, 08:34 PM
I’d wager most of those people view trump as the reason for the shut down - not least because of how vocal trump was before the shut down about telling everyone he would shut it down if he didn’t get what he wanted.

So, are we agreed that the Democrats have been uncooperative, and that it's this continued opposition to efforts to improve the US's national security which is the problem ... something the Dems now want to blame Trump for, when in fact what he's doing is to follow up on an election promise ... ??!?

01-12-2019, 08:54 PM
So, are we agreed that the Democrats have been uncooperative, and that it's this continued opposition to efforts to improve the US's national security which is the problem ... something the Dems now want to blame Trump for, when in fact what he's doing is to follow up on an election promise ... ??!?It's the law. Each elected official has to take the Oath of Office. "defend the United States against ALL enemies ..." They also basically swear to uphold the law. We ALREADY HAVE immigration laws. They're just implemented at the whim of whoever is the power at the time.

These elected officials are supporting ignoring a crisis.

01-12-2019, 09:19 PM
I’d wager most of those people view trump as the reason for the shut down - not least because of how vocal trump was before the shut down about telling everyone he would shut it down if he didn’t get what he wanted.

I'd say that most people "credit" Trump for the partial shut down. Most people that have been paying attention over the past decade understand the game that has been played by the Democrat Party. The only sector of the economy that increased during the reign of the Dear Leader was government. During that period, the Dems greatly expanded their union money laundering operation through the SEIU and in turn saw 8 of the 10 richest counties in the country ring the city of Washington DC. These are the "non-essential" assistant undersecretaries pulling down a quarter million a year that the average citizen simply doesn't give a flying fuck about. In fact, yesterday was the first time in the history of government shutdowns that a regular pay period has been missed. Welcome to the real world you government parasites.

Don't worry about the average productive American, Drummond, we have yet to feel any impact of the shutdown. 80% of the government is on autopilot. The only thing that is chapping the asses of the average taxpayer is the knowledge that after all these Washington bureaucrats return to work, after their extended Christmas vacation, they will all receive full back pay without having done one minute of work.